People are using a glitch in the game(Forza Motorsport 8 ) to steal other people’s designs and vinyl groups BE CAREFUL OR UNSHARE EVERYTHING
keep an eye on horizon 5 too
I already found a link on reddit and other forums of people commenting on it.
Here are some screenshots from the game where my Joker design has already been stolen and another screenshot shows that they copied a design from HiddenMissile
My Gametag: venom50th
IMPORTANT This is not the tool for importing to the PC, people download the vinyl group, do the glitch and become the new “authors of the design” and can even edit and change the vinyl group however they want.
I spoke to one of the people who stole one of my drawings and he told me how it’s done, I already reported the process via ticket. (I will not post here or anywhere specifically how it is done)
I recommend you unshare all your vinyl groups otherwise you want to have everything copied!!! I’ve already done this with mine, for some drawings it was too late as they had hundreds/thousands of downloads.
THIS IS HAPPENING ON FORZA MOTORSPORT 8 but I thought it was important to post this here so we can keep an eye on Horizon 5 too
Well, become a Steam player, people can’t steal your imported liveries/vinyls if you can’t import liveries.
Thanks, will unshare some of mine now. Did you put in a support ticket?
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Yes, I’ve already opened a ticket and I’m collecting the names of the players who copied my vinyl groups to report them too.
Below is a screenshot of all my vinyl groups that I shared in the game, but unfortunately I believe they won’t do anything because I already suffered from this in Forza Horizon 4 and nothing has been done to date.
The worst thing is that the Motorsport 8 bug/glitch lets people even edit things…like forza horizon 4 bug in the past
In my opinion, the only way to fix this is for them to delete everyone’s files from the game because automating who copied what from who will be impossible and this has to be quick, before these players discover how to import this into old Forzas.
screenshots that prove that this has already happened to me in Forza Horizon 4 in the past
Sheesh - that’s a whole new level of ignorant to share something that’s a blatant copy. If there are no consequences, though, it will continue to happen rampantly.
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like I said this happened to me in Forza Horizon 4 (where I couldn’t figure out how people did the glitch).
and it’s happening now with everyone in Motorsport 8 and where I managed to find out how they are doing the glitch.
At the time of Horizon 4 / beginning of Horizon 5 I almost stopped playing Forza because of this, since my main focus in the game is drawing and it’s quite discouraging to have your work easily in the hands of anyone with bad intentions.
Thanks for making us genuine painters aware of this glitch.
I am in the process of unsharing all of my best vinyls right now.
I’ll only be leaving certain stuff on, mostly basic logo stuff.
I have had my art stolen before and this is just another smack in the face for all those that take the time to create art in the first place.
The glitchers on the other hand will have a field day with it as usual.
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The biggest problem for the developers now is that perhaps the only solution will be to delete the vinyl group files and designs of everyone from Motorsport 8 as it has been more than 10 days since the game was released (for full edition) and almost a week to normal edition.
The point is if these glitchers manage to transfer these stolen vinyl groups to other editions of Forza and if they take too long to fix things, the painting community will die as we will all lose trust in each other and in the game
To conclude, in my opinion this could never happen, it only happened because whoever developed and tested the game was an amateur, that is the truth, the game is rushed and unfinished in all aspects, calling this version of the game a Beta version would be a compliment. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for them not to be able to fix this glitch/bug with all the information I gave them via ticket.
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I probably do more painting than racing these days on Forza and if the Devs continue down this road it could lead to me jacking these games in.
Is this happening only with vinyl groups or liveries as well?
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as far as i know iits only happening with vinyl groups
Christ in a china pot! Are you still in here moaning and flogging that old horse?!
For the record to anyone who reads this absolute twaddle and sees my gamertag and design up there linked to this utter tosh!
That Hatsune Miku was painted by eye in FH4 from scratch using an images openly sourced through Google!!! (it’s a well known search engine, you should try using it sometime eh?)
Anybody that knows me, my gamertag and my work knows that I’ve never used an exploit or glitch to create in either FH4 or FH5!
Christ on a motorbike! I was a community leader that ran design competitions endorsed and supported by T10!
