I have seen a few with the “Let It B” Apex Predators bug, and was wondering if anyone with it has found a work around because between here, True Achievements and Reddit, I am not seeing one. For those who have not seen it, you do the event with a proper car and the tracker reflects it as done and it does not complete.
I hit it early in the new content (PC), completed EVERYTHING else and came back to it and this won’t clear. Power cycled, tried the Cloud trick, tried on Steam, Steam Deck and 8 different cars in both modes. Of course, this one event cascades through not completing the Predators (48/49), and the Rally Adventure Accolades (9/11) and XBOX cheevos (122/124),
I note you did some upgrades, I tend to do everything stock so I’ll use this as a heads-up; sure also I’ve read somewhere that a 700 tune can race as a 700 tune, so one bit of the game allows it in, but not register for stuff like achievements, so another bit of the game doesn’t (also applies to other classes)
I don’t know if that kind of thing is going on here, though
So I just threw down one in a fresh bought WRX STI 2015 at 675 to check that. No Bueno. Just to add, I have now done both modes, on all possible Modern Rally cars at Class B on multiple tunes.
The only thing I can think of (and senility won’t let me remember exactly), but I wonder if I triggered completion of the time requirement on a Non-B and even though I am doing it on a B now it won’t trigger again.
yeah, that kind of thing is typical for Forza - though to be fair to them it is the sort of thing where “solved” is something that tends to occur eventually
Yeah seen it before, like with the chests. I am kind really leaning on that completion trigger as a reason because if I toggle off the car I see this in the tracker.
Reddit has reports of multiple people having the same issue with “Forest Trail Master.” One person said a reboot helped them. At least for me reboot is not a fix. Here was their screenshot:
I do feel for anyone who got this bug; I did stock, with pinned challenges, and had no issues with any of them, so worth stressing it’s worth trying that.