Accolades and Hall of Fame - a lost cause?

This is just a long rant about accolades and the HoF leaderboards.

The last update fixed the last unattainable accolades, so I could finally get the job done to get them all.

As a completitionst (earned 1,035 of 1,036 Forza achievements) and Forza Veteran, I liked the idea to add accolades to FH5. Combined with a leaderboard to challenge the world in who can complete all accolades first. It was right up my alley and accolades became an obsession.

During early-access times I found myself competing with players like DJS, my all-time high was Rank 4 of 9,000,000 players back then. Sadly the competition was quickly compromised by people using glitches.

Before the very first update certain accolades just didn’t stay completed which was a little annoying, sadly people used this bug excessively - completing the accolades, restart their game and complete them again. It was quickly patched but damage was done already, and the effects are still visible to this day.

Of course people discovered new ways, there still are 31 accolades that can be repeated and give score (around 7,450 points) one time a week. Due to lack of information from PG it’s unknown if this is intended or not. The issue has been brought to their attention via support tickets though.

But PG fixed another bug: Weekly Forzathon used to give 250 accolade points per chapter, and 250 for completing it. Again this worked only one time a week. The fact they fixed it shows, that it was not intended to work that way - like the other 31 accolades maybe?!

Let’s add some numbers:

1,992 accolades that combined give a score of 1,013,500

of 25,314,269 players there are 7,539 players above that score

HoF Top10 ranges in between 1,392,000 and 1,667,550

Since release there have only been a handful of players who cheated excessively (i.e. 2 billion accolade points and other obvious manipulations). They got removed from the leaderboard.

Time passed and people completed more and more accolades. Now people’s scores were the result of how many times they repeated the broken early-access accolades, and how actively they repeated the Accolades that give score one time a week.

I monitored the HoF leaderboard actively and right now 50% of the Top 10 players made implausible gains from time to time. We are talking like 20k - 30k points randomly.

In November a few new players took the HoF lead by storm, we are talking like 100k - 200k in a matter of 1-2 weeks. To me there is no legit explanation for this. Only theory would be that those people used the early access bug a lot, stopped playing for a while and now returned to complete the rest of the accolades.

To me those anomalies make me conclude that the HoF leaderboard is compromised and lost now.
The fact PG stays silent and doesn’t try to clear things up make me wonder if they even understand their own system properly.

I always thought it would have been a good idea to make this leaderboard about who completed the most accolades, rather than who gathered the most score. The leaderboard would definitely look much different that way.


A very thorough and objective summary and analysis there. Like you, I also unlocked The Completionist yesterday. Congratulations to you on doing so. I very much know what a grind it has been and how fortunate we both are for downloads and uses of our respective tunes, liveries and now (finally) vinyls from players and friends.

I wish the HOF was not as messy as it currently is. I remember the one player who suddenly appeared in #1 with an almighty and impossible score, clearly hacked their way there and remained about 24h before removal and presumably some sort of hotfix to prevent recurrences. EDIT: just logged in to check HOF and two new names in #1 & #2. I don’t recognize either, so must be newly hacked? Revanth was top for seemingly forever so no way either of those could legitimately overtake her. Another sad and extremely disappointing indictment of the issues with this game and presumably within PG’s staffing which I’ve heard - from a good and trusted source - has been subject to a lot of changes recently. (That might explain some of why certain bugs are taking so long to fix or are even impossible to fix because original coder/developer is now absent.)

I have been repeating the photo challenges for a while in an effort to shamelessly and purposely climb the leaderboard but I don’t know of any gains from the bugged accos in week 1. In fact I was banned from 6 Nov 2021 for a week, so had no online access only Horizon Solo. I wish I had known about the repeatables sooner because I would definitely like to have been higher up and would’ve done everything possible to achieve that.

So I’m currently in #21st (you’re in #10th) but I suppose that should be two spots higher for us both. Notwithstanding the Evolving World accos and continued repeatables, I guess this is where we will remain!

Congratulations on your achievements and accomplishments. :star2: Catch you around soon I hope.

There are 33 accolades that can repeat as far as I can tell, all photo accolades. 7950 points once a week I think. So it’s possible to go up nearly 24k within 8 days (just before the end of a week, during the following week, right at the beginning of the next week). I am not quite sure how frequently these can actually be repeated.

Sometimes it seems one or two don’t register and there is no reason for that as far as I can tell. For example, I suspect the snow one needs to be rain or one specific condition, not figured that out either.

On the subject of repeating accolades, there are some that are marked with a recycle icon, which implies that they’re repeatable. Three remarks on this. Firstly, it really does look like a repeat mechanism has been intended to function within the game. Secondly, the choice of accolades with that icon is a bit strange. Thirdly, most of those accolades do not actually repeat.

To be clear - I do not care about the leaderboard and have not been engaging to increase my position in it. I am an inquisitive soul, though, so have investigated it. I’m still not clear on a few points, though, as noted. As ever, a clarification on how it’s supposed to work would be useful.

