I think one other thing is improved visuals and taking advantage of xbox x / 4k when xbox x comes out. The main difference between Forza and other Motorsports sims (such is iRacing) is there emphasis on visuals and opportunity for more casual play. Iracing has never had Forza’s visuals but I think iRacing feels more realistic. The priorities are different. Iracing is focused on hard core sim racing where Forza is more focused more on car appreciation/love of driving. But they’re both excellent in what they’re trying to do and with the improved visuals, etc. for Forza 7 it will be even better.
Forza is not moving forward at all. 4K and HDR is marketing move to sell the new console, it’s not do the game better. Dynamic weather, new(old) tracks and that’s all??? They didn’t show smth new in trailer and I don’t have a feeling “WOW”. My thoughts was like “Emmmm, and what’s the big difference compare to FM6?” Very bad. I will not preorder for sure. Waiting for demo, but if you know Turn10 nothing will change. FM5, 6, 7 could be the same game.
I’m Done.
I’ve been playing this series from 2009. I Played every single game.
But that’s it. No More Forza Motorsport.
The sequal become repeating itself.
The Game lost focused on motorsport, they focusing on arcade stuff
Gear customization? Really? Is that all you did in 2 years? Oh look! We got gear stuff!
Why didnt you changed the shaders? Why? It looks hell a dated. It looks an 2010 game.
The game still looks, metal not looking like metal, plastic not looking like plastic.
Just look at the Project Cars 2’s chase cam angle, it looks perfect!.
We got Project Cars 2 now, We got Asetto Corsa, We got GT: Sport.
Wake up Turn10, It’s not 2010 anymore, we have alternatives now.
I’m not throwing my money on this stuff. I got angry I’m done.
I was just watching videos of PCars 2 on youtube and all of the comments are exactly like this thread. They’re saying: ‘glitch x and y still needs to be fixed!!’ or ‘PCARS 1 = PCARS 2’ and the like.
I think the reality is that games have become so advanced these days, and companies are literally running out of things to add, and adding things is becoming exponentially more difficult. I guess each company has its own set of priorities and its own vision of the perfect racing game, and I suppose many consumers do as well. These visions clearly don’t and won’t ever all line up.
for me, forza 4 was the best racing/cars game ever. I’m waiting for someone to come up with something that can match it. The incentives they’ve said they’ve put into the career mode sound very promising and refreshing to me, and I’m extremely optimistic about Forza 7. I can see to a degree why people would be discouraged about it not making huge strides (or, to some people, the right strides) but I think that’s kind of the nature of the beast these days. There’s no way we can see a giant leap between games like between Forza 1 and Forza 2, or especially Gran Turismo 1 and 2 (because they were quite a bit earlier), that’s just technologically impossible.
So like many car fans, I’m sure I’ll try competitors of FM7 out as well, but I’m also sure that FM7 will be a great product that I will enjoy, as that has been true about every forza I’ve ever played. Maybe others will be good too, and I think that’s a great thing, because competition leads to excellence. But I don’t think we can ever expect huge technological/content leaps between one iteration of a franchise and the next anymore, because the technology these days is too advanced.
The biggest factor, I think, is that graphics capabilities now consume the largest portion of the resource budget. Video games have always had to balance graphics and other elements, but we’ve hit a wall where physics calculations and actual game engine code are not massive chunks of the processing power anymore. Almost all of the mechanics, environments, and physics of a game can be managed in 200 to 500 MB of RAM on just about any decent modern processor. But the code to render all of that content has grown exponentially. I would guess that there are just as many (if not more) calculations done for the graphics as there are for all of the physics, AI, and other gameplay elements combined. That’s a lot of CPU and RAM being swallowed just for pretty pictures.
The current technological arms race is all about graphics. There’s no new gameplay to extract from bigger memory and faster processors. We’ve already done all of that. The only frontier left is hyper realistic graphics. And from a gamer’s standpoint, that means that innovation is becoming harder and harder to find. It’s part of the reason we’ve seen such a huge surge in the indie game scene. Modern CPUs and RAM are more than capable of almost any type of gameplay, as long as the graphics stay modest.
There’s a reason that a Core i5 with 8GB RAM and a GTX 1080 will clobber an i7 with a GTX 775 and 32 GB RAM. The memory and CPU are not the bottleneck anymore. It’s the graphics processor.
I honestly couldn’t disagree more with you! There is still tons of gameplay improvements to be made for every racing game on the planet. Project CARS 2 is already taking a leap forward with a formation lap, cooldown lap, animated pit crew, manually driving to your pitbox and last but not least a track surface that is affected by temperature, weather, rain, rubbering in, dirt, snow from the 1st practice day of a race weekend until Sunday afternoon when the final race is completed. But it doesn’t stop there, there is still a lot more margin to be gained. More licensed content, maybe more behind the scenes of racing (more like a team manager’s job), stuff like that.
