Some encouragement for the devs!

I’ve been looking at FH1 footage on youtube and though i would share this!

Look at this, T10/Playground here you have a benchmark, FH2 was under so i hope you can succeed this time. Not only was the game and cars great, even the trailers were great! What happened with the cool cars like the TZ3? The great music? Awesome tracks and places to drive? I see another FH2 coming up for release this fall, please prove me wrong!



I think horizon 2 was much better than horizon 1

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You know something, I can NOT understand how gamers can judge a game that is not even out yet, or comment that the game doesn’t have ‘X’ car/s or places to drive. And comment with such distaine about a game they personally haven’t even played yet.

While I’m certainly NOT a Horizon lover, I can see that the level of detail in this game has definitely increased since the title started. And definitely an improvement on what has come before.

Seriously, you can see the carbon fibre textures in certain rims, the detail of the Allen head hex-bolts on the wide body kits, the tears in detain, and the current list of 150 cars from the initial,350 cars that will be available.

An increase in garage cars on both FH1 and FH2.

Plus there will be various DLC packs that will no doubt drop more cars, sections and map inclusions.

I honestly believe that there’s some ppl that just can NOT be satisfied, Ji matter what they are given.

How about waiting until the game is released,then play it solidly for several days, then pass your dislike…

My mind boggles at times at the immaturity of some. But then again, this game is aimed at those who just want to have fun smashing their way around the bush or cities.

Each yo their own, but be light on the critiquing until you have the game in hand.



Why is this thread call ‘Encouragement for the Devs’ when you are basically sh*ting on their two years worth of work before the game has even come out?!

Personally I think this game looks amazing and I pre-ordered it just days after E3.


Agreed mate. It boggles me as to how anyone can comment on something that’s not ‘in-hand’

I used to have a decent Xbox centric site, that then went Multiplatform. And if any of our writers was to make such public comments based on the little that has been announced and give out. I’d of kicked them off the site toot-sweet’…

We signed NDAs that didn’t allow us to comment on stuff until we were given the all clear.

Not do much to stop bad press, but so that we were always given the proper demo segments do we could properly Preview a game.

A lot has changed in 4 years…



I didn’t know if i was being too harsh when i was writing that, but I’m grateful you backed it up.

Thanks mate :slight_smile:

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It wasn’t ‘harsh’ mate, but just a true comment.

The game thus far looks highly promising. If I was previewing it, I’d give it a solid 8/10 for visuals based on what I’ve seen in both gameplay and static shots and the ForzaVista. I can’t give it any kind of score for anything else because there’s no gameplay or hand son that I can my hands on.

Truth is, there’s part of me that I’d like to get back into the reviewing and article writing for games. It was a great time I had from 2005 through yo 2012. But during that time, many a younger writer wanted to write for us. But when it came down to them having to sign NDAs for both the site, and the various Developers, as they were xtremely strict on media NOT giving out details that they wanted to hold a lid on because of the game not being really polished or fully fitted out etc.

But getting those generally younger writers to sign those, and commit to ‘being their word’, they’d baulk at it, and I’d have to let them go.

Many just felt it was their godly privilege to say whatever they saw fit, without having any responsibility for what may happen due to that. Now, it seems the norm to just bang anything simply because they can. It’s like ‘social news casting’ where anyone with a mobile has now become a ‘news reporter’ - cough cough…

As I said, I’m no Horizons enthusiast, but I’ll not let that stop me from acknowledging things that look and play well. Right now, it looks damn fine. So hopefully it’ll prove to be even better once proper gameplay comes to hand…

Let me know your thoughts on the game once it lands, and what you think of things that are coming out about it now.

I really think that Horizon is bringing things yo the table that we’ll see in Forza Motprsports 7 (or whatever they decide to call it)…


I totally agree with you, many of the new features of the Forza Motorsport games have been bought out and tested in the prior Horizon games ( rain, night, also remember about them bringing more textures to the FFB ) even past FM games were tests like the first Forzavista had a few cars and the next game had all the cars available.) I think FM7 will have 24 hour style night and day as well as dry to rain racing.

