What sets this apart from the other Motorsport games?

That’s fair enough but just because you seemingly have no passion for a game that you’ve been playing for years doesn’t really give you the right to judge others who don’t share your passive approach to FMS - others who have as a whole invested equal amounts of time in the series as yourself but instead feel the need to express their disappointment because they don’t see ‘‘generic racing game’’ as an appropriate way forward for what should be a flagship XB1 title.

Like it or not, everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Like it or not, everyone is equally as entitled to express that opinion.

That’s not true. Unless something freaky has happened since yesterday then PCars works perfectly fine with a controller



We can see with our eyes that the game hasn’t changed much, and T10s refusal to release any detailed information about the changes is harming the impression many of us get about the game. They can say how much it has changed but have yet to demonstrate such, E3 was the perfect time to do it seeing as it was the biggest platform T10 has to change peoples impressions of a game and maybe even shrug off the “Microsofts not Gran Turismo” title a few people have given the Forza series.


I have to agree here. Those 3 E3 demos struck me as very FM6-plus. 3/3 cars we’ve already seen in previous titles was the biggest red flag for me. They have the “most Porsches in any racing game” yet we only know about one: the GT2 RS. Odd, and I’m holding out hope for a big Porsche reveal in the coming weeks, perhaps at Gamescom. German manufacturer, German show and all.


Why does it need tolook radically different? To me 6 was MANY steps in the right direction after 5. It doesn’t need a massive overhaul. And there is different things in this game. The weather is different, they said they changed hoppers, the Champaign had an overhaul, auction house came back from 4, they added customizable things., made the sound better That’s just what little we know, they slowly leak out news until it’s release.

As for the cars. Of course there will be a bunch that return, that’s not new. There’s also 700 cars. They didn’t say there would be 700 NEW cars. I’m sure there will be plenty of new cars.

The major complaint people had was the completive side, crashers and such. Now if that’s the main draw for you and you don’t like what you hear then I guess I get it. But otherwise to me there isn’t anything that stands out like this is going to be horrible. Of course I liked 6 much more than 5.

My point is to wait until all the info is out. They haven’t even made a crack in the dam yet.


Perhaps. But I’m a content guy and right now, I’m seeing more interesting stuff from PCARS2 than I am from FM7 on the car/track front. And the stuff T10 IS saying? Pretty ambiguous. I have no idea what you/they mean by a “career overhaul” and the weather thing really is a variation on a theme/feature that too WAY TOO LONG to get to the series in the first place. Hopper changes mean very little to me, as I don’t bother with MP past rivals, but that’s neither here nor there. Same used to go for the AH, but FH3 got me interested for some reason (mostly HE cars because again: I’m a content guy) so I’m glad to see it coming to FH7.

Of course, you could say that PCARS2 has a lot of ground to make up on FM so its devs/marketing team have to start feeding the bear right away, and FM7’s dev team can take their time releasing info.



There is enough information out for people to decide whether they like the game or not, especially the game play footage(even though it may be an earlier build). The lack of detailed info from E3 and the run up to E3 shows that there really isn’t much different from Forza 6 other than a huge car list(verging on GT6 levels of adding multiple cars that could be sorted with one car and having different livery options for it, just like the paint choices) and some minor tweaks with no new gameplay options, like rallycross, full blown rally modes or an actual series of drift events with accurate regulations and scoring. Before you say those things could come, don’t you think that if such major things were in wouldn’t T10 have made a big deal out of it at E3 instead of coming off as an add for Porsche(like they did for Ford and McLaren for Forza 5 and 6).


The past two iterations have been disappointing and this looks more of the same. Sure it has pretty graphics and a few extra features, but it seems it still lacks in the ‘motorsport’ area. So in that sense, not much will set it apart from it’s predecessors if history is anything to go by. As for other racing games, they are looking more promising to me and take racing more seriously.

I was already reluctant to buy FM6 2 years ago because I had the same impression back then, but I took a chance on it and bought it at launch anyway. Not this time.


You should definitely not buy it. I did the same thing with Forza 3 and Forza 4. After 2 I was done with the franchise. I only got back in with Forza 5, then went back to 3 and 4 before going to 6. I’d say the three year hiatus I had from the series was really helpful for me. You can’t just race the same cars on the same tracks for years and years. You have to switch it up. Now that we have Horizon and Motorsport that obviously helps, I play each one a year and then I don’t go back. I might even switch it up further and do 6 months Motorsport, 6 months F1, 6 months Horizon, 6 months Dirt.

I was so burned out after Forza 6 about 50 % through the campaign. I just walked away and only yesterday came back. Turned everything up to the hardest difficulty and having fun like two years ago. Walking away let’s you appreciate more what you get.


