Auction House in FM7

AKA “milking” via DLC…

With 700 cars in game at launch I’m not sold on the car pass. The only pass I own is for FH2 and that was only at 75% off on sale.


I just wonder how many of the 700 are locked behind DLC and so won’t be available through the AH

None, its 700+ at launch all available to be used in career from the beginning.

None. If they say 700+, assume 701 will be there before any DLC.

But some might have to be unlocked via gameplay.

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At least if FH3 is anything to go by, they always threw around “Over 350.” Without any DLC being involved, I think the number actually ended up being closer to 400 cars at launch.

If that trend continues, it’ll be 700+ before DLC.

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If the auction house and store front are back then I have high hopes for clubs.

Everyday I come on the forum and read something that gets me excited for fm7. We have spent 2 years moaning and complaining, thinking that no 1 is listening but it looks like t10 have taken notice.

No news on Storefronts yet I’m afraid.

Livery editing is confirmed (as is the importing of liveries from previous games), but the centralised Storefront from Forza Horizon 3 hasn’t been confirmed.

Livery editing is confirmed (as is the importing of liveries from previous games), but the centralised Storefront from Forza Horizon 3 hasn’t been confirmed.


What do you mean by livery editing?

I didn’t think u could have the auction house without the storefront. It wud make sense to have a storefront where u could auction and sell stuff

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Yes, Dan has confirmed this in an interview. See the link below:


I would assume you’d also have some cars that are awarded via Forzathons if those are to make an appearance…


Bottom of the line there is going to be A LOT of cars on FM7 with or without DLC

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By livery editing, they mean painting. I don’t usually use the word livery because it implies full race paint schemes.

The AH use is really up the player. Some people would rather paint and trade cars/take photos than do a ton of racing and it’s up them really. I just do simple designs and download the ones I like. I have some vinyl groups I’ve made to make designing a simple race paint much faster.


I have a question. If I buy a car form the auction house, and it has a paint job and a tune, can I change it? or is it locked?

Depends on the painter but designs are almost always locked so the designer’s content can’t get stolen. Once you remove the tune or paint they’re gone forever unless the tuner or painter has them available for free.


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“Whether you’re building your favorite car for yourself or you want to establish your reputation as a master in the Forza Motorsport 7 tuning scene by sharing your masterpiece on the Auction House, now you’ll have more options than ever to build the cars of your dreams.”^

Any word on if FM7 will have an auction house? It was a great feature in FM4 and would love to see it come back!

[Mod Edit - thread merged - MM]
. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m all for it if they make the AH a completely level playing field. If the Legendary Painter bonus is still there I don’t want to see it.

That said I think it’s going to be a necessity if it’s true they will be continuing Forzathon into FM7. I absolutely hate unicorn cars. To be more specific I hate the system T10 uses to award them. I don’t like anything that restricts access to content based on if I was able to play or not. T10 did a little better providing a 2nd or even 3rd opportunity to earn(I use that term loosely) a unicorn car in FH3 but with FM6 they said early on there would be multiple opportunities to earn the cars and those opportunities never materialized.

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