Would it benefit me to buy fortza 2, 3, 4, horizons?

I am new to the fortza gaming. Didn’t expect to like it so much, but it’s a blast. What benefits other than having fun, would buying the previous games do?

well it would show you how far forza has come over the years , you will gain better forza rewards ,and last but not least you can experience some of the lost but not forgotten tracks …

never forget king cobra and amalfi coast

He could also experience the steps backwards that Forza has done as well. Honestly I dont think its worth getting the older ones. Its the same thing, except there are just more cars, more track, worst graphics and physics.

You might try posting in each separate forum for the pros and cons of each…

Benefits would be more cars and more tracks.

If you already have an Xbox 360 then the answer is YES. Make sure you get the best edition of each title as some come with dlc that was released during the time of the game others do not. Your Tier will rocket up and, hence, better Rewards are given! As a bonus some of the older tracks & cars are a blast and Horizon is first class for a limited Free Roam title!

+1… completely agree!

If you are going to pick one I’m going to suggest fm4. Loads of content and still a great racer. Best overall racer of last gen. If you fancy mixing Nfs style with forza ish physics, try horizon. It is a good game, but it is ‘different’.

Try finding FM1 if you can, some great tracks and always good to find out how it all started. Should work on a 360 so you wont need an original xbox.

It’s helpful to recognise the two Forza series: Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon. It’s also worth remembering that Forza 5 is the only Xbox One compatible game. If you don’t have an Xbox 360 then I’m afraid the rest of the Forza titles are out of your reach.

Forza Motorsport is the main franchise. It focuses on track-based motorsport with more of a simulation feel. If you are enjoying Forza 5, then Forza 2, 3 and 4 are all products of the same recipe. Be warned that Forza 5 is the new product, and so each previous iteration will feel dated (particularly in terms of graphics and physics engine). In terms of content the older games definitely have something to offer. There are a lot of cars and tracks from previous games that didn’t make it into FM5.

Forza Horizon is a spin-off (a pretty good one in my opinion). It takes the graphics, the content and the physics of Forza Motorsport and applies them to an open-world setting. Horizon is really entertaining. It doesn’t have the tuning depth of Forza Motorsport, but it also offers a different pace. If you like Forza and like open-world (like Test Drive Unlimited), Horizon is a good game to consider.

Actual benefits of playing the game depend on what you are looking for. Each game will provide you with many hours of (hopefully) enjoyable entertainment. For some that’s reward enough. On top of that you’ll pick up gamerscore if you start with FM2 and work you’re way through according to release date (there’s an achievement in each subsequent title for playing the previous game). Beyond that you’ll also gather points within the Forza Rewards scheme. This in turn will reward you with additional credits and unicorns in the games.

Hope this information helps you make a decision. I’ve played all the Forza games and loved each one. I’ve sold my Xbox 360 so I’m committed to Fm5 now. That having been said, if Horizon was Xbox One compatible I would still be playing it.

Minding that you have a 360, I’d say go ahead and purchase them. The only one that cost more than $15 now is Forza 4 and even then you can find it on sale sometimes for around $15 or $20. Besides getting to see how the series has progressed, you can also collect more rewards and enjoy more tracks and cars from previous versions.

I don’t think FM2 or FM3 have any online access anymore so I can’t recommend them. I would pick up FM4 first and then maybe Horizons. That is, as others have said you have a 360 (not worth buying a machine to play them likely).

Assuming you have an Xbox 360, then yes. FM2 and FM3 for the career, FM4 and Horizon for everything,

Motorsport 2: Great car list, amazing tracks, career was a lot of fun, it had a pretty great paint system. I don’t remember a whole lot about it, but it was pretty good and I enjoyed Career mode. I am considering re-purchasing it and getting all of the achievements so I can get my Tier Rewards up.

Motorsport 3: Lots of fun, this game got me into Simulation racing. First Forza I purchased myself, because FM2 came with my 360 when I purchased it. Pretty good physics.

Motorsport 4: The most fun I have had in a racing game. Career was a little sub-par compared to other games, but I still own it and go back to it occasionally. The car list and track list was amazing and huge.

Horizon: I would highly advise getting this game. Don’t expect it to be simulation racing, it has simulation elements such as the tires and suspension, but that is about it. The collisions are a little weak, and the car list is smaller than FM5’s, but it is a very fun game that really well mixes the fun of Forza and some simulation with the arcade-like physics along with dirt styled racing. It is made by Playground Games, not Turn10.

