Long time forza player

I’ve been a forza player from the very first one and all I can say is I am massively disappointed with FM7.

No class racing, rivals or leaderboards has massively put me off now I have waited till the launch day and still nothing has changed I am very well into chasing leaderboard times on tracks.

Have never been a fan of forzathon from horizon and now it’s on motorsport. I work away often I pay for the vip packs and buy every car pack that has came out when I miss a forzathon which happens often and they turn out to cost millions I have the money to buy them yes but I just shouldn’t have to.

The cars don’t seem as enjoyable to drive as they did on motorsport 6 they seem to drive to safe for my liking.

Two of the most annoying parts for me now is the way you have to unlock cars with tier rankings seems totally pointless to me on a racing game could possibly understand on horizon.

  1. I am now tier 10 on forza I see that as a total waste now really as what does that go against now.

  2. They carried credits over from forza 5 to 6 why stop with 7 with having to start over again is a pain.

I feel like I will be giving up on fm7 and going back to the good old fm6

There are a lot of personal opinions here i know a lot of people may disagree but as a long time forza player I’ve given my say.


I agree with you I am going back to fm6


6 is the new 7 :+1:

Because it’s all about the loot box system.

Agree, not impressed at all. Glad to see some old cars back from the early games and Suzuka but apart from that I think things have been going down hill since FM4.


I would agree with this with the exception that I think the newer Forza titles have better physics. Other than that, and your comments, I believe Forza 4 to be the best Forza made.

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Yes I agree, I don’t understand why they couldn’t have kept it the same people was happy the way it was, one thing I miss from the older forzas was a good game of tag with mates

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Completely agree with all you have said. The game has changed far too much from 6. It feels like War thunder in a way (the grind to unlock cars)
I’m back to playing 6 now. Feels like a right waste of £80 especially with the vip change.


Yes it does it’s a shame really as it’s been a long time for them making it. Considering it as quite possibly the go to racing game on Xbox you shouldn’t have the need to unlock cars at all. I know it doesn’t take long to move tier levels

Was having a look through the cars and some of the prices seem a Bit ridiculous for what they where on fm6

The price of the cars is frigggin’ STEEP!! They have to be counting the days before they rollout their token system…