Are Cars Gonna Be Buff/Balanced? So We Don't Have To Wait Until Forza Horizon 5 To See This Changes

This is my question…

Are some of the cars of the game gonna be improved during these period of the game?
Or we have basically to wait until next Forza Game to see this changes being improved.?

Just to remember several vehicles still aren’t quite fixed in terms of their performances.
Some are literally slow like they were nerfed, and some others may be little overpowered.

The Dodge Demon its just so slow than the actual car or even slow compared Forza 7.
Mercedes-AMGs are really useless, especially the C63 S, that’s just really bad or nerfed.
Audi are really average and under a very low class. The RS7 its just low on index.
BMW are the fastest vehicles with no even Competition Packaged featured on them.

Among many others.

In FM7 got most of the vehicles quite right, and you get the better drag races at least.
But not in FH4, they are a different story.

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I don’t expect they’ll change much if at all on that front. And in the next game at best they’ll just be unbalanced in different ways.


That’s why should be the perfect time to feature balances on post-patches.

Its like Halo when they update or nerf the weapons, to get the most balance so should be here.
Not great to wait 2 or 3 years to see your favorites cars being improved. This could be done now.

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I don’t think the developers have any responses on record saying they intend to, which imo is a shame. I can only hope they will address exceptional cases such as the Bone Shaker.