I have the Xbox one x scorpio edition and a 4k TV with 540 Nits JU7000 of 55 inches.
So far everything had gone great, I played Titanfall 2 and full Quantum break (full games), Battlefront 2, etc.
Even the demo of the forza 7 played it perfectly.
But … Today I tried the forza 7 and I get green artifacts / lines on the screen …
I notice it on the screens where they are at night.
Here I leave a video that I have recorded so you can see what I mean:
I have the Xbox one console connected directly by hdmi to the TV and optical audio cable to an AV received (Onkyo 5.1)
Do you know what could be the cause of that?
How can i fix that? Some circuits are impossible to play with this
Just in case I tried to pass from 10 bits to 8 bits in the video configuration but nothing has changed.
Unfortunately, the issue you are having is with the television. I have the Samsung ju7500 65in and it has the same issue but with red lines. It seems that enabling game mode on these televisions introduces these artifacts on the display.
Thank you for your reply.
Are you sure that is a TV problem? After those green artefacts appeared, when i finished the game, the forza 7 crashed (screen freezed)
I have only experienced this in Forza 7, other games worked perfectly.
In which games do you have those problems?
I am positive it is the television. I’ve experienced this problem in Forza 6, Forza 7 and many other games on darker levels. Next time you notice it, capture a game clip through the game DVR. Then watch it back on SmartGlass or a computer. You will notice that the lines are not there on the capture.
I had my television for about 6 months before this problem started. I still have it on my television. I get those lines even when I play my PS3. Most notably during night time or darker levels.
Maybe be, we have different problems, because i only see those artefacts on the Forza Motorsport 7.
I have played other games without any issues.
If you have that problem with different games, why haven’t you changed the TV? Isn’t it in warranty?
On the other hand, i would recommend you to change the HDMI cable and also to try to activate or deactivate the YCC video option in the xbox one configuration.
I recently bought the Xbox One X and the lines are still present on my screen. I would recommend you try it on a different tv and see if the problem persists. I am 100 percent positive that it is the television. I have found forms where other people that have Samsung televisions suffer from the same issue.
Hi, what a pity. Anyway, as i told you i think we have different problems because i have not seen this problem in other games.
All the other games works perfectly.
In my case, it seems to be something related with this game.
In your exact case, how do you fix that? do you disable gaming mode?
Hope other people or the forza team could say something about this case…
I’ve seen some graphical issues since upgrading to X / 4k / HDR - on some tracks I can see the edges of the polygons that make up the tracks. Like, imagine seeing the wireframe for the track - just these little white outlines on the track outlining the curves / contours / etc. It’s not all tracks and not all the time, but when it happens it’s really annoying.
I’ve got this since forza 6. I allways asumed it was my Xbox One, because it was one of the first ones. Upgradet to the One X: Still there.
Switched from a Samsung 1080p Plasma-TV to a 4k-LG: Still there.