Xbox One - Latest beta dashboard update

Hi all,

If any of you are on the Xbox One beta dashboard program then please download the latest update. See below for the list of fixes:

OS version released: xb_rel_1410.141001-2100
Available: 6PM PDT 10/03 (2AM GMT 10/04)

· When resuming from connected standby, you should no longer experience white static on screen.
· A fix for the previously known issue when resuming from Instant-On mode and the only twist available is Home.
· When playing Forza 5 or Forza Horizon 2, you should no longer experience crashes during a race, or be unable to launch games following the crash.
If you still experience this issue, please let us know by reporting the problem via the Feedback app, and by posting on the forums. “

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Well I have just tried this and still the same :sob: .
After only getting, as it says on the screen 59 minutes and 14 seconds into playing it froze at the first :parking: ( car meet). Just before the so called 3rd road trip, not that I can confirm this as it won’t go any further.
I have reset the console, deleted all my game saves and disconnected from the Internet, started again then restarted with the cloud saves.
Then I see this post that should fix it and it does NOT.
It has now been 24 hours since this first started and I have tried everything except deleting the game and start all over again.

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Im on the beta program and have played for well over 8 hours without a single issue…should i download also? Dont want to fix something that aint broken and then it brakes.

Well, I didn’t have any problems before the update, except for the online features such choosing a design being slow (which is fixed now) but after the update the game crashes at random points, and this is a bit annoying. I have already sent feedback through the feedback app, I hope that they solve this soon…

I will get to try this out later. I have not experienced crashes but I have been experiencing long delays without being able to hit A to continue, post race.

But… You’re in the Beta.


After a few hours of playing, most everything was smoothed out as far as not having to wait a long time to continue past the victory screen, post-race. Never crashed (game-wise), so nothing new here. The only “issue” would be that there is variable timing between buying upgrades and the game finishing installing them on the vehicle. Very noticeable when upgrading manually (and I suppose quickly) as one gets into a rhythm of buy, continue, buy, continue, and then buy… still paused… still paused… OK, continue.

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Where can I report bugs for Forza Horizon 2? I’ve came across a few.

I am still having the same freeze up in exactly the same place. This needs sorting as I am now pulling my hair out. I have deleted the game, deleted all game saves including what’s in the cloud., reset my console, you name it i have tried it, I have trolled the forums and tried it and still nothing. Enough is enough now.
On another note my daughter has a profile on my Xbox one and she started a game of FH2 and has managed to get past this point and carry on playing (she finds it so funny I DONT) she has had no freeze ups at all (so far)
So how can the main account holder not play the game and a secondary account holder can??..

turn 10 #microsoft. #playground #anybodyelseinvolved

I’ve not had the game crash but I do get occasional texture pop in which is very obvious, and I have had all textures including the road vanish causing a pause in the game then re-draw. I did record it but don’t know how to post it on here.

  1. Use Upload Studios to put the video on your OneDrive.

  2. Go to your XB Game DVR section within the OneDrive.

  3. Click on file.

  4. Using the Share tab on the right side, choose your type of link, likely View Only.

  5. Copy and paste/add to Favourites generated link.

Same for me still crashing/freezing

I was 46% of the way through FH2 Finale… And it froze on me. Gotta say though, what a ride that was :slight_smile: Makes me wish I had the car I will buy once I beat the event… Darn you paradoxes!!!

I got the following message whenever I tries to reach the online portion of the game:

Don’t see anything downloading in queue, don’t have any DLCs other than Day One/Launch Day car packs. Hard reset and DLCs reinstalls doesn’t help.

I have the same Issue, same happens when trying to buy some of the new Cars like the BMW M5 or Jaguar. Also i can´t play anything online.

I am wondering if this issue is the issue that has been around forever.

Forza dlc syncs with the game best if you remain on the download screen until it completes 100%. It seems that it needs to finish on that screen and then sync to the main game. And now of course we have the complication that the dlc itself effectively resides in the game update so we should let that finish to 100% before leaving that screen too.

Thing is, I do not own the Mobil 1 DLC. The game updates (I leave it on the queue screen), I run it and there’s no progress popping up so I just play like usual and suddenly I just can’t get online.

Still crashes on FH2; extremely useful when it happens on a 10 mile roadtrip and your console freezes solid 500 yards before the finish :frowning:

/edit: my dashboard is actually 1410.141005-2033

Game has been running flawlessly for me till today.

Today I’ve already had multiple freezes and crashes and have not been able to finish a race.

ive installed all updates and it still crashes horribly for me :frowning: no matter what i do it’ll crash at some point, might be a 5 min drive or might take a 30 min cruse but it’ll crash. please please help. this is soooo annoying

here is a video of my lockup i started recording when i noticed the music starting to loop up


No sound coming from the R32 gtr

Yup, still crashing for me too. About 3 times last night. Reported via the feedback app.