Overall, it was unclear what this mechanism was supposed to achieve anyway if it was anything more than bragging rights, before considering unreasonable scores.

Yes the new leaders either know tricks nobody else does, or…

The timeline:

Player 1
22 days ago: #9 with 1,359,900
16 days ago: #1 with 1,562,400
today: #2 with 1,661,650

Player 2
15 days ago: #9 with 1,372,550
12 days ago: #1 with 1,577,050
today: #1 with 1,667,550

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Never knew there were repeatable accolades. They should scrap that idea and just release a patch that does a start up check by calculating the score based on completed accolades and ensures that value is on the leaderboard. Let it heal itself, with a backend server process running every so often to ensure no out of bounds values were injected.


There is 2 types of repeatable accolades: those that can be completed over and over again and dont give score (shown with a 2 arrow Icon). And those that can be completed every week and give score again. Im pretty sure the latter is not intended.

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Do the 2 arrow ones give cash, XP or Forzathon points?

I was extremely angry when I first learned of the whole idea and existence of repeatable accolades but when I’d calmed and properly thought about it I realized that without any mechanism to offer additional accolade points on a timed basis (in all the current cases they are once per week) then potentially you’d have everyone on the same score and the player at #1 would simply be the one who did them all first. At least now there is some sort of reward for continuing to play which is visible on this leaderboard, whether it’s flawed or not.

I have no suggestions on how to fix it but I am not an advocate of a reset or discontinuation of the repeatables. Unfortunately it is what it is. Just the Spirit of Horizon, isn’t it. Shall we send a thank you? :sweat_smile:

I cared about the HOF until I found out someone with a dozen less accolades than me was ranked higher. it’s totally glitched, bugged, and full of cheaters, just like everything else in this game.


no, that’s one thing I did test, afraid not

it is possible, probably, to have a higher rank with fewer accolades, some are 1500 points, others are 50

again, I have no intention of arguing, rather it’s technically possible without cheating

we do know that people hack things, though, like the club with 1 member and 27 billion accolade points


I redid all 9 chapters of the El Camino story last night and my accolade points went up by 250 after each one. Oddly, only some of the arrowed accolades updated their date for yesterday.

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That’s another thing about them I’ve not worked out, some dates update, others don’t. So far I’m fairly sure that the one for chapters 3 and 4 is the same, ie, you get it for one or the other, doesn’t matter which you do first.

To be honest I missed doing chapter 4 and 7 because when I first tried this a long time ago they didnt give score, but they do now - odd. Either missed it or something changed.

Talking about repeatable accolades (the ones with the arrows) I tried all of them several times.
The repeatable accolades in the expeditions never give score again - except snapping the Jade Statue and the Gold Statue in the Tulum expedition. As usual, score one time a week.

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it’s a little erratic, all this, for no apparent reason one or two don’t award points again but there’s no pattern that I can see, though for El Camino when I tested it that bit seemed fairly fixed, all chapters but 3 and 4 have a common accolade

yes, those two statues - pictures again, that’s what intrigued me; I started repeating the “recycle icon” ones but when it looked like I wasn’t getting any points, those repeated so I tested the others

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When repeating the El Camino Story, you have to get competitive about it! It’s like a weekly rivals event every chapter!

Some of them are glitched, and Chapter 2 once suffered from a temporary glitch (a few weeks) where you could complete it in any Chevy El Camino do you tuned mine to max of S2 lol, but rest are really fun to challenge friends’ times or even try beating your own! @SWYD1 :sweat_smile:

How soon do you think it will take for this BRT+ member to reach the top 10?
These were taken yesterday and today.

Actually, the BRT+ players gained 100K to 200K points not in a matter of days but in a matter of hours, and their levels barely moved, which I think it’s NOT possible.
There are other players in the top 10 that can dial up points quickly, but they usually keep it lowkey.

fame and fortune for me!

I can assure everyone here that I have not done hacking to get where I am (see below), I have everything done except 25 Open wins and have only won 1 Eliminator

I have experimented with repeatable accolades but have no interest in these points, rather I am trying to figure out which ones repeat and why because I am nerdy like that - there are two or three where I’m unsure what triggers them

that’s the official version, you got nothing on me, I was on the other side of town and I wasn’t there when I didn’t do it, honest guv

So if you’re REALLY after the 25 open wins (and it doesn’t sound like you necessarily are), then bear in mind that it counts as a win if you’re the only one in the race. I know for sure that some of my wins for that accolade came in the wee hours of the morning when it was just one or two other people and I would actually win, or the others would drop and I would win by default.

The accolades I’m lacking are the open world ones . I didn’t bother with them before because I didn’t think I’d be going for them all, now I’m kicking myself and having to wait for the new years one, the parade, and the stunt park.

Oh well. Something to look forward to, I guess.