I dont know which achievements you are missing for fm2 but some of them you wont be able to achieve since the fm2 servers have been shut down, if I remember corrctly there are two or three online related achievements which cant obtain anymore - but maybe thats not your case

As someone who has gone back to complete all I can, I know what is currently no longer available:

Forza 2 - Buy 10 cars on auction house (auction house is no longer available) and 1 million online credits (still theoretically possible but it would take forever because no one is on, maybe if you had a friend buy it also and a lot of free time)
Forza 3 - 100 Points for DLC - Don’t buy any limited editions etc… unless the data is on the disc. The codes are no longer able to be redeemed and the DLC’s are no longer on the live servers. I have contacted support and told there is nothing they can do. I have a Forza 3 DLC I never used and after F5 saw the reward for it so I tried and tried, no luck. You can complete all the achievements and other reward pts. I would be interested to know if you get the 100pt DLC Reward if you purchased the Ultimate Edition that has the data on the disc?

I had the same question when I started playing forza, started with fm3 a couple of months before fm4, than came forza horizon, and then I had the question whether I should play the older titles as well, and I went back to forza 3 and even forza 2, and I dont regret rebuying them, all of the games are amazing even though you can see improvements with every installment, forza 4 is the game with most content (cars, tracks and community aspects) but forza 3 is worth it as well (e.g. last installment that has new york track), horizon is a bit arcady, but it has a large amount of phantasy tracks (no real tracks) with mixed surface and rally, annd the open road aspect to it, forza 2 has many “older” (race) cars that didnt make a return to fm3 and further, and the snake tracks were pretty fun as well, if I wouldnt have sold my 360 I would still play them every now and then, besides as mentioned you will get a higher tier for loyalty rewards which could help you with fm5 and any future installments
Edit: forgot about endurance racing in career, in fm2 and 3 its part of the career

For ME personally most of the enjoyment comes from learning the physics, from driving different cars and tracks to tuning. For someone that’s used to the series, or who already has the tuning down from fm4 that could mean quite a few months of exploration and tinkering; for a newer person it could mean a year or two! (Granted there aren’t many cars and tracks but yeah)

Looking at it from that perspective the only benefit is raising your tier. However:

  • taking focus away from fm5 will mean only scratching the surface of what it has to offer as you won’t learn the finer things needed to keep cars on the edge (for example).
  • this will also apply to other forzas, you cannot learn them in depth and going backwards physics and graphics wise won’t lead you to any kind of appreciation.
  • there will be more cars and tracks but if you don’t enjoy the physics or gameplay that seems like a moot point.
  • getting them just for tier points then sounds more like grinding.

Having said all that, in a twist even I couldn’t see, my recommendation, for now, based on MY preferences, would be getting horizon.

I don’t like the game myself, but the fact it is dumbed down means drawing less focus away from experimenting in full with fm5.

Thanks for all the advice. I still have my 360, so I’d say it’s GAME ON!

nope, its just going to make you hate fm5.

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I’d reccomend FM4 and/or Horizon. 3 and 2 don’t do anything that 4 can’t (aside from a car/track or two) and has the best physics of the three games.

Horizon is the only freeroaming sandbox driving game with the Forza name on it. While the physics are nothing like as realistic as the Motorsports series (indeed, Horizon isn’t even really a T10 product per sé), they’re better than just about any other game of its type, i.e. TDU or NFS. It’s the most fun if cruising around on the open road is your thing.

Yes! The entire franchise is an absolute blast of an experience.

I would definitely recommend FM:4. I posted a week or so ago about what feels like to me a lack of content with FM:5. Basically I am fairly new to Forza since I didn’t own a 360. I am a huge Gran Turismo fan having played every version of it quite heavily, infact it was reason I bought a PS3 and was the game I logged the most time in. I was introduced to Forza when I borrowed a friend’s 360 for a month and played Forza4. I was amazed with FM:4 and felt it really took over the spot of best driving game once I got into it a bit and felt a bit sad that I had missed out on the entire experience because I had to pick one console for last generation and based it solely off a driving game. It could have been me playing a version of FM:4 that had every DLC available and tons of liveries downloaded, but for me it feels like FM:5 took a backwards step in terms of content. That’s not saying I’m not having a blast with FM:5, for me it’s the best driving game I’ve played to date but if you haven’t played any previous FM games then FM:4 is a prime choice. It’s either what FM:5 is going to become or maybe in a couple of years what lies ahead for us with FM:6