Didn't Expect This

After this latest car Reveal I’ve made up my mind, I’m definitely purchasing a Xbox one X. BUT FM7 will be the one game I will NOT be buying. I can see it now, once they reveal more about the tracks and how “dynamic” they are, it will only go to show how little has changed from FM6. I genuinely want a reason to buy this game. Just one reason that makes the 60-100 dollar purchase worth it after FM6 & FH3. I’ve lost all interest in FM7, what a let down.


Forza 6 is already a great game and i think they wanted to focus on what the community was missing (dynamic weather, more immersion and realistic physics) or criticizm (dlc policy). The Dlc part got thanks to the hugh basegame-content (700 instead of 450 cars) at least strong stemmed - of course there will be dlcs but at this point i dont think anyone will really need it anymore. BUT to me a hugh letdown is its strongest new feature: dynamic weather! Because it will not be available for all tracks … only selected ones - at least at release. I do really hope its because lack of time and they will deliver it to the left tracks with patches - until then it will stay a letdown to me.

And to some people the fact alone that everyone starts fresh from the beginning is a reason to buy - because you can only get this new fresh forza feeling during the first month(s) after release =D

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Where did you hear that? I’ve not seen anything confirming it would or wouldn’t be on every track.

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I went full-in pre-order Ultimate Edition for the last three games. I was late to the XBOne party so I didn’t get FM5 at launch, but I grabbed it in a bundle. But I knew if they didn’t show something that really wow’d me I’d be passing this one by at launch (to probably pick up later). Sometimes the feeling of being burned out looms and it’s time to take a step back for a bit.


A reason to buy FM7…
You love the game.
If you enjoyed FM you’ll love FM7.
The return of Mugello and Suzuka
the new Dubai
700+ cars
the new look/graphics
the ever changing weather
Hours of fun with friends and rivals

That is all I needed


For me this is the first Forza game I will have on the first day. I’ll be able to run it on PC and with my old wheel and they added the content that I was looking for along with a redesigned single player game. I’ll admit, I’ve been super cheap. For past games I’ve paid the following for the base game and never bought DLC at full price if at all for some. I’ve also never bought tokens. Most DLCs I’ve bought for 5 or 10 bucks.

FM2: $5
FM3: $10
FM4: $15
FM5: Soon to be free
FM6: $40 on sale
FH1: 0 - found code in used game at Gamestop
FH2 360: 0 - Gift cards from Xmas
FH2 XB1: $20
FH3: 0 - Gift cards from Xmas


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Kids boasting about stealing stuff in an official forum.
That generation.

He found a code for FH1 in a used game he bought and it didn’t happen to be used. That’s not stealing, it’s getting extremely lucky.

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Im with Stang616 on this one. If someone was randomly punching in codes and got lucky with a FH download, that would be stealing. Getting an unused code from a pre owned purchase is luck. I had a similar thing happen when I bough the Mass Effect trilogy box set for the 360. Every single DLC code was unused. The same for the used copy of Fallout 4 I bought recently. The Fallout 3 code was unused. Maybe I should start investing in lottery tickets with that kind of luck.


Did not read the message he wrote afterward.
My bad then, his original message didn’t precise he actually bought a used game with a horizon code inside, it was written as if he found a code inside a box at gamestop and took it, that is all ^^.

You could teach us how to save money in real life :smiley:

It is comfirmed it wouldnt be on every track. Dubai, no rain, same with laguna? They only added rain to tracks when in real there is rain and i think thats right. But day/night is also not available on every track and i think on some tracks it wont be dynamic, only another daytime when starting a race. but we will see.

you forgot maple valley!!!


you forgot maple valley!!!

You are correct…even better! Thanks

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That is a huge thing for me!




The 911 Strassenversion. And yeah the Windows 10 play anywhere was a selling point for me as well.


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Where did you hear that? I’ve been following this game fairly closely but haven’t seen or heard anything about which tracks will have weather or which won’t. If it’s been stated somewhere can you provide a link please?

All I’ve heard is them saying everytime you visit a track the experience will be different thanks to dynamic weather. But no mention of if every track will have it. I’m hopeful they all will but won’t be surprised if it’s only on some.

Logic? I got the game home and a used copy of Stoked had a download card for Horizon 1 behind the book. I thought it would be already used but amazingly it worked.



At this very moment I’m not seeing too much reason to buy FM7 considering I have FM6. I’ve played every Forza Motorsport and Horizon game made.