How is Logitech G920 in game?

As the title says really, just bought a g920 last week and am loving it in project cars.

But the forza 6 demo was nigh on unplayable, the car was like driving on ice. I don’t think this is me as I could push fine with the pad and am ok pushing in project cars on my wheel.

So my question is has anyone played the full game on a g920 and how have you found it? And any advice for how to improve it.

My G920 is my first wheel so driving with it took some getting used to. The FFB in the full release is completely different from the demo - much more useful info in the FFB loop. The brake is very stiff and some have complained about this but I find it okay.

The only problem I’ve found is the D-pad sometimes fails to tab over in the menus but this may be a problem with the game because it seems to work fine on the Xbox dashboard.

It’s a great unit and I’m very pleased with it. There’s no going back to a controller now!

Makes me feel more confident in a purchase now. Didn’t want to miss my first forza game, had every other one, but I’m too stubborn to use a controller after shelling out for a wheel.

Bought the ultimate edition of Forza and the G920 to go with it, so far I can say I have had mixed results, the biggest issue I think in relation to setting the in game settings to simulation, no matter what degree of the wheel rotation was set to, it had no effect on the driving experience. Personally the driving with this setting was hyper-realistic, dramatic for the sake of it. Turning the in-game settings back to normal for steering, you can actually feel when the rotation degrees are set. From a settings point of view, turning 0(deadzone)/100 acceleration 0/100 deceleration 0/75(alleviates the brake not going to 100%) and wheel rotation to 660. I find compared to FF on pc games such as iRacing/Rfactor to be less and only really effective at the point of loss, there is a moment where it turns on during understeer but not before, I would have thought the wheel would show some vibration while the wheels are squealing but nothing, not sure if this is a Logitech or Forza problem. As for the wheel the lack of headset plug is just pure laziness from Logitech, also from an in-game photo experience needs a second stick of the controller to move the camera around so if you have a wheel and want to share the images you have “disconnect” the wheel and connect a controller to get the best angles etc. IMHO its great that Logitech have finally joined the xbox party but would have been better if they looked at a few of the little things rather than just base control considering the price of the wheel.

Did you read “Steering Wheels and you” Sticky at the top of this Forum?

the G920 is my first wheel experience, I was a bit disappointed with the stiffness of the brake pedal when I first started - full pressure on the pedal was only appling about 70% in the game. I’ve been playing with the deadzone settings and have had much better braking results since settin it to 0/50. All other settings are as per the stickied post mentioned above.