Who has actually completed this Accolade of late?
I must be the unluckiest player in the world in that I have been trying this over the last 5 days and the nearest I’ve got is 2nd Place.
That was only because I wrong-footed a few higher level cars early on and progressed up to L8 or L9 on the odd occcasion and a L10 once.
Been inches away from winning and would have if wasn’t for those little hidden surprises or when the car seems to want to head towards a tree despite my best efforts not to.
Must have done ov er 75 sessions of The Eliminator over the last few days and still no dice, but will still keep banging them in there.
Really find it strange how I manage to hit something in the middle of nowhere and other players manage to go flat out through trees without hitting a thing.
May have to try at 6am and see if it’s a bit quieter then.
I did and it ws no quieter as everyone form other times zones must be online. Doh!
Would be handy if that glitch from FH4 occurred where there was only 6 players, but unfortunately that’s one that didn’t carry over.
Fortunately, I have already completed it. But I know what you mean. I always thought there was no such thing as when someone was sitting in front of a PC and at that very moment puts a tree or a stone with a pen in front of your car. That’s how it works sometimes, really unrealistic.
I thought I was the only person who felt this way with Eliminator. I also seem to run into constant situations where challenging a player has a delayed destination that always ends up in the direction my opponent is traveling. Between the bugs and lack of balance, I only do Eliminator when the weekly event requires it.
I was driving my beetle in 1st place and would have won but, guess what happened?
My beetle stopped dead in its tracks!
Well, actually it hit an invisible wall.
I backed up and tried to go around but, I was being blocked by something from going any further.
Needless to say I came in last place.
I do not remember the exact area but, I know I came out of a small wooded area and there was a dirt road with a couple houses to the left of me.
I was crossing the dirt road and SLAM!!!
The finish line was just yards in front of me over the hill.
I thought it may could be a collision box of one of the houses that was misplaced/shifted in the area due to lag.
I would like to complete the accolades but, they are not laid out for everyone to complete them. And those who say differently are selfish and are full of it!
It would be different if ALL could achieve all accolades with normal gameplay but, this is not the case.
So, Im not worried about it anymore after realizing it is just another failure of the devs in laying out a plan for everyone to complete.
I completed it by accident 3 weeks back. I wanted to complete drive a Lvl 8 9 & 10 car accolades. Started in a beetle as always. Got challenged by a Lvl 5 Porsche and that guy started to drive in opposite direction of destination flag for god knows what reason. Then he got trapped by Teothiuacan temples and I won that 1st race. Then I got his Lvl 5 Porsche. Then I don’t know what came over me. Like a possessed demon, I started to challenge any pour soul who came in my way and with brute force, won every race moving over to Lvl 9 car. Then a Lvl 1. Beatle ran past me and I couldn’t miss the opportunity to crush him/her/they. So challenged that person and won easily to get offered Hoonigan RS 200. That was it my friend…
Last race was piece of cake against bunch of Vochos and Lvl 6 or 7 cars. I had a good rough idea where the final destination point would be and got a good run up during count down. Won with ease with everyone far behind me, Completed bunch of accolades with that victory.
The key here is you have to race Lvl. 4 or Lvl. 5 car in your starting VW. Try to get into Lvl 7 or 8 car for final showdown to have a reasonable chance at this. No need to remain in VW Beetle. You have to upgrade by winning races and not take any car drops.
I know people like to throw around certain people need to be fired or demoted for doing this or that but whoever okayed them adding RWD and FWD cars into this mode probably do need to be reassigned. This is so annoying!
THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! THANK YOU!!! Every single damned game of Eliminator trees grow right in front of me in the middle of crop fields, rocks rise from otherwise-flat ground . . . it’s not just me, thank you for validating my sanity.
…and after almost a week of trying, I’ve only gone and completed that PIMA accolade, “Win a game of The Eliminator without acquiring any car drops”.
My first accolade on my shiny new X-Series console too!
Coincidentally, I ended up doing it driving an ‘X’ too, the lowly BMW X5M of all cars, partly thanks to the guy who was close by at the end who went the wrong way for some reason. LOL
Definitely a large portion of luck, which was probably brought about due to there being a lot of new players who have only played The Eliminator for a day or so after also getting their shiny new X-Series consoles.
Just pleased to have put that accolade to bed now and can go and try the last two Eliminator accolades (Win5 & Win7) and not have to sit next to Level 7 car drops, waiting for a unsuspecting VW Beetle driver to come along before challenging him. LOL
I must have done 70-80 eliminators and have come 2nd and 3rd SO many times. 2nd 3 times in a row at one point.
Few times I’ve been way ahead only to find a tiny rock that flips the car or the branch of the only tree in view and lose.
The best one was when I was 2nd, the person in 1st clearly crashed and I would have took over but nooo, the goddamn train came and cut me off! Annoying but I laughed in the end.
Once I get that one win for the achievement I’m done with this. It’s fun but it’s poorly thought out… the car levels are all over the place, some of the cars completely inappropriate (I guess you could say it’s part of the game but for me, it’s wasting my precious time).
Somehow managed to do this in my first game of the eliminator due to the invisible car bug/glitch where I was challenged by a LVL 3 Veloster or something off spawn and managed to stay in 1st the entire time and upgraded.
Couldn’t find anyone until maybe 25 drivers left and was challenged while cruising around and discovering roads (lol) and this bloke had a LVL 5 Raptor - again I stayed in first the entire time and somehow managed to win without even seeing my opponent the entire time.
Finally was challenged by a LVL 8 or 9 car just before the final race and managed to win as they were invisible.
Final race I was 5/7 for majority of the race but managed to win as I apparently took the best route?
Yeah pretty stoked to cheese it like that after spending god knows how many hours in Horizon 4 trying to tick off this achievement
Well I finally won one. Had a level 7 merc and got a good, clear run to a favourable finishing point (on the motorway). I was confused when I saw 1.7km to finish but the pin was right there… I nearly carried on down the motorway straight past it!
You need luck. I had many tries where i could barely get past lvl 3-4 cars becasue the first race in the VW takes the longest time and by the end of it everybody else has taken a car drop and got up to lvl 5 cars frequently. I came close in a lvl 9 car, but missed the highway and got trapped by a bridge. Next game a centenario challenged me in my lvl 5, but missed the finish, and i just won in front of him by a hair. But the centenario is no fun, so challenged somebody else, got stuck on friggin rocks, only won bc the other one got stuck at exactly the same place. This gave me the funco and this car is the goat, with a proper head start I came first with no challenge, and no more bad luck.
A few steps that are useful imo :
1-start in a place with a lot of players (i go stadium)
2- complete the first duel asap to get lvl 2
3-relentlessly look for players, as the 1st duel brings you deep in the middle of nowhere with nobody around usually…
4-eliminate, rinse, repeat
5-don’t push your luck by challenging cars with many more levels
6-get yourself a good offroad car (no hypercar or racers or anything like that, for example the centenario or ferrari p4 are not so good)
7-always keep yourself oriented, the finish line of duels aims towards the center of the safe zone.
The rest is knowing the general layout of the map (there might be a lake to cross…) and of course a healthy dose of fresh luck. And maybe the funco, too. It’s a little bit nasty being RWD but man it goes ! Twice i’ve had it, twice i’ve won with it.
I wish you good luck !
i thought this was a phenomenal achievement and i can only tell you how hard my heart was pounding in the the final race when i was in 1st approaching the end. ill probably never experience that again and i recommend everyone try it, as frustrating as it can be. it is possible and again so exhilerating when you accomplish it