A Plea from a Forza Vet

I see a lot of posts here with a lot of the same complaints that I have with the new Forza Motorsport. I am very worried about the current state of the game, and the lack of communication/road-mapping from the development team. I have played every single FM/FH title so far, I run a Forza community, and I’ve written/maintain an online Forza Tuning Calculator. I love the Forza franchise, and I look forward to every new release. I am running out of reasons for me to keep playing FM 2023, as well as working to keep my FM community engaged and “hopeful”.

In community I run, I have lost just about every returning member (returning after the long hiatus between FM7 and FM2023) due to one major issue, and that is the new Car Leveling. The VAST majority of members/friends do not have the time to devote 1.5 to 3 hours to level the cars they want to drive/race. As an example, I have nearly 700 hours invested in the new FM (yes 700 as my profile reports 29D 0H 11M in game). Why so many hours? Most of that time spent in game is CAR LEVELING and not racing or running rivals. The Private MP sessions I have been able to organize for the community either ended in frustration over the limited options available to most, or never even happened because no one had time to level/prep cars for the sessions. The choice of racing stock rental production/race cars is there, but neither allows for drivers to earn Car Points/XP, and most people quickly ran out of credits to keep buying cars to level in the session. I can tell you that majority of the members who came back excited for the new FM have now faded back into the shadows frustrated and disappointed with the game.

I’d love to say that I have hope for this to change, but it feels like the dev team has doubled down on this new car leveling system. Sure there are other things that need to be addressed like stability, penalties, etc., but none of that will matter if there are no people playing. I want to see Forza Motorsport be successful. I want to keep playing this game. I want to have my community thrive and have fun. I am afraid that that everyone’s concerns are falling on deaf ears because there is no communication. Silence is acceptance, and this silence says to me that nothing is going to change. The clock is ticking for me and the community I run, and I’m just not sure how much longer that clock will run for us. No one has or wants to invest 800-1600 hours into a RACING game just to level cars. (542 cars x 1.5 hours = 813 hours to get all to level 25 or 542 cars x 3 hours = 1626 hours to rank all cars to 50). No casual player is going to invest this kind of time into this game just to drive/race a car when they can just go play FH5 or FM7 and drive/upgrade whatever they want as long as they have the credits in game.

Turn 10 and Microsoft, please rethink this whole Car Progression thing you’ve implemented. I’m sure it was good in theory, but it’s a disaster in practice. It’s nothing more than a barrier preventing those that want to enjoy the game from enjoying the game.


I complete agree, having stopped playing Forza Motorsport after fm4, where we had tunning garages, painters race leagues to this is a big shock.

I want to persevere but I’m not feeling it

Painting feels awkward and painful, I wanted to try build realistic replica builds of famous classic race cars with liveries like I used to do, but leveling up mg bs and minis to be able to build them to FIA regs is just killing me

Painting I gave up and lost interest as the lighting lack of paint options and poor level of zoom, I’m a pass on that.

If anyone does want to have a race and build some old classic cars please pop me a message I’m getting bored racing the ai in my mini haha


Can you share a link for your online tuning calculator? I think I’ve used it before.

I’ve submitted a feature request that they expose an API for developers like me to build 3rd party tools to do editing. They’d have so much more success if they made Forza a platform where they managed the core engine and game rules while allowing an outside workforce to add to the platform.


Link is in my profile

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Yep, I recognize it! A friend of mine is a HUGE fan of it!

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That’s a you problem mate. I had a boss in my first job who used to advice us - “Love your work not your company”. Because company and job are not permanent. What’s the need for brand loyalty and fanmanship, for you what is more important, fun with your community or a franchise of a corporate? There’s tons and tons of good racing games in the market, why not explore those with your community, surely they already play many of those if they are racing enthusiasts. The clock is not ticking for you, you are just trapping yourself.


If they Stop the Series than I´m fine with it. Better nothing than what we get since FM5. There are enough (WAY BETTER) Racing Games on the Market.


Good to here the same issues over and over again. Not that we forget about it.

If they didnt caught you with FM, they did it with this forum. Wherever you spend your time, on track or here, it is win for Turn 10. Thank you for your participation.

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Exactly why I didn’t ask for a refund :joy:

GRINDING to have a decent tune is like a SICKNESS in this game, an absolute waste of time, much more than the 1000 bugs they have.

We want to tune all the cars and search what car or configuration is better to us.
But is impossible if we need 3h to develop every single car.

Only with that, the game have a great improvement!

-Upgrading must to be quicker.
-Creating and sharing our own championships.

Rest is fix the bugs, add cars and tracks.


He chose the game he loves and is frustrated with it. He has every right to be loyal to it and it’s not a job or career. Not a good comparison. Telling him how to ‘feel’ by saying he should love other games is not compassionate nor empathetic. How do you know he hasn’t tried them?


May be he can reply for himself and you don’t have to tell everyone how he feels.

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are you chris esaki in disgiuse?


his brother maybe. feel better now? fine!

I think it’s fair to comment on your commenting style in a public forum. Message him privately if you don’t want someone to comment on your comments. I didn’t say how he ‘feels’. I commented that you were telling him to love other games without assuming he has or hasn’t tried other games. I know he loves Forza and not going to tell him to try other games.

That’s why I told him.

The progression system in FM '23 adds nothing but grind to the game. Its sad that Turn 10 put this into the game.


personally I love to grind in some other games. I think the problem is not the grind but the lack of fun while doing it. A well designed grind is one where you will not even know that you are grinding. Here it’s not just lack of fun, it’s painful.