I was an admin on a T10 supported fb group that had over 9k members and proved to you when you suggested this twaddle before that my Hatsune Miku was painted by eye and entirely differently to yours! The only thing that’s the same here is the Forza colour palette!
You do not own the rights to any image openly sourced through Google or any other website! You also to not have exclusive right to any logo or image freely available to be downloaded on any public Forza game.
Kindly keep my name and reputation out your paranoid ramblings man!
the story is I made that hatsune miku in Forza Horizon 4.
In Forza Horizon 5 or 4 you found me on Facebook and invited me to your “group” days later my design appeared copied with some changes to the hair SO YOU don’t know that I always leave small marks in the form of specific layers in my designs, which If someone copies me I will know.
I know your type, now you’re going to hide behind a Facebook group that you created to give you some merit or an air of superiority, I know what I’m saying, you’re fake!!!
You never proved anything to me, what happened were attacks from you and certain friends that only made me furious and made me stop playing Forza at the time.
I’m not going to waste my time with you, you JUST came here to try to distort this topic.
Nah I came in here to shut down your psychotic rambling about glitches and importing after being informed by people that matter!
( There were changes in the hair… )
You just proved my points for me!
It’s like someone painting the Mona Lisa with a moustache and then Leonardo claiming some dude just photocopied it and started claiming it as is.
Get over yourself and your delusions matey…
My input here is done. (wave)
My design on the left and “yours” on the right
01 - original image there are no circles on hatsune miku’s dress, in my drawing I added some FUNNY you too and it was still the same number of circles hmmmmmm
02 - I chose to make the shadow of the dress on Hatsune Miku’s skin with curved lines and not with triangles (as in the original) FUNNY you thought the same thing (or maybe you copied something that already existed in the game)
03 - On the strap of the dress there are yellow details in the shape of waves in the original FUNNY, just like me you use circles.
04 - In the original there is a shadow below the mouth, I didn’t do it Wow, neither do you
05 - You used exactly the same number of white circles on her eye that I used, which is different from the original if YOU PAY ATTENTION
06 - In the original there is a shadow that covers the right eye and goes to the nose, I didn’t do it, neither do you
07 - Details of shadow and light in the hair above the left eye are different in general from the original, WOw you chose the same number of layers and positions as MINE to make these details WHAT A COINCIDENT.
WANT MORE??? Should I talk about the exact same colors???
About Harley Quinn’s design ALL DESIGNS of Players with the gametag grincheux95 ARE COPIES from other players.
If I’m as crazy as you say and that there is no glitch/bug in Motorsport 8, then why am I able to open and edit this Scorpion design from icerabbitdesign.
Design that everyone knows is his.
I will delete the design before you say anything, unlike you I have morals and ethics.
I just feel sorry for people like you who think they have power just because they created a group on a social network and think they can persecute and make fun of others.
have a good time.
I also raised a ticket last week about this,still not heard anything yet though!
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I checked last night and I have had stuff stolen through this glitch, stuff designed in a specific manner not like an exact original from Internet.
I hopefully have protected as much of my stuff as possible by taking all my best stuff down.
I only have what I class as very basic stuff on now which is an absolute shame.
I almost feel like I am letting my followers down as I have never had such a basic selection available to them in the past.
I do count myself lucky though as some of you have had extremely amazing art stolen.
Sad though when a car that has the top spot in a search category features stolen art. I found that out last night with my art being the feature.
I have already opened two tickets reporting this bug and several others that I found, so far one has been without a response for 2 days and the other for 5.
This had to be a high priority on their part, because if this bug continues and players are able to import these drawings into old Forzas, it will be the end of the game’s painting community.
I personally won’t share anything else about this game because I dedicate hours and hours to drawing and someone comes and steals my drawing to talk about it with a straight face… and this has happened several times to me and other designers, just not realize who is stupid or doesn’t want to see.
I have the same feeling, it’s very sad because there are people who have followed me for years and my xbox messages have had several people asking me to share my drawings but unfortunately I won’t do it
Several of my drawings have already been stolen in Motorsport 8 due to this glitch.
In my opinion, they should delete the data of all players in the game because it is certain that many people who stole vinyl groups did not share them to stay “hidden” and not be reported.
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