As in the title, could we actually have some more direct interaction with the dev team for Forza Motorsport? Just Q and A possibilities and having direct replies to questions would feel a lot more engaging than the current ‘arm’s length’ approach they’re taking.
Maybe via @T10ManteoMax as I see has been doing so in the last day?
Something more than “we’re closing this ticket because we don’t understand our game code” and “have you tried reinstalling the game”.
Turn10: you’ve reached a point where the boiling attitude towards this game is about to spill over and burn you. It seems like you’re keen to sit back with your hand in the water saying “everything is fine” though.
It’s not fine. Sales won’t save this. Communication is not only expected, but required and demanded.
Edit: I vote for my share of issues that both affect and don’t affect me even though we see more and more get closed without fix.
They have community manager’s for this very reason, and Chris is likely busy directing the team and is probably put off of direct contact due to people venting their frustrations perhaps overzealously, if not understandably.
I’d want it so we can have some questions answered weekly so the community can be aware of what it happening and actually have conversation on a continual basis throughout further development; especially as it’s apparently a platform reaching into the future.
@T10ManteoMax this has quickly become the most voted miscellaneous suggestion. Will we get a response? Thanks
@PerpetualHernia 's positive promotion is an honest attempt to reach as many active forum members as possible. We’re trying to move this in a positive direction. If you’re not part of the solution then… well, you know the rest.
We were promised quarterly developer updates but I’m only aware of one having been released so far, and that was not on their YouTube channel. Having a dedicated monthly Q & A thread here, so topical issues as well as long standing ones come up would be good.