Auction House in FH4 [new pricing rules July 2019]

Is there auction house fh4?

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Yes Horizon 4 has an Auction House.

Sadly, yes.





Why do you say that?



I’m guessing cause with auction along comes an enormous amount of complaints by players about elite painter/tuner prices.


Slight clarification but there are no longer “Elite Tuners/Painters” in Forza Horizon 4 from what I can tell.

Instead, each player has a Rank for Painting, Tuning, Blueprinting (you can share Blueprints on your Storefront now) and Photography. Everybody starts at Rank 1 for each and as they get more Downloads, Likes and Uses on each this rank increases.

I don’t know yet what influence these Ranks have on the Auction House (with so few people having access currently I’m not getting many Paint downloads) or what Ranks can be considered equivalent to Elite/Legendary. As soon as I can auction a “normal” car for 20,000,000 CR I’ll make a note of what Ranks I am at and provide an update.


Having an auction house probably means that gifting cars and credits between players sadly won’t be a thing either.


Which is very unfortunate. Just car gifting would be excellent. I remember the Forza Motorsport 4 days when it was like that. I hope they don’t limit how much you can sell a car for like in FH3. It’s really dumb that you have to be a 5 star painter or tuner to do that.


Amazingly yes :). Best way to get a car for cheaper. Gifting would have been cool as well, or Club share.

Hopefully those… “Elite” Designers and Tuners don’t get all those downloads, uses, and likes from other players for all there cool designs and tunes don’t run up the prices for cars that you can win in a forzathon or street race.

Don’t get me started on those “Legends” though, lol.

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Oh no, don’t tell me they brought back the whole price segmentation yet again.


Ralph Fulton addressed this question with Motorworldhype at E3. “The reason that we allow Legendary painters and tuners to set prices higher than the price limit because we want to reward those people for the work they do within the community and the content they create for others.” but they’ll look at the balance of the limits.


Thank you for this Reply.

Many of the good Tuners and Designers spend many, and I mean many, hours working on their designs and tunes. For some, this is the main thing they get out of the game. There are many Legend designers who do not even hold a high rank in the game, but have produced amazing designs with more then 100,000 downloads alone. Some, and I only mean some, of these tuners spend just as much time tuning cars for others to benefit from like myself. Having a notepad and pen out, keeping track of what works better or worse, making adjustments, and testing the car over and over as we make these adjustments.

This is big part of the game for a lot of people and Forza/T10 have noticed this and have chosen to reward those who put in the effort. Should the limit the amount, probably, but remember that ever car that these Legends and Elites are selling were available in a forzathon, or game expansion in which you could have acquired them. Also, if you want a certain car so bad and you missed the forzathon, do what they do and continually search for a deal and snag it quick. Just don’t search once or twice a day and give up. Sooner the better as well, because the longer you wait, the harder it will be to get that deal.

The Auction is just another part of the game in which some enjoy more then others. It is a good lesson in Supply and Demand and real world economics. I usually start my cars at the minimum amount in which I won’t suffer a loss, and usually set a max buyout according to what the cars are selling at.

Forza/T10 also control the Forzathon’s, so they choose which cars are going to be in them and how often or how easy they will be to obtain.


Real world economics? Really? In the real world, if you own a Ferrari, nobody tells you that there’s a limit to how much you can auction it off for. This isn’t a reward for painters and tuners, it’s a limitation for everyone else.


Real world economics? Really? In the real world, if you own a Ferrari, nobody tells you that there’s a limit to how much you can auction it off for. This isn’t a reward for painters and tuners, it’s a limitation for everyone else.


I’m sorry, I’m guessing you have never taken a College Economics class or understand the business market. As the games Auction is not based on real world rules of Auction or the availability of the cars into the real world, but does offer a way that people can use to influence a market if they put enough effort and knowledge into it. We didn’t make the rules, we only took what was handed to us and figured out another way the game can earn us credits. Didn’t make the people sell them, buy them, etc. Its really strange that people beg for a Mazda RX7 for cheap when they can earn it for free, lol.

Literally none of this changes our point.

Just have to hope that whatever ‘balance’ Ralph speaks of keeps things in check.

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I totally understand the desire to reward the truly talented players who create awesome designs and tunes, but it seems like there’s got to be a better way to do it that doesn’t give those players such an unfair advantage in AH. Ralph Fulton’s response here, to me at least, sounds like he’s effectively condoning the cartel behavior which is really disappointing since that was one of my biggest gripes with FH3.

This issue was greatly exacerbated by the relatively large number of rare cars that were only available via Forzathons. Hopefully this won’t be nearly as big of an issue in FH4 with the changes to Forzathons and the fact that all rare cars are now available via wheelspins so there’s a theoretically infinite supply. I’m hoping that the only rare cars in FH4 with be HE cars so we can still at least get the regular version without having to deal with wheelspins/Forzathon store/AH.


I’d like to see the auction price limit linked to the price of the car, rather than be determined by the users grade or rank. Taking a 50k car, just changing the paint to a standard setting and slapping 5M price tag is a waste of time for everyone.

Too many people approach the AH with the idea that they can just max out the slider and it will sell, or someone inevitably gets some sort of cash glitch early on and starts abusing the AH prices.


If they really want to reward those peole they can do it with a lot of different ways and let the AH economy free for the players to decide. They can give bonus credits to designers per donloads, likes etc. They can give them huge bonus credits when they level up Amateur, semi pro, pro, elite, Legendary. They can force designs-liveries to be sold with credits and have a standar minimum fee.

But no, they decided that is better to turn people outside AH, make deals with different cars trying to sell something.There are a lot of groups outhere in Facebook with thousand of people who are doing that. Ex i had a Golf R 2010 , Ah max price was 67.000, i sell my car via facebook group, make a deal, sold 3 cars from 1.000.000 to get the 3.000.000 i wanted for the Golf and then put the Golf up in the Ah for the other guy to buy it. A lot of people loose money because a lot of cars are snipped, if the buyer of the golf isnt fast enough someone else who see the golf for 67.000 and knows the price buy it imidiatelly.

Why you dont leave the economy free like FM4? and make it hard for a lot of people? its not fair that youtubers promoted some of there own painters and they instantly go to legendary status leaving the rest of unable to sell rare cars.

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I don’t necessarily think the Auction House is the problem; actually, I think it is quite valuable. I believe the problem is in the way some of the “unique” vehicles are distributed to the players; in particular, Forzathons.

I would have liked to see the Forzathons only offer Credits and Wheelspins. When special vehicles are included in the rewards for Forzathons, their value plummets significantly on the Auction House. Hence, the reason in FH3 that some of the Forza Edition Cars are worthless. I think unique vehicles should only be available through Wheelspins and the Auction House.

One thing that might be interesting to add to the Auction House would be “Private Sales”. A way for the seller to identify who could buy the car. (I don’t think anything like this is currently available.)

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