Take this posting with a grain of salt, but without coming off completely negitive about FH, why has the development of the FH game been completely shelved?
I understand yes, they had the big XB1 release of #5, but there was a lot of potential left on FH for some additional map areas for new game zones. One case point I would say would be Carson.
One good example would be some of the areas on Beaumont. there are some alley ways and such just out of the playground area that really could have added a lot more playability.
In hindsite, it would have been really nice to be able to have a level editor to adjust some things.
One additional thing that our club has been discussion is isolating drive train layouts for rounds as well. RWD, AWD, FWD, as preferences.
I realize developer-wise, this will fall on deaf ears, but I figured I wanted to discuss. Feel free to message my gamertag Eliteman76 on XBox Live if you want to discuss more.
{Keep in mind half the time, this is coming from a guy in an A class, hack driving, mulling around, in the GMC van with “IRON MAIDEN” on the sides }