An Olive Branch to Turn10

So here we are Six months in… Agreeing to disagree, Fan’s of the franchise. Getting nowhere with infighting as some see it, unfortunate Yes, unwarranted certainly Not.

We all come to this Forum to discuss, discuss the Good, the Bad along with everything in between as we, each single one of us can, no barriers apart from language.

Yet all these Forza Twitch or whatever videos that have taken place that I certainly missed but might not have if been aware, on this forum and the time that they were going to take place… anyways If I missed 'em not the end of the World, more a chance to go live asking what I’m sure others here (excluding you Mr disagree) but all I hear is answers from Chris to users that I have never ever seen posting anything on this Forum!

I’m extending An Olive Branch to Turn10 in the hopes that We the Community can have our questions answered, even better if they were answered with the username as per the Twitch or likes are, to show that what is being posted here whether that be the SHUB or the Forza Motorsport(2023) Discussions are actually being read in any form apart from the moderators checking flags.

This is the Olive Branch, an understanding that posting here is not in vain, without effect.

Chris, Yes Race xyz we might possibly add that


There is this one thread specific for questions (meant for the release of the game):

A lot of people asked questions there, a lot of them are very good.
The amount of answers we got on a thread specifically made for this is just not good.

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You are joking right?

I refrain from going outside of the general section because in all honesty it shouldn’t matter where it’s posted

Edit: it’s even more comical that you linked me to a thread that I was the last to comment on, but thanks for making that one all the more :joy: :+1:

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I know, but I believe it will be relevant to the discussion that’s about to kick off here.

The continuous creation of those kind of threads will result in absolutely nothing.
Do any of the player’s posting here realize that Turn10 barely has any full time employees? Why do you think that close to nothing has be done since the game launched more than 7 months ago?
Just fire up the game and watch the bloody credits! 90% of the Turn10 “devs” in there where temporary contractors (the name of the contracting company is always cited alongside their names like Randstad etc). The rest of the credits are the outsourcing studios (and in that case the full list of those companies employees are in the credits even—thought most of them never had anything to to with this project…it is just done to make it look like thousands of devs worked on it).
Also most of the worked done on ForzaTech was outsourced to (similarly to what 343i did Halo:Infinite)
The ship has sailed


Ah Ha, Yes but it’s not supposed to as I’m extending the Olive Branch in the hopes that Turn10 or anyone that can speak on their behalf join our discussions, the discussions that some feel are negative and need to reside in a “special place”

Things can work with good communication, and that’s all I’m suggesting, an olive branch

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That’s why I’m putting it out there, seems “these” players are around asking questions that Can & Are sorta answered in these Twitch streams… but us, the community on the “Official” Forum have nothing apart from when TTMM or whatever the tag is now posts “official” info.

Olive Branch is more than I could and should, but If We had some more comms going on I’d back off on posting about where I feel the game is at and how I feel about FM to date period

There is something that the “new to motorsport” might not understand and that’s the fact that we have been playing games from well before they were born, to see one of our favorite racing game go so far off the tracks there’s a really good reason to stick around and make it known.

We are the consumers, change the recipe and you can expect feedback, ruin the recipe and we will stand ground in the hopes that “things” could or might change. Post like someone that hasn’t been there from before 2000 and the Devs that made great games… well just don’t chime in
Sorry you missed us especially cause you didn’t know we were going to take questions… Live

I’m hoping and know i’m not alone in extending this Olive Branch in the hopes that someone from Turn10 (apart from mods) hears us and can respond.

I don’t think that it should be that hard


I can’t see your comments anymore. Always the same crap.
Why don’t you delete the game and do something useful with the free time you’ve gained?


So you bothered to post saying that you blocked me, okay no biggie, it’s a forum an you can dip out whenever you like :ok_hand:


With the recent spate of disappearing posts, perhaps we should resort to communicating solely through the medium of balletic dance. If a dance is considered too negative, any disagreements could be settled with a pillow fight.

If offering this olive branch is like saying, 'I’ll tolerate you for now, but don’t push your luck’, then I’m all for it. :slight_smile:


Could be deemed something that it’s not so won’t go there .

Yeah I’m up… or down for that as long as its not goose down and my Memory foam pillow cuts it… it remembers Everything :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s only on offer for a limited time
The hand that feeds

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It’s only on offer for a limited time
The hand that feeds

I interpret that pic as you offering them warmth, but only if they embrace the burny, spiky end first. :grin:

Anyway, they’re hardly lighting the fire with the promised quarterly updates and newsletters; they feel more like breadcrumbs.

An AMA with the devs could be an interesting exercise. Have they ever done anything like that here before?

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Yeah noticed that but didn’t comment, really no need for a newsletter when you have a dedicated forum!

Newsletters are things that I remember being posted to me back in the day, completely pointless in 2024, that said I still have to collect junk mail out of that metal thing at the end of the drive every quarter otherwise it either A: Is set alight by passing teenagers Or B: Naturally breaks down into a pile of mushy junk when I throw it into the compost.

For all those waiting on the newsletter for this quarter be sure to check your junk folder!

Nope, first time I’ve actually cared,… well more wondering about who Chris kept talking about when looking down and raising his eyebrows on various occasions.

I skipped through a lot of the blah blah… Taylor blah no blah promises but did remember that there was that one super duper special Race something or rather that asked questions and thought, Hey@! if they can be asked and acknowledged on a live stream that was taking place at about 3am in my region, what are the chances that if I ask a question here, or if not me someone else that we might, just might get a reply… soo the branch is still there, I’m off to bed and anticipate that when I wake in the morn Chris will have replied, if not Chris maybe Dan the Man!, Been there since day Dot, won’t get better than that!.. YEEEHAAW

They used to come on here, but not anymore. I dont see that changing. The most interaction youd get from them is on reddit, they pop in from time to time but veryyyyyy sporadically. I dont know when the streams happen, i dont like the guy playing and i dont think theyre very informative in any way which i guess is the point.

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So they visit and post on reddit and x but don’t on the Official forum, maybe they’re not allowed to post here or were banned till 2099

Its actually been like this for awhile, probably since fm6ish. They also used discord during fm7 i believe. They dont read anything here, i have a feeling they feel as though reddit has a broader audience and if it looks like they engage there, people might be fooled into thinking they care.

These forums are literally the last place anything gets announced as well. I personally just come here to vent. Im not particularly a fan of reddit, discord is a mess imo and i dont use twitter.


This is relevant

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