Rally Adventure: Unable to complete Apex Predators's "Let it B" challenge - 3890580

No matter what car I use, or whichever way I complete the challenge (Rally, Race, Rivals), I cannot complete the “Let it B” challenge.
Cars I’ve tried:

Despite it saying that I’ve finished it, and the team being at “MAX REP”, the challenge remains uncompleted

Also have the exact same problem and it is the final challenge outstanding for me to complete the Apex Predators

Exact the same on my PC version - I was hoping for latest Hotfix which I just installed but no improvement on this particular problem so far → Problem solved as mentioned !!! Thanx for action

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Same problem from the first day of release :frowning:

Same for me - annoying.

This issue was fixed with the content update on 25 April 2023.

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