I also believe there will be an auction house and Storefront back agian. I also am really hoping that they also have an Oculus Rift VR with the new console (Scorpio or whatever it’s called) I. With FM7. I don’t want a PC Racing sim but would love to have the immersion this gives on a console game.

I also have to say this Horizon game looks WAY better than its predecessors did and I am looking forward to playing it a lot!

I have some “encouragement” for “people” who haven’t even played the game yet. Shut up until it’s released. Make “people” great again!

We know almost nothing about the game yet and unlike the Motorsport series, i’m actually looking forward to this one without any worries. The Motorsport side of the franchise seems to lose more than we gain each new game these days, but Horizon, albeit only coming up to it’s third game, has been on an upward arc. I’m hoping the Motorsport side of things follows this trend going forwards, but Horizon has yet to remove large chunks of gameplay left and right.


Mitchy,I’m with you. However, I’m more of the believe that both Horizon, and Apex, are the testing grounds for the next iteration of Motorsports.

Many of the things that have made their way into the several ‘Wishlists’ in the FM6 Forums are starting to appear in the early announcements regarding Horizon 3, and several of the mechanical aspects are being tested and thus implemented in Forza Motorsports 6: Apex.

So while I know FM6 has been a tad mediocre towards the end of the games lifespan, I really do believe that it’s on its turn around. Not do much in changes to its current form, but to what will come next.

It’s much like the turn around the franchise took between FM3 and the FM4. Which saw the game take a solid turn for the best. We only have to see any Forza Forum to see the accolades that FM4 still gets sell these years later.

Now the same is likely to happen with FM7.

H3 is paving the way for some major areas we’ve been wanting. However, having dealt a little with some developers over several years, I can see where they are coming from.

Often a game like FM6 brings some aspects forward, but must also be given its chance to see the sun. But it’s also a game that does lay the groundwork for its next iteration. I can see how and why Turn 10 can’t rebuild a game from its under pinnings, like do many gamers are demanding, but it can be used as a great base to work on.

We usually see a cycle of games having a good spell, followed by a poor one. Then the following is usually a solid turn around.

Paitence needs to be had here.

Don’t think that Forza Motorsports is dead, it’s simply waiting until the next iteration. Which I also believe will land alongside Project Scorpio.

As the two are ideal suited for the each other. And ZmS almost always drops a AAAtitle alongside any new hardware release. Forza Motorsport 7 (or whatever it gets called) would be the IDEAL candidate for that prestigious position.


Yeah, i’ve been saying for a while that i really believe that Playground are taking the crown From Turn 10. Horizon seems to be innovating at a rate of knots while Motorsport is losing features and fans be the shed load.
Horizon had weather first, night first, off-road first (Motorsport still has no off-road). Horizon will have first, custom music playlist, Blueprints, is bringing back the Auction House and StoreFront before Motorsport. these are a few examples but there are more. This shows a clear commitment by Playground to put the hard work in, while Turn 10 try and coast and it’s losing them fans. This last E3 where Dan Greenawalt is falling over himself to be in for the credit while Ralph Fulton is just happy to show off his teams work is very telling of their different work ethics.

Ralph Fulton is making a Forza game so he has to acquiesce to Dan Greenawalt and Turn 10. The difference being if Motorsport 6 and Horizon 3 were on a shelf next to each under labelled generic race game A and B, i know which one i’d buy first. Dan G feels he’s made it and paid his dues and it’s made him less focused. A lot less focused. Whereas Ralph Fulton and the Playground team will always have the added pressure of pleasing Turn 10/Microsoft and it’s made their games better for it.

I still like the Motorsport games, but with Forza 3 and 4 i put in thousands of hours, with 5 and 6 it’s hundreds. That should tell them something but it doesn’t seem to register. I’m not the only person with lower interest levels. These forums have been dying since they removed the community features, they’re selling fewer copies and it’s down to their lassez faire attitude of recent years.
Things seem to be improving, but right now Playground keep beating Turn 10 to the punch!

