A 6-Year Hiatus for This? I’m Going Back to FM7

why are we still saying “they could do this or that” when Tha game is obviously falling off the shelf.? Even making points on here at all is sort of useless. Literally 80% of the community has stopped playing and the hope is gone.


Personally, I’ll be here until the forum is no more… I figure i might as well get some enjoyment out of my investment :rofl:


I guess the OP did go back to Forza Motorsport 7 in the end.


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If you believe the game is dead, why waste time in the forums of the game?


Completely agree. If there’s any of that nonsense, it’s a black flag, swiftly followed by the clerk of the course tearing you a new one.*

*(unless you happen to be driving a Red Bull in Saudi Arabia. :wink: )

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Because it’s the only place we can complain to the devs about the lack of quality, their false advertising and everything else in an effort to get them to fix the mess they created.
What’s your excuse for moaning at everyone who feels robbed?
They paying you or summat?
Argue against valid points rather than griefing people with a genuine problem with the game.


Okay, not sure why the mod moved my thread in here but here it is I guess lol.

I am truly no biased fan that gets paid to defend this mess, believe me i am not…

I still have hope they somehow basicly remove the horrible carPG system and fix performance, actually add a gameplay loop and all that. I will keep complaining, ranting, nagging until the game is decent.

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Your thread was the “Im about done” thread? Or the “Forza Motorsport is soon dead for many many reason and i agree”?

They both have been “merged” into this one here i think.

It was ‘Time gated upgrading + time limited events = dead game’ or something similar.


Glad they tidied up the forum.

Just struck me as strange, as I think my topic had little overlap with this thread. It was more an attempted breakdown of why the current systems are breaking aspects of the game.


CarPG ruins the game. Most ppl agree, there is only a small minority that likes the grinding gameplay loop they’ve put into the game.


So here we are all together. What’s the point of merging all our topics ?
So that we can discuss with each other on how good we’ve got ripped off ?


Remember the “Monorail” Simpsons episode? That is how i feel. :smiley:


You nailed it :laughing:

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Funnily enough, Shelbyville makes a good analogy for Gran Turismo I guess.

*Or prehaps I should say Playstation

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The first 9-10 seasons of The Simpsons were so awesome back then, but afterwards it went downhill fast. It’s like they completely changed the writers and all. Now Homer doesn’t even strangle Bart anymore.

I completely stopped watching it at season 13 or 14 or something.

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