I’m not sick of the same cars and tracks, I am just disappointed with the route they took on this gen of consoles. I was hoping for them to take the motorsport part more seriously but the impression I got in the past two games is that it seems its going in the opposite way.


On a positive note,i’m ready for the game,bring it FM 7!!!


There is so much good content here, I just can’t quote it all. The last 4-5 posts have all made some really valid points.

While I do agree with the “hold on a sec; they only just ANNOUNCED it” crowd, I can’t shake the feeling that what we’ve seen the devs talk about in their E3 interviews this far does seem a little thin.

The biggest pain point for me is the fact that we’ve so far only seen one – ONE – new car announced, and that’s the GT2 RS. Everything else in this forum’s confirmed car list has already been seen in either Motorsport or Horizon. An example: They have the Tankpool Mercedes, but if I can only put it up against other Tankpool Mercedes, then I have very little use for it. Add a MAN, a Scania and a Renault, and we can talk. And why spend so much time featuring a vehicle we’ve already seen, anyway? Did they think we’d forgotten? I know I haven’t forgotten that the truck was un-classed in FM6 and so couldn’t really be used anyway.

They have the “most Porsches in any current racing game” (I think that’s the quote) but I have a feeling that if you look back through the Forzas of old, well, that’s kind of always been the case, even when compared to NFS games each Forza game was competing against. PCARS and AC may have less, but what I’ve seen so far – from AC especially – is a way more comprehensive list of Porsche, one that includes pretty much every most-requested Porsche we see in the wishlist threads. Will Forza 7 be able to match that? To add a 935, a selection of 917s, a 936 and more? I’m not sure but if they don’t, and if all we end up seeing is a re-hash of FM3’s list and its multitude of re-skinned RSRs and Cup Cars, then that “most Porsches” claim means jack squat to me, and I actually may be skipping the game because of it. Quality over quantity, baby.

That’s the first thing.

The second thing is what Mike V said in post #37 above me. That seems to be the case; they’re really taking that SimCade thing seriously and I think they know that they simply aren’t going to compete with the likes of GTS, PCARS2 and AC on that level, so they have to go extra hard the other way and keep the original, yet gimmicky, features coming. If the content’s there, then I don’t mind. If it’s not, however – and for right now at least, it isn’t – I find the gimmickry much harder to forgive, and I find myself seriously having to consider learning the ins and outs of a new game as I simply don’t have the time – or the HD space, it now seems, as per the recent 100 GB rumour – for more than one racing game.

That’s the second thing.

The third thing goes back to the idea that “there’s no more room for more dev”. I simply can’t agree with that. It’s not that there isn’t room for more dev. It’s that the devs doing the dev don’t want to move the franchise along to quickly for fear that customers will find it harder and harder to justify buying FM8, FH4, FM9 etc. I feel the same way about Apple: iPhones 8-15 are already done. They just don’t want you to know it yet.

That being said: what we’ve seen revealed with FM7 so far is thin even by planned obsolescence standards, as it pretty much boils down to: better graphics (oh THERE’S a surprise) if you have the right hardware (which I don’t, and likely won’t), quasi-dynamic weather, a somewhat-customizable career (though we’ve heard the “choose you own adventure” thing before), and customizable drivers. That last one could be awesome if they go all the way with it, but it sounds like mainly a progression-reward thing which, again, seems half-baked.


The game is more about collecting cars and car culture than racing. Tbh, I don’t even know why they keep ‘motorsport’ in the title since that seems to be on the back burner most of the time. The funny part is that I quit GT and started exclusively playing Forza many years ago for those same reasons after being underwhelmed by GT5 and GT6.

Now the roles are reversed and it seems I will stop playing Forza and go back to GT for the same reasons, funny how things work out.


It’s kind of funny that Forza, which started the Xbox One series of games with the line “quality over quantity” but now they have started to go down the GT5/6 route with a lot of cars, which may not be of equal quality to each other whilst only adding tiny, not really important things like driver customization, I mean how often do you look at the person in the seat in Forza 6? I get it makes sense in Horizon but when the characters are clad in a race suit it becomes not that noticeable like GT5 and GT6 had driver customization but when racing or just driving you would never notice the driver in your car let alone in other cars. And if there was any other ‘big’ features to reveal surely they would have been done at E3 instead of a tiny, not very important, feature which could have easily been held off till Gamescom where T10 could have made a big fuss about the driver customization as a topping off of features(say a fleshed out rally mode/rallycross/drifting being given the spotlight at E3).


That’s just it; people are saying “don’t worry! There’s still plenty of time!”, but when you essentially use your presentation on the stage of the world’s biggest gaming expo to talk about dynamic weather and let a car company bring the only real news, something’s up. It’s almost as if they used the GT2 reveal to distract from the fact they had very little to say about the actual game.


