Does Turn 10 have any pride in their work?

You can? Where can I buy your game then?

Well I guess you’re putting braindead in your name to good use…

For real though, stop being ignorant, saying that you need to make a game before criticizing another is like saying I need to run for president before talking about politics, see how silly that sounds?


I mean, if you live in a deep red/blue state you could write in your own name and rightly claim that you’ve received more votes for president than 99% of the population :smiley: (if you live in a purple state don’t throw away your vote!)

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Are you saying he can’t complain because he can’t do a better job?


They sure do have pride in their work. I am very much enjoying this game. It is different from earlier games, but then again, every game in the Forza franchise has been different. I just learn what adjustments need to be done in my way of playing and get on with it. I very much have gotten my money’s worth already.

I guess I don’t have a preconceived notion of how the game should be so I am not disappointed when a new game does not match my expectations.

Thanks, T10 for another great game. I am very much looking forward to many more rewarding hours with Forza 7.

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Hands up - I don’t play online very often.

I would also like to see more homologated rivals events than we currently have.

I just think that trying to claim the Devs are not good at what they do is a tad harsh. Hoppers as far as I can recall was a MS decision, so out of T10 hands - so custom public lobbies are a thing of the past.

Homologation presents so many different options - hence low numbers on a load of the leaderboards, that actually having them all as options would probably mean low turn outs in lobbies - I’m no expert but I guess that’s why I play games in my spare time, rather than develop them.

I believe at it’s core it’s a good game, one I’ve enjoyed immensely so far and with things like HLC’s that the community have started running, can go from strength to strength. A lot of what made FM2 great was what the community was able to do with the tools the game provided - not what the developers envisaged when they came up with those tools.

So give it time, see what happens as the game grows and develops and don’t immediately attack things because they are different to past games. Sometimes different is better?


The core has been great since FM5.

It’s the package that’s always been the problem. They still just don’t get it which is baffling. Everyone knows the fixes for most problems from previous games. There needs to be a change at the top with someone who gets it.

Agreed that T10 staff isn’t the problem. They are skilled folks. They do what the can. The issue is and has always been the guys ordering the staff what to do.

Waiting is out of the question. T10 has had 3 tries plus horizons to get it right. The game should be flawless. No excuses. If they were an upstart developer, ok, but this is a big time developer with only 2 game title under their blanket. This isn’t an EA issue where EA got too big to consistently deliver. T10 is small enough to hit grandslams.

Instead they bat .200 and shoot for slightly above average in everything but graphics and physics.


The reason I’m calling them to task is because of how they botched all the easy stuff. Class based hoppers and rivals; 3d models in the car select screen; Lobbies list in the hoppers (instead of just getting dumped into a random lobby). These are just three of the forehead slappers that I can think of off the top of my head. I just get really frustrated when I have about 45 minutes to play, so I go to play multiplaer and I get one race in that time. Too often it takes 5-10 minutes to find a lobby that is nearing the end of its race (usually it’s a lobby that has just begun a race) and then when I finally do find one thats on the last lap I wait the 2-3 minutes it takes for the next race to begin and then the game crashes. Repeat this cycle twice and now I’m out of time and have spent hardly any of it actually playing.


This is a joke right? Homologation narrows the 700 cars in game down to 60 that you can play online and barely modify. So now each race contains 90% of the lobby using the fastest car in that division. Now most people are just driving the same car and it’s made the whole leaderboard cars problem WORSE, not better.


That is complete rubbish.

The fact that 90% of the lobby is using the same car is simply down to the sheep syndrome and that some either cannot be bothered or do not know how to tune. The Homologation is one of the better features of FM7.

I have been extensively tuning various cars in each division and its incredible how closely matched the cars can be when properly tuned. This is great for hotlapping or racing online because your choice of cars is much more extensive than class based.

As a test you tell me which division you are referring to and which car the 90% are using. I can guarantee I shall post 5 top 10 laptimes using 5 different cars!


While it is true the FM7 release has its fair share of issues I would think T10 would have preferred none of the hiccups/oversights to happen more so than the end user. So to start questioning their pride in their work is ridiculous and to call them to task every second day on here is not helpful either. They have more than enough intel from all the previous posts to see where things are heading south considering most of us experience many of the same issues.

A fix for one group may wreck it for another. We call T10 out for all the issues and claim they didn’t test enough then a week later they are not fast enough for us with rolling out patches.

