Bring back 10+ lap races/endurance racing in Career Mode (Forza 6)!

What, no General Forza Talk subforum? Anyway…

Dear Turn 10 Developers.

3 laps or 2-4 minutes is NOT a race. Forza should not be called a “racing game” for these races. I haven’t really enjoyed a Forza Motorsport or Horizon game since Forza 3, really, since the developers removed ENDURANCE races from the series. I know we can do endurance races via the Online or Split-Screen Multiplayer, but playing against other people means getting run off the road and humongous first-lap-first-turn crashes by incompetent drivers. Nowadays, races in every “racing sim” or “racing” game in general seem restricted to 5 laps or less, and are pretty much “Get Into First Before The Race Ends” kind of thing. Races aren’t about getting into 1st place; It’s about getting into first and defending it for as long as you can, with PIT stops. Allow pit stops to cause a mistake or two that factor into who wins. Sure, the Formula One series from Codemasters can do that, but that’s only a Formula One game, with a small car “selection”. At least I can do 50-75 laps WITH AI. Can’t do that in Career Mode, not since Forza Motorsport 3. 17 laps of LeMans? only in Forza 3 (not counting the once-a-year endurance lobbies for the various events coinciding with real events, like Indycars at Long Beach for 2 hours; 2 hours of LeMans, etc).

Pretty sure i’m the only one who likes endurance racing in FM… le sigh


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