I think some of the features from FH3 will make it into Forza 7, especially the AH and SF, cos if those two items alone don’t make it, Turn 10 may as well shut up shop. The fans have been clamoring for their return and Playground have answered the call. But maybe Blueprints will come across where in Motorsport you could set up your own racing series, choose each track and which car/class will race on which tracks. Which tracks hold which event types, and then you’ve got a custom league you can play through alone or with friends. Sounds like a good idea to me, and at this point they have a stable codebase they can just iterate on to try new things.

As for newbies coming in to journalism and refusing to follow the rules, that’s why games journalism and even mainstream media are in the state they’re currently in. No ethics, morals or accountability, means nobody has to fact check or stand by anything. Which is why things like the DNC scandal that’s blown up the last few days occur. Journalism should report the news, not be it.

In the meantime let’s all look forward to Horizon 3! :slight_smile:


I have noticed various comments coming from the Turn 10 dev team that show that they are working alongside Playground Games.

This would make sense really, as both come under MS Game Studios banner as AAA titles.

I doubt we’ll see proper Off Road racing in the next FM title. As that’s a genre that really needs its own development team. As the nuances needed fir it are far greater than what could be fitted alongside a proper racing game, ideally like Motorsports.

My bet would be that the next motorsports game, which is already well underway I might ad, will have a huge amount of features we’ve been requesting in the forums.

I can see that there’s really no way Turn 10 can rebuild a game as it approaches the end of its therorectic lifespan. Which is these days just 12 mths, then a follow on of a further 12 mths of minor repair updates and general maintainence.

Several team members have already made comments lending their thoughts around how "they are working within certain aspects on Horizon’, showing that they are in fact working alongside Playground Games.

This would make real sense, as a games desire for it succeed is paramount, so whatever strategies that are required for its success, then they will be taken.

I wouldn’t rule out the entire Turn 10 team as unable to deliver a great game, as they are all brilliant ppl, but they are guided by how the primary producer dictates what THEY believe is vital.

Often irrespective of what the actual developer might have to suggest about what was best for the games success. So the game goes along the lines laid down by the producers and the major sponsor etc. the developers work on a game on the basis of what they are told to do.

Not the other way around.

I’m holding high hopes for Forza Motorsports 7 or Forza Apex, or whatever it gets called.

My thought would be that there could be a name change in the works?..? Whether it comes to fruition is another matter. But I wouldn’t put it past the producers.

Ask yourself this… Just WHY is there a PC based game called Forza Motorsports 6: Apex being tested…? We know that producing yet another title will just fragment the entire Forza followers.

If that happened, all 3 games could see a drop in followers, as they would spread their time across all 3 titles. Stretching the franchise way too thinly.

Apex is advertised as Firza Motorsports 6: Apex. So it’s a PC Forza Motororts game.

We’re most likely in for a very different Forza Motorsports when it idealy drops in September 2017 alongside Project Scorpio.

Friendly hint or request please… Mate, can you break up your text with some paragraphs please matie… It plays havock with the eyes at times… Lol hehehe… Only a friendly request mate.


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You both make good points :slight_smile:

btw 2027?! dam that’s long wait xD

Hehehe, did an edit mate… Fixed

My brain often works faster than my fingers can mate.

But on a serious note. If we really look at it more deeply. We need to understand the fundamentals of how a game gets built, how it’s following game begins, usually well before the first on hits the shelves actually.

If they didn’t, then the really short turn around that games now have, would take much longer.

They would loose the followers, they would loose developers support, sponsors support, and then need to have a much shorter life cycle. It’s just how WE have created. It’s generated by customer demand.

And OUR demanding requests that have lead to the really short lifespan of games now. Years ago, developers had at least 18 mths or more to get the game done to a media release time. Then a further 12 months on that before the release.

Now it’s down to 12 months before the major team then focuses on the next iteration.

It’s usually about 6 months prior to the release of the new title, when a segment of the development team is moved towards the next iteration. The ‘crunch team’ that stays with the game does the final run to the finish line.

Following release, more move to the next development team. The promotional team then steps into top gear. The repair and maintenance team steps in to work alongside the teams to put the polishing touches to the various DLCs that have already been put into production well in advance.

They usually have a decent stable of cars in their stable to pull on that have been scanned well I advance, then included based slightly on what fans might been saying.