Because a lot of what they did wasn’t flashy.

New graphics…flashy
Dynamic weather…flashy
Porsche finally being on disc game launch and they are adding a ton of models from this and other premium car brands…flashy
Driver customization…flashy (primarily for FPS shooter folks who are fans of this. Seems like a gimmick to attract gamings largest fan base to racing)

Just from the info that was released after the presentation it seems they focused a lot on improving game functionality from FM6 failures, improved some features and added features that were highly requested for years. None of that is flashy and only the true Forza nuts care about that. You’re average gamer doesn’t. That’s why I’m thinking the presentation was lackluster…they focused more on core gameplay which isn’t a flashy hype kind of topic.

Some of you folks put too much weight on the presentation when the one thing you were hoping for wasn’t mentioned thus starting this discussion on why this game will suck yada yada yada. Really it just sounds like some are hurting in their rears because they aren’t hearing what they want.


I’m not exactly sure what you’re saying, but I think it’s something along the lines of: what has been added doesn’t scan well in an E3 presentation environment (eg “not flashy”), that these little tweaks and “added features” you allude to are the real news, and that doesn’t look so good on the show stage. Fine.

Trouble is, you don’t mention what the tweaks/features actually are, and “little tweaks” do not a full game (with a full price and rumoured 100 GB install) make. They just don’t. Ntm a look on these boards will show that many issues that “true Forza nuts” (a group I am part of, make no mistake) have been asked for don’t appear to have been fixed as of yet. Rallying. Proper wheel rotation. Qualifying. Custom lobbies. These are the issues I’m seeing, and as of yet, we have not heard that FM7 addresses them.

And I want to close by saying that I am not a hater. When the leak through Fanatec came that FM7 was coming, I was super jacked as I have just been getting back into FM6 after a sojourn in Horizon 3. Then, when the “Forza had the most Porsches” news broke I got re-jacked, until the E3 presentation came and we heard very little about this, other than the GT2 RS.

In short I really, truly want this game to kick butt – especially as the competition heats up, and it IS heating up – but at this juncture, T10 has not shown me what their game is doing to match the increased heat from other devs, especially with a new GT on the way.


Tuning in lobbies is back
Career mode with some sort of point structure and a progression
Bonuses for collecting cars
Auction house
Option to set up private multiplayer match with no end race condition having to be set
Revamped leagues
Option to adjust lap count in career
Previous car detail issues remediated
Comments relating to learning from what did or didn’t work and applying corrections

Granted details aren’t known but it can be inferred that more changes were made that we won’t notice until we get the game. I know I missed stuff here in my list and I didn’t want to list things in my original post because it detracted from my point.

My point is not to say hey stupid, here is a list of things they did do. My point is that a lot of what they seemed to have done wasn’t groundbreaking or things that get games sold to the average gamer. It seems FM7 is more of a correction in focus that was lost in FM5 and to an extent FM6.

Rally is a weak point. Rally is wishful thinking in a tarmac based racing game. It would be cool, but it would also likely need to be it’s own game. Plus Dirt does this well on the sim side of things.

Never understood the wheel rotation issue. Not sure how often you see racers turn the wheel 360 degrees. To me it seems the wheels are set to where a driver doesn’t need to do this and Forza simulates that.

Qualifying…yea not sure what’s up with that but then again it’s not a deal breaker. There are work arounds in multiplayer and the AI is slow enough that you can beat them cleanly in 4 to 6 laps.

There are no custom public lobbies in FM7. It’s mentioned somewhere around here. It’s a dead argument at this point. I’ve given up.

This hasn’t been confirmed for Forza Motorsport 7 yet.

Right now we don’t know if we will have the somewhat useful setup from Forza Horizon 3 or the “dumpster-fire” of Forza Motorsport 6.

You sure? I thought one of the videos mentioned storefront and auction house. Or maybe I’m making that up. Idk.

Doesn’t matter really. I’ve learned to avoid searching for stuff on storefront.

At any rate since they will be doing more esport stuff I don’t really care what else they do. It’s pointless to expect anything spectacular with this series beyond graphics and car selection. If they botch game functionality again, theres a slew of other game titles that look pretty good. Or at least that’s my justification for wanting to buy quite a few games.

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And the GT2 part of the presentations is what really annoyed me most, Dan Greeawalt openly admitted that Forza has become a new marketing tool for car companies so having a shiny new car on strage for a presentation(see P1, Ford GT, Lamborghini Centanario and now the GT2) has become T10s main stage presentation gimmick, so focus on trying to sell that car or hype up the car on stage over showing off lots of things in the game that could potentially get people to buy the new version. Imagine if PD did the same for GT:S or SMS did it for PC2, can you imagine the amount of comments saying they didn’t show enough game?

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