I posted this 3 days a go:
Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Autumn- Seasonal Championship - Carol of the bel airs, Drivin’ home for xmas, Getting Hyped may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
Festival Playlist - Series 2 - Winter- Seasonal Championship - Feliz Navidad, Oh, Deer, '20 Supra GR Championship may not complete after finishing the races (Date Added:12.10.21)
Let me start by saying: I still love to play fh 5 ,like I loved all of the Forza games since FM 2 ( my first).
And Its easy to bark out all kind of negative feedback while in essence its a great franchise…
That have said…
Is there any news on when this is going to be fixed?
Driving home for christmas I did twice, then thought maybe only this is broken and tried the getting hyped,that didnt show complete either.
So I did total of 9 races,for zip …since my time is limited ( like most hard working family people) I dont want to waste more time on festival parts that only give me dissappointment.
It would be great to hear from playground,what the prognose is on this.
Without the fetival challenges to do ,the to do in fh5 suddenly goes towards 0 very quick.
Which makes one sad.
After all the problema already I get the feeling I paid 99e for a beta version of a game I used to love.
I has to be sad though that there is a huge progression from fh4 to fh5 ,on how playground act and react towards the community ,credits for that.
now 3 days later::::still zero reaction from playground,
since then zero changed…o wait I just bought myself the aventador from the auction house…
Ironic part is that I used this all of the 5 times I tried if it worked now…
So I did a total of 24 races to win a car of which 15 I did with the car I was trying to win…trying to find out if I would get the car I won driving in the car I wanted to win…while all of this cost me 7 million …If it wasnt so sad you could laugh about it …people reading this who dont play this game could get the idea I am a bit who needs meds or forgot to take it…
Sorry playground games I already, had a hard time feeling the love since fh1 till now
Far worse is the fact,that on top of that, now there is even no more respect ,towards the fact that we all spend a lot of money bying something that is …let me think for a sec…
Yes the germans have a great word for it which sounds exactly as bad as it is::::
Ps: sorry for spelling and layout errors,forgive me ,
since english is not my own language and I am a bit under the influence of an angry mood