They then get completed and released, while the promo team follows the various events, leagues, races, and community encouragement events etc. to keep the blood flowing in the Forza bloodline.

Until of course the next title drips. Then the first one is scaled back, and the promo team then focuses on the next title. And the cycle repeats. Use, wash,rice and respect, the cycle continues.

Another thing that seems vastly different than previous iterations. That is, that Turn 10 and MS Game Studios and MS naturally, are actively pushing gamers towards proper online gaming leagues, and online racing tournaments that were once strictly PC racing arenas.

So that’s sudo laying the groundwork towards moving the followers to proper online gaming and online racing… Why? Obvious answer would be. To help pave the changes that the franchise will eventually take place.

Getting very serious about the game, rather than a very casual style that was once taken years beforehand. One has to wonder, what is in store for the franchise…? Why the building and testing of Apex. Why the push towards proper online racing. Why the desire to build such a high online gaming presence for Forza Motorsports (not Horizons)

Lots of IFs and big questions… Only time will tell what will happen,or how the whole game will morph into a bigger game than it is…


Haha that’s OK at least we all know what you mean :slight_smile:

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Sorry about the wall of text. This early in the day my meds are still playing havoc with my cognitive processes. Which is why long-winded walls of text, opposed to lovingly crafted iambic pentameter. ROFL

Now, about your broan… ROFL

Yeah, that “broan” issue is a problem mate… Lol…

Re the pain. As you know, I too suffer extreme and chronic enremiting pain. And have done for decades. But I was recently given the node for a relatively new procedure here in Australia where they use high frequency radio waves, which in turn create extreme heat, to burn the ends of the nerves coming out of the anterior side of the spin that send the pain signals to the brain.

Basically turning the switch to off with regards to the pain to the brain. I’m not certain of its proper name, but it could be something that ‘could’ help mate??

I’ve been on some really strong mess as well mate. This little op has certainly helped a great deal with the pain, that’s for sure. I’ll try and find its proper name, it could be something that’s available in you part of the world…


Yeah, i’m currently on 5 or 6 different painkillers, anti-inflammatory’s and Nerve receptor blockers amongst other things. lol. Most days are spent avoiding the 10 legged shark-bananas. lol
That’s some encouragement for the devs. These games stop me going literally insane. :slight_smile:

I think people are really naive, especially on this forum, but ill keep to facts.

FH2 is pretty much FH1 with newer gen graphics, tuning, slower menus, save issues and a longer story. But, without online lobbies, less “cool” places to drive, less great tracks for proper racing and less “cool” cars. The story mode is copies from FH1 which is absolutely fine, but then they copied the story 10 again to make it longer? i guess, just make people do the same thing more times like the other Forza games.

Road trips? Lets compare it to something else, lets say COD would put you into 4 maps which you would have to guess which they were and then you had to pick ONE class for them. Why should playground and offroad races be together with the “normal” races? No, FH1 lobbies was a win, road trips a loss. FH3 won’t have lobbies, why did they not add both? I hope they make the RTs better, less driving, let us change cars and get rid of the playground events.

Off-roading… You get a choice, pick an off road car, race off road in a “normal” cars or don’t race, why? I can’t understand why people want to race a Huracan on a field or in a dried river. FH1 had proper tracks where had to stay on the road, shortcutting was a minor issue and there weren’t a mix of tarmac and wheat fields. FH2 has only a couple of really good tracks and they can’t compare to Red Rock Descent, Dam And Out, The Beaumont circuits etc. Even the decent tracks in Nice are all about driving on the sidewalks and evading signs and mopeds. Almost forgot, the cars weren’t so unbalanced, sure 6/10 used the Evo 6 but it was seldom the best car, just easy to drive.

We don’t know everything about FH3, but what we do know is that they drove a Lambo into the ocean. To me, that is only stupid and the credibility Playground had after FH1 just keeps going away, why drive a Lamborghini on a beach and through the ocean? From what they have said and showed, i think it will be a copy paste FH2, hopefully better. T10 managed to copy FM5 and make it WAY better, so lets hope for FH3! (Even though the game already lacks key features). We will soon see.

You sir are the definition on Encouragement.

Seriously why is that your title?!