Auction House in FM7

Since FH3 has it, will FM7? This is a HUGE deciding factor, IMO. YMMV.

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Hopefully, the Legendary Painter jacking up car prices nonsense from FH3 is gone.


I can’t +1 this hard enough, especially since paints can just be ported between games and vinyls between cars.


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Definitely . It’s ridiculous you have to be a legend painter/tuner in FH3 just to sell cars at a higher price. Kinda makes a mockery of being a VIP, something that is actually attainable. It also isn’t what an auction house should be.

Hell, you should be able to put cars on at whatever price you want regardless of status.

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There is no Storefront in Forza Motorsport 7, therefore no Legendary Painters.

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I hope it makes a return


I never reallynbothered with the ‘auction house’ feature, you can easily earn credits in game to get what ever you want.

To me the auction house is so much more than just a way to save some money. It’s about the thrill of selling and buying on auctions. Its fun!


Yeah I can see that suppose I’m getting old and boring lol I’d rather pay more for the convenience and get to spend more time tuning and racing on track. Than sat there waiting 3 mins each turn to see if I’ve been outbid lol

Some never race,all they do is AH,thats it,true story!!

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Wow what a waste, that’s quite sad really lol. It’s not like they can transfer in game credits for cash.

I don’t know if I would call that a waste. To each their own. I liked the AH in Forza 3. I got wrapped up in it. It was fun.

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Some cars can ony be bought from the AH like the last dozen or so Forzathon cars.


True enough but you do get the chance to earn all the cars at least. If I miss one and I really want it, and its worth getting as a good race car then I guess I might use AH. If it’s a limited Forzathon edition like that, that can’t be brought else where then also. But it will have to also be a worth getting as a race car for me to get it. No point getting it if it’s not going to be competitive, you don’t cruise around in Motorsport, unlike Horizon :wink:

Please make the auction house like it was in FM2 and 3. Setting caps hurts players already scraping by. If i believe my car to be worth 1000cr, I should be allowed to sell it at that. If I believe it is a 999m cr car, I would like to sell it for that. Horizon’s daily caps are absurd already. Also, please put a DLC filter for those who don’t have a Master Car Pass


I hope the auction house returns but I’d love to have some improvements. I hated the elite tuner and painter status and I wish we could set the bid and buyout to what we want.


According to interview with Dan, Auction House will indeed be back for FM7, he mentioned they would be handling ‘lessons learned’ with FH3 in their approach to FM7, so assume there will be some changes coming.

It’s in.

Awesome news! I can’t seem to watch the interview right now, but if you guys say it’s in, I believe you. Thanks for cluing me in!

This should tie in nicely with the whole ‘car collecting’ emphasis mentioned in the news piece.