Hello guys! Nice to see you in this topic. I hope you will share you thoughts regarding your beloved car in FH4 with the community
I understand that it’s a tough question but I hope you’ll come up with your idea eventually. It’s completely normal to have more than one favourite car, so, if you would like to name a few right away it will also be nice and fascinating to read!
So, let me start first
My personal favourite car in FH 4 is Bugatti Veyron Super Sport. My admiration of this car roots back to my childhood while for the first time I met that badass, angry and tight baby girl in a racing game. I remember it like it was yesterday, it was NFS Undercover. Ohhh boy, how much time has left since then…
I was completely overwhelmed by the car’s look, engine sound, handling and overall appearance. It was just a piece of art, wrapped up in a spectrum of emotions.
The personality of that car is absolutely stunning even to this day, so when I saw that masterpiece during my play through of Horizon super 7 High Stakes game mode I realised that I simply have no right to loose and that I must get this car right now and for free. (Yeah, I know you can purchase the car from the auto show but it’s twice as fun to earn it by completing activities in game)
After I had completed my High Stakes playlist I was completely lost with this car And it also was in its default sexy black and orange livery. I have hours of cruising and racing with this car and I enjoyed every minute of it!
So, that’s my story, hope it was fun to read
I’m waiting to your stories, guys. It would be very interesting to read about your experiences and car tastes.