Favourite car.....

What are your favourite cars? Everyone has at least one, may or may not be the fastest or best handling but it’s the one that you keep going back to because it’s fun and entertaining to drive.
Mine, Lancia delta in S class, moderate brakes, reasonable handling now its sorted but brilliant acceleration out of corners. Makes for good and entertaining racing.

I will never claim to be a good racer. I race clean and really enjoy my BMW 3.0 CSL> It can be a handful but the sounds and the looks are great.

One of the many wonderful things about this game is the reason I can’t provide an answer. While working my way through the Event List and competing in Rivals events over the last two years, I’ve developed cars that I really, really like in every class. The cars I have the most fun working with are the ones I spend extra time putting designs on to make them unique.

This. There is no way I could pick a favorite car

The Ferrari GTO from the 80s I think but it’s usually what I can win races with and is the #4 C6,R '06 VETTE.

2003 Lexus IS300 - S Class Drifter

The 90 IROCZ, of course =]

Mine would be between two … 64 Impala SS and 66 Nova SS in B class circuit they are an absolute blast.

I love the Hemi Cuda in A Class.

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I like the ones with 4 wheels and an engine :smiley:

i dont remember but it was a lambo. haven’t used it for a year since lambo is at level 50. the car was fast and handled. maybe i got lucky with my tune but the car is a class monster, it can even win above class. if i ever run into paris hilton drunk enough to run to vegas and marry me before she sobers up i’m getting a lambo for the wedding present.

My AWD ACR Viper is a blast

spark goes well on all tracks, F class up to C class

The first one is Lexus LFA( s class)-the guys from Yamaha worked on the sound from the engine about a 3 years just to make it closest to the F1 cars !!! The second one is Audi Quatro(a class) from the late 80’s!!! I remember when I was a child-I’ve been watching a lot of rally races with this car! In fact the original VR 5 and VR 6 VW engines was based on the Audi’s one! The unique in this engine is the fact that it’s V engine but the cylinders (5 or 6 or even 8 ) are in one single block ( 15 degrees between them)-that makes it very powerful and the sound is awesome!!! The 2.3 L petrol engine pull out 173 HP at 5600Rpm (VR5)-the European version!!!

I like anything that rambles rather than wines RAAA RAAAA RAAAAAA RAAAAAAAAA. I always liked the 02 Trans Am mostly because I owned the similar car in real life and only modified it slightly to keep it like mine. Getting the 1000 miles in that was fun and happened in no time these other ones seem to be taking forever

I have a thing for the 2007 Porsche 911 GT3 RS (997). Just have so much fun driving it.

like many I cant say I have one favourite car ( nice list so by the way ) but one of my funniest cars the Prius as an s class,

Its just the front tyres you hear rather than engine, but it does sound like theirs a wasp under the bonnet. To top it off it does 180mph with 1 gear haha

Forgive the errors please, my phones messing up at the minute