Currency = Pointless!

I’ll probably be the first to complain but certainly not the last. Does anyone else feel that the credits are pointless? I boot up the game and automatically inherit SIX MILLION! Not to mention the 12 or so cars I also inherited.

Then to top it off, level 2 prize spin and I win another MILLION!

And then I realise that because I have “VIP” status, I win double the credits every race!

The gameplay is absolutely brilliant but I really wish you got a sense of achievement by earning your credits!

Rant over…

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For every one of your position, there are a hundred who want precisely the opposite.

I’d rather see the credits done away with entirely as they are often the root of so many problems with the game but if given the choice of having too many or too few, I’d rather the economy was flooded with credits so as to make them essentially window dressing and less likely to drive certain parties to nefarious ends.


Yes, currency has become meaningless which is kind of a shame. Which in turn makes wheel spins and mod bonuses essentially meaningless.

If most people do not want to be limited by money, then just do away with money all together. Since the update early on in FM5, the economy simply doesn’t make any sense.

Buy all the expensive cars and then sell them to the game so you can build up from scratch. Thats what i’d do if you want to earn everything by the grind to win CR.


From what I can tell you need a lot of credits to get all the different mods. I got 25 million at the start and immediately spent 2.x million on mod packs. They can be up to 300.000 CR each.

I have been saying that currency in Forza has been useless for nearly 6 years now.

The second you can afford expensive cars, there is simply no point to have currency, aside to block you from enjoying the game.

Make it free, make the cars into rewards, upgrades are not organized by price=quality, etc. Just because your Mini Cooper has 600hp, does not mean it is competitive.

By basing the game around money, it feeds into the fact that numbers are the most important part… they are not… skill is. Reward skill, not just 1st place, but overall skill.

Well to be honest I embrace it full on. On F3 /F4 people hacked the game for credits, made ungodly amounts of credits in the AH/SF. Look what happened as a result of credit hacker and abuse. No personal sf, gifting or AH. When players have more access to credits they spent more and play more. Gta5 is the same way. The more you have at your disposal the more you’re going to dispose. Hence playing the game more. I had so many credits on F4 I literally gave away 10s of millions to my friends and strangers. You can call it useless I will call it useful. Rather have to much than not enough to buy the cars I really want.




Yes, this.


I agree with the first part of this.

However, look where we are now.

There shouldn’t be any reason folks hack to get more credits but we still don’t have SF, AH< and gifting. But we have credits coming out of our ears, thus getting the worst of both worlds.

Either there is an economy or not.

Really? Complaining about getting credits? Those credits are a drop in the bucket. Some cars probably cost a lot more than that. You act like they handed you every car in the game or something.


6 million ? I blew that in one night on Mod packs.

Hahah, that is a LOT of Mod Packs WSD! :slight_smile:

I usually just buy the most expensive car(s) so I’m out of money (usually the classic Ferrari’s) and just leave them in my garage for later. I enjoy working for the credits and saving for new cars.

I got 25 million from the start and I thought to myself that’s a nice start, but that’s about it. I can’t buy all the cars with that amount, but I can buy the ones I really like and have a much more enjoyable experience from day one.

What everyone should remember is that at the end of the day you can only use one car per race. So, there’s no reason to complain about it being “easy” to earn credits. If credits were hard to come by someone could still grind out a bunch of races just to have that one expensive car they really wanted. That might be the only car in their garage, but it doesn’t really matter because you can only use one car per race.

Personally I like how many credits Forza gives you, especially the VIP bonus (It’s the main reason I get VIP). I enjoy driving, and more importantly driving the cars I love. I don’t mind having to grind, but I had my share of that with Forza 4 Soccer earning <1000cr per match, no matter how long the match lasted. What I don’t want is to have to drive a starter car I don’t like for hours, just to earn enough to buy a car I do like.

With the good mod packs being 300k each, I’m going to have to disagree there.

Hmmm… Not really understanding this complaint…You are given money and this is bad? 6 million credits isn’t enough to buy all of the good cars and/or mod packs. Plenty of room for grinding to get credits and cars.


I disagree, mostly because of Mods. The more credits you get, the more mod packs you can buy.

If you do not like the feature, you will have more money to spend on cars. Why would that be bad? Would you really want to be short on money, so that you would have to waste time grinding to get a car for the next event?

Oh my! You got rewarded for playing previous Forza titles? Man it sucks to be you!

I dunno, maybe some of you guys don’t get it,. Perhaps it’s just a different play style.

Earlier titles:

  • broke, have a crap car
  • win series to earn some money for upgrades
  • upgrade and try to compete/win series to earn cash
  • upgrade again for the next series,
  • not quite fast enough, better do some tuning!
  • Earn more cash by beating the odds and pushing that car in to first!
  • finally afford that slightly nicer car
  • do another challenge

Forza 5 (and from what it looks like, Forza 6)

  • pick almost any series
  • pick car (game auto upgrades, and you always have enough cash [excluding high end race cars])
  • finish series

Now I know you can play however you want to play, but that tends to be how it goes.

I respect some people prefer this, but I personally feel like half of my motivation / gameplay is completely lost. Unless you’re going for a top end race car that costs millions, credits and tokens are pointless. I’ve got no problem with people hacking game credits, or even an easy mode that does this, just drives me nuts that it’s default is to give you hand outs so easily.