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I can see where Apak is coming from although I may not entirely agree. Forza 5-7 have seemed like a step in a different direction compared to the Forzas from last generation. I dont believe it is limited to just Forza. I feel the new generation console games in general have all embraced a lower standard of product. We as gamers are partially to blame by shelling out millions for pre-orders and more for DLC add-ons. This does not give game developers incentive to deliver a completed product since they already have your money. This game does feel much more restricted and limited in our choices and game play options. I’ve spent so many hours in class based rivals neck and neck with ghosts around miles of tracks with every car imaginable in the past games, this just seemed like a standard. Being able to gift a car or tune to a friend so we can both dial in a setup so we can race against a bunch of A.I. and set fast laps seems to be a thing of the past. The visual and performance aspects of this game are incredible but our freedom and sandbox atmosphere are gone. I feel like at times there is a limited/linear way to play this game and that lack of choice is very disheartening to a hardcore player like myself.


How can anyone draw this conclusion without knowing the full scope of the obstacles the developers are up against?

You’re unhappy with the game features, so be it.
In comparison if you perceive that some isolated features are a step backward from previous games, so be it.
But the lack of response to your questions about Why does not in any way justify concluding malicious or lazy intent or behavior by people you haven’t even met. That’s just bad analysis. If someone included this argument as an example of their work with their resume I wouldn’t hire them. If you want to see improvements, post them in the wish lists. To get petulant about the situation doesn’t merit improving it based on those complaints.


Because when someone in management said “Hey, lets change the car select menu so that all the cars are in 3d” and everyone said “ya, that sounds like it would be nice” but did anybody ask “what level of performance hit is acceptable?” Cause if that question was asked, and the answer wasn’t “there cannot be any performance hit” then that shows either incompetence or a disregard for user experience.

Also, who attaches forum posts to their resumes? lol

It’s probably a good thing they don’t otherwise 90% of people on this forum would be unemployed.


I’d still be in the 10% sweetheart coz even though I am a bit of a brat I am lovable.


LOL. talk about tickets on one’s self. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

^sarcasm btw.


I think you might be right DUST2DEATH. I was out on a pub crawl with my psychiatrist and after she had a tank full she said the same thing.

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Oh good after reading this lot I think I may need to have a chat with her to check my sanity as no sane person would servive reading this dribbel by the MP players once again

I get a lot of fun out of this game do a lot of racing tuneing cars hooning arround the track. I think Turn 10 got it pretty dam close to a very good game, Campaign could do with more races and more Showcases but it is quite good and with over 100 hours of actual ingame racing so far is defently value for money.

Now you are all banging on about the lack of Multi Player but just how many of you are paying for it, just who is paying for the server time not any one who only plays the game on PC that for sure, Now all thoes with Xbox Gold are paying for server access for MP games, From what I understand microsoft run the servers for there games and any one on an Xbox who want to play MP has to pony up the money to play. Now then why dont all thoes on PC who play MP and constently gripe about MP pony up as well. Dont worry it will come in time once the crossplatform games get more numerous.

Now im quite happy that Turn 10 seem to have put a lot more in to the single player aspects of the game and less to the MP for me they could drop it complety and I would not be supprised if they do at some time in the fuctuer. And also I have noticed that MP player have a very bad habbit of thinking that they are speaking for me and every one who has a copy of Forza 7 well you dont you are a minority where this gmae is concerned, it all most all ways the smee small group of people griping about MP, it is amazing that so few people can generat so may identical post all about the same thing lack of Hoppers or all the bad people in thoes hoppers.

So what do I take from all thoes coments MP is a waste of time filled with bad gamers and very few people are interested in MP, the very small minority of gamers that use MP are also under the false belief that this game is just for them and no one alse and they speak for all of us, they believe thay know what is best for the other 95% of players. If you dont use MP you are a total nube who donent know how to race and dont deserve to make any coments about this game as only thoes who play MP know what they are doing and saying, Thoes who Play MP want to control how the rest of us play the game what we drive and how we drive it. Well I say the sooner MP is shut down the better and more rescorces can go in to making a awsom game for single players.

I’d love to know the obstacles of adding AI in multiplayer for example.

I think the Turn 10 employees are extremely talented and excluding this release were known for highly polished and optimised games. I always had immense respect for Turn 10’s work on the 360 and was excited to get back into Forza (I don’t own an Xbox One) but FM7 has a lot of strange design choices. The constant silence from Turn 10 and the refusal to add long requested features only adds to the level of customer dissatisfaction.

I think somebody that’s deciding the direction of the FM series or what goes into the game this time around got it very wrong. Maybe I’m totally wrong and it’s all Microsoft’s fault from forcing an early release date and inclusion of unwanted features, but either way I think it’s fair to say the launch could have been much better.

What’s most frustrating is at it’s core it’s a good game, the car and track list is fairly good and the driving part is good but the overall package is a bit hit and miss.