Cars are braking much too hard ?


i’ve played three hours this evening with my wheel and my T3PA PRO pedals and i’ve noted that my cars are braking too hard : i just have to put my feet on the brake pedale to stop the car in 25 meters.

is there a way to calibrate my pedals ?

thank you

If you go to options from the main menu then into the controller selection, their should be an advanced option under the tab for your wheel. This will allow you to configure your “deceleration axis dead-zones”. If your getting full brake pedal application just from tapping the pedal then you want to decrease your inside dead-zone.

Bad idea. Sure it would work but it throws off all feeling when trying to brake gently and you have to mash the pedal because you have a huge deadzone just to make it feel right. If its a calibration issue all you should have to do is press the pedals as far as they go a few times so the game can sense the full range of motion. If that doesn’t work try lowering brake pressure on the car.

Have you “calibrated” your pedals when you first started up the wheel by pedal dancing a few times? I have the same pedals and haven’t noticed anything. Not sure which platform your playing on though.

Are you doing this just after you have plugged in the wheel or when you are in the FM7 menus ?

I do this after the wheel has calibrated, and before I start my first race of the session just for peace of mind.

I have only notice the braking problem on the xbox side, on pc the braking is pretty smooth but the game keeps crashing at random times on pc

I’ve noticed this issue also with my TX. It seems to happen if I alt-tab out of the game and back into it. Restarting a race makes it go away (which was annoying because I was 9 laps in)

I have set up the pedal range on “15-95”. It seems to be better, but i can’t be sure : I just tried but I was not in good conditions (impossible now to install correctly my wheel because I work in my home, so I was not in front the wheel ^^). I will give a try this afternoon.

on fanatic wheels if you turn Brf(Braking Force) off it fixing the braking problem and range 5-95 makes braking pretty smooth