Can we get an option to raise the limit of laps in free play to 100? or even better 500 laps

I love endurance races at home with my friends, but the only negative about it is the max amount of laps. can you please raise the the max amount of laps in free play? make it 500 laps or something. I have some of my favorite circuits, and the max is 50 laps. thats only about 1u30 min or less. we want to race an endurance race in free play for about 8hours. Can you guys please make this happen? Would mean a lot to me. Thank you very much and congrats on another great racing game!

I wouldn’t count on it happening, but you could do 50 laps on the 'ring? Depending on your lap times/car that could be a solid 6 hours.

why in the world would you want 500 laps?? that would literally be a few days on some tracks

500 laps would be good on the Brickyard or on small tracks like Prague short.

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I remember i did a 24hour (real time) race with 2 friends a time ago (other game) and it was awesome! i just love endurance races. and in free play, you don’t have to but i can with some friends. everybody happy. The only challenge at the moment is 50 laps on the ring. afther that there’s nothing left (for me anyway) of a challenge. I want to make my own challenge, 500 laps with damage. lets see if i can make the finish.

The ring full circuit can take about 9-10 min so at 50 laps that is over 8 hours. If you have that kind of free time to want to spend even more than that on a game, hat’s off to you. There is also the issue of credits and xp. XP is capped at a max base of 300,000, once you race enough laps to meet the max all the rest are really just a waste of time, in my opinion, as their is no gain to keep one race going after cap when you can finish and repeat. I get that your purpose is different I just don’t think there is enough of a desire for extended distance. Not to mention the chance of your system locking up and dumping due to some issue. I had to pause a race several times over 2 days and when I finally crossed the finish line the game froze and I got dumped out to system main page and when I restarted it was like the race never happened.

Some 6, 12 or 24 hour races would be awesome, but unlikely going to happen with the health/safety issues.

^This. Nail on the head.

It’s a lawsuit waiting to happen, man.

500 laps?

I think I’d pit in on 50 and commit suicide at the thought of another 450…lol.

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same here… start to hate Sebring as example after 20 laps and to know only 60 more is killing me :slight_smile:

I think 200 laps at Indy and Daytona would be pretty cool, if you are into that actual time it takes sim-thing…I know I would do it…the endurance INDY 100 is ok but sucks you can’t use your own car or tune the loaner but that’s another thread I believe. I was a little disappointed that Lemans didn’t go from day-night-day at least like some other game, I believe it was GT6 that did that but it has been awhile…
Happy New Years BTW!!!

50 laps of the ring is a good >6hrs worth of racing. Although I don’t really see a reason for there to be a limit in free play… if someone wants to waste their life doing 5,000 laps of Road America why stop them? It can’t be a huge issue to remove the limit.

Personally I get sick and tired of lapping the same track after about 2 hours. The Le Man endurance showcase was a novelty for the fact that is was dark, but it soon wore off and I found myself getting sleep in the darkness.

I did the Sebring 300 just recently, which takes about 3 hours, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wouldn’t mind seeing and option to set up longer races at all. I would welcome it really.

If this was accompanied by the ability to save the race mid-race, then I’d be fine with it.

If it wasn’t, then I’d be really concerned about people’s lives.

By the way, I admit that I devoted six and a half hours of my life just to get this sick platinum icon for the guitar in Rock Band 2. In other words, I completed the “Endless Setlist” (84 songs, no saving and quitting, but you can try to not pause if you want an extra 25G or a bronze trophy depending if you’re a 360/PS3 user, but that doesn’t matter on PS2/Wii (which was the platform I was on) on expert guitar on Rock Band 2.

I’ve done this too, but rock band is vastly different than forza, for example you get a small break in between each song and depending on the instrument even breaks during songs. with racing the only breaks you get are pitting and that’s only if you have that option. I usually race with no damage so I don’t have to pit just to make the races faster, I don’t have a lot of free time these days lol.

50 laps on daytona are 35 min racing es and 40 + min in Indianapolis. Why some people here have something against I can’t understand. Only because some are bored after 20 laps doesn’t mean that other people don’t like endurance races. It’s a request for a option. To bring the ring as example is not fair because it’s a big difference between the ring where I need 6 minutes and daytona oval where in need 34, 5 seconds for one lap.
But the chances are very low that turn 10 change that option. But this one of the little examples why other a lot of players turn they back to forza. People want decide how they want to play the game. I cant understand why I can run a indy 500 race whith 200 laps.

I’d love to be able to do 200 laps at Indy, the speedway, not the grand prix. that is not that long in modern Indy cars.

I’m on board with the idea to increase the Free Play lap limit. At the very least, on certain tracks. For instance, it would be awesome to get to do the 161 laps of the Bathurst 1000 or the 200 of the Daytona 500.

I understand why the limit is in place for tracks like the Nürburgring, but for speedways and shorter circuits, the limits should at least be increased.

Don’t expect that there will be any changes for Fm6. It is increased however in FM7, up to 1000 laps or 24 hours.

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There’s an achievement for 300 miles on the barthurst, that’s ~76 laps, so has to be done over multiple races in the Xbox car. I did 26 laps figuring it’d be about an hour, it was. Used a boost and net 69k, 9 level ups. I’d like to see more laps, but I know it most likely won’t happen.

The lawsuit thing is probably out the window since FM7 has up to 1000