There is so much good content here, I just can’t quote it all. The last 4-5 posts have all made some really valid points.
While I do agree with the “hold on a sec; they only just ANNOUNCED it” crowd, I can’t shake the feeling that what we’ve seen the devs talk about in their E3 interviews this far does seem a little thin.
The biggest pain point for me is the fact that we’ve so far only seen one – ONE – new car announced, and that’s the GT2 RS. Everything else in this forum’s confirmed car list has already been seen in either Motorsport or Horizon. An example: They have the Tankpool Mercedes, but if I can only put it up against other Tankpool Mercedes, then I have very little use for it. Add a MAN, a Scania and a Renault, and we can talk. And why spend so much time featuring a vehicle we’ve already seen, anyway? Did they think we’d forgotten? I know I haven’t forgotten that the truck was un-classed in FM6 and so couldn’t really be used anyway.
They have the “most Porsches in any current racing game” (I think that’s the quote) but I have a feeling that if you look back through the Forzas of old, well, that’s kind of always been the case, even when compared to NFS games each Forza game was competing against. PCARS and AC may have less, but what I’ve seen so far – from AC especially – is a way more comprehensive list of Porsche, one that includes pretty much every most-requested Porsche we see in the wishlist threads. Will Forza 7 be able to match that? To add a 935, a selection of 917s, a 936 and more? I’m not sure but if they don’t, and if all we end up seeing is a re-hash of FM3’s list and its multitude of re-skinned RSRs and Cup Cars, then that “most Porsches” claim means jack squat to me, and I actually may be skipping the game because of it. Quality over quantity, baby.
That’s the first thing.
The second thing is what Mike V said in post #37 above me. That seems to be the case; they’re really taking that SimCade thing seriously and I think they know that they simply aren’t going to compete with the likes of GTS, PCARS2 and AC on that level, so they have to go extra hard the other way and keep the original, yet gimmicky, features coming. If the content’s there, then I don’t mind. If it’s not, however – and for right now at least, it isn’t – I find the gimmickry much harder to forgive, and I find myself seriously having to consider learning the ins and outs of a new game as I simply don’t have the time – or the HD space, it now seems, as per the recent 100 GB rumour – for more than one racing game.
That’s the second thing.
The third thing goes back to the idea that “there’s no more room for more dev”. I simply can’t agree with that. It’s not that there isn’t room for more dev. It’s that the devs doing the dev don’t want to move the franchise along to quickly for fear that customers will find it harder and harder to justify buying FM8, FH4, FM9 etc. I feel the same way about Apple: iPhones 8-15 are already done. They just don’t want you to know it yet.
That being said: what we’ve seen revealed with FM7 so far is thin even by planned obsolescence standards, as it pretty much boils down to: better graphics (oh THERE’S a surprise) if you have the right hardware (which I don’t, and likely won’t), quasi-dynamic weather, a somewhat-customizable career (though we’ve heard the “choose you own adventure” thing before), and customizable drivers. That last one could be awesome if they go all the way with it, but it sounds like mainly a progression-reward thing which, again, seems half-baked.