Endurance Events

Anyone else miss the endurance events?. I was really enjoying them and now they are gone. Why remove them, instead of adding more? . Are we getting more or is that it?. If a dev could respond it would be appreciated. Thanks.


This isn’t the first time and it won’t be the last. It’s how this game has been since launch unfortunately.

Don’t worry, all the update content is temporary (:

Just check any of these threads.



Yes and no.

Yes it’s good to have variety for those that want it

No. You were forced to grind it out with poor AI if you wanted the FOMO rewards.

In short. Add a permanent endurance career series and keep it away from FOMO.

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They should dedicate one-two weeks a month to at least one endurance event. Rotate spec/ open.

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It should be a fixed catagory with protos and GTs

The endurance hoppers I’ve found to be really good.

You don’t tend to get the worst drivers in there. Eg think they can go from the back to 1st within the first few corners then quit when they inevitably crash out.

I wish they would activate the entry class for it where you have to be above A class to race endurance.

Also my biggest gripe.

I think endurance warrants having a full car field. So only for these races you have AI bots as well as players to fill the track up with drivers. So when cars do quit say 20 mins in you are not left with 3 cars of your class racing each other.