Honestly FM5 graphics already looked damn good, even still today. That was a very solid base for FM6 and FM7 and didn’t really need changing. What if… supposed what this series could have been if no developer effort would have been put in 60fps, 4K and HDR, or this storm weather on a few of the FM7 tracks, or the silly 3D puddles on static wet maps from FM6? Or whatever visual improvements that affect gameplay in a minimal way? What if between FM5 and now all developer resources would have been put into expanding and enhancing the core gameplay. Could you even imagine what it would be? What you have now in FM7 will be basically the exact same gameplay as in FM5 with zero innovation but some new fluff added. It’s still the same PI system, the same assists, the same handling, the same poor wheel support, the core gameplay in FM7 is exactly the same as in FM5 and FM6.
While Project CARS 2 and even to some extend GT:Sport have been innovative compared to their previous versions, what is new in FM7? Well you can now put a dude in an astronaut suite in your car!!! Just shows you how much Turn 10 is aware of the problems in their game. Forza’s playerbase seems to mostly care about oooh aaaah I want this and that new shiney hypercar! And voila, there you have your DLC pack culture. As long as people keep buying the game and pay for these car packs, well it’s business as usual so why would the devs put in more effort to make the game better? Honesty think about it, if the game releases with 700 cars why on earth would you want more? And if you want more that says enough about the quality of those existing cars already. I currently play Dirt 4 mostly and it shipped with 55 cars, but the majority of those are quality cars with their unique handling and car sound. In FM7 I promise you, that V12 Lamborgini sound will be copy/pasted to a lot of other sounds again. 700 cars are unmanageable for devs so that means handling and sound is just copy/paste from FM6 and that’s it. In Project CARS they will have just over 180 cars but for each of them individually the handling and sound has been improved if the car was already in PCARS1. Sidenote: In PCARS1 cars already sounded better than in FM6 or FH3.
Each to their own I guess, but I really had enough of the Forza copy/pasting series of games.
Everything you mention (except the track surface) has nothing to do with processing power. That’s all content. And I whole-heartedly agree that Forza severely lacks in these areas. But the reason they don’t implement it isn’t because its too demanding for the Xbox or PC.
Not to forget it’s from a 3rd party development studios and it will come to vanilla XBox and PS4 as well. And Microsoft’s own precious in-house development studios would be able to do it? Utter nonsense. They are just to lazy or scared to pull the franchise forward in an innovative way. They got a working cow and as long as they can milk cash out of it, they will keep doing so.
There is only 1 way to show them you disagree with their vision and that is through your wallet.
Absolutely correct and to help you on your way, I’ve taken the liberty of removing any forzamotorsport.net distractions that might otherwise compromise the anticipation and enjoyment of your preferred game you’ve spared no opportunity to promote here while declaring your intention to no longer support this franchise.
Enough already.
Everyone is welcome to criticize the game or the franchise, express their wishes for improvements they would like to see made and generally engage in a civil, polite, and adult discussion around the game and its future. (Before anyone thinks to object, the forums are chock full of critical posts/threads and any claim that such is either not allowed or discouraged is patently absurd on its face.)
What no one is welcome to do is engage in a campaign of negativity whilst defaming the developers. The people at Turn 10 and Playground Games work very hard to produce these titles and while you may not agree with the end results, they do not deserve to be defamed and insulted on the forums they provide for discussion of the games.
The developer is not lazy because they do not give you the game that you want.
The developer is not stupid because they do not give you the game that you want.
The developer is not greedy because they do not give you the game that you want.
The developer is in no way responsible for giving you the game that you want. They produce the game that they want and put a price tag on it, it’s your responsibility to do your research and make the best purchasing decision you can.
N.B. Wherever you end up next, make sure you let it be known how hard done by you were after engaging in a campaign of negativity for the better part of only two years.
Not to also forget that even though it’s been done on a much tighter budget, SMS have still made the effort to try and improve on all aspects of it’s predecessor and take the game forward in such a way that it actually feels new and innovative. Sure, It wouldn’t take much to improve on PCars 1 but the fact remains that instead of just opting for a tidier sequel they’ve instead chosen to take on board community suggestions in an attempt to implement features into Project Cars that racers actually want to see.
Where are people magically finding all this info about the game to determine that it’s cut and paste? I’m amazed that people take little bits/video of info and run with it like it’s the entire game. I’ve seen so many posts already that this game is already sunk, I’m leaving forever, it’s not ( put any new racing game here) seems to me you’ve already given up before it was announced. If you are already down on this game after a few demo races and little bits of info it probably is time to move on. Burning out is fine on something, just don’t repeat it every week that it’s the end, but yet you buy the game and complain anyway.
Forza has a long and storied history of each iteration being declared dead on arrival or about to have its lunch money taken by the latest and greatest Forza Killer. Along with that, no shortage of pearl-clutching, melodramatic posts from those leaving in protest, never to return (until they return the next day to post again, and again, and again). The pile of Forza Killers gathers dust and the long and undistinguished line of protesters announcing their departure remains long and undistinguished.
Quite true this. Having been around here since Forza 2, I remember reading the same things over and over about the newest release. To be honest, having to read the same complaints by the group of “serial complainers” over and over, is starting to get old to me. While I really like to read about what’s coming in the new release it is hard to without having to run across the same guys saying the same things over an over. If PC2 is such a great game, why are you still here. Leave already.