Wheel help - What am I doing wrong and what is the game doing wrong?

So I just bought Project CARS a while back and difference in the wheel implementations is like night and day!

But I wonder, are there settings I have in Forza that may be contributing to how my wheel feels? I have the Logitech G920, which (supposedly) was designed in conjunction with T10 to provide optimum support for FM6. Anyone have any suggestions to improve my wheel in FM6 and possibly make it feel more like PCARS?

The FFB seems to be more subtle in PCARS. I thought maybe turning down the vibration and force feedback a little bit. I have the same rotation settings on both (540), and the same steering and pedal deadzones:

Steering: 0 - 100
Accel: 1 -100
Brake: 0 - 53 (G920 has a very stiff brake pedal)
Clutch: 15 - 100
Vibration: 100
FFB: 100
DOR: 540

ok, well the logitech g920 was actually made for pcars not forza.

Forza has and will always be a game for pad users, pcars is faster on the wheel.

FFB on pcars is so much more in depth which shows they want you to have the best driving feel you can, forza gives you rotation degrees and not much else for a wheel.

Turn 10 have for many years now moved towards a more casual game offering less for more, i never played forza 4 but im often told it was a far superior game to both F5 and F6, turn 10 have removed so much from the game that made it a game for communities and its really now a game for single players as they make it so hard to share,gift or do anything other than hot lap.

i have grown away from forza and more towards pcars for a few reasons.

driving feel
ability to start the race after qually in both standing or rolling starts rather than drive around sorting a grid out on track.
weather changes during races not the same puddle every lap.
day and night racing during a race not either or.
and other things

don’t get me wrong forza was a good game, painting cars was fun and they have many more options when it comes to cars, being able to build up a car was also fun.

But simply for good racing pcars is the place for me and forza will be for fun blasts.

I have not read through the thread because I don’t own a wheel but there may be some info in here that would be helpful, if not sorry for wasting your time. http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst41479_Steering-Wheels-and-You---A-Hopefully-Helpful-Guide.aspx