Forza 7... A Great Disappointment

So I am a little late to the party but no apologies from me. I’m just going to start this off by saying I’ve been my experience with racing simulation games is well before Forza existed, so yes I’m old. So a couple of weeks ago I purchased 7 finally after finally wanting to move on from Forza 6 and I needed a break from F1. Overall the game is a disappointment and overall lacking from the experience with Forza 6. Yes you brought some great tracks back but the AI is pathetic and underwhelming. The driving logic is is also unbalanced based on certain tracks which really confusing. There is no realistic consistency on long duration races for tire wear and fuel usage. Le Mans as an example racing the Porsche Hybrid and the 908 is doing 1/2 the amount of stops. Multiplayer is just same old thing with some crap sprinkled on top. I also cannot stand the amount of menus after a race just to get back to the lobby so I can rush to either select another car or tune. This evolution of this game feels like Forza Horizon is driving the bus which is sad. Instead of having some really awesome drivers provide commentary on the game you should have them play it and provide feedback. I hope Forza 8 is better and the priorities shift in the right direction. The race is not about being first all the time, its about consistency and making it to the finish line. If you do it right you win every time.

Sorry for posting three times…The server came back with an error and didn’t show the this actually posted!

They have taken longer than normal to make the game really nice for Xbox Series X. The game will go under microscope before it is launched. They are saying that this time around they have listened to their fans when it comes to developing the next Motorsport. I hope to play it in Spring 2021. It should’ve been released with Series X on November 10, 2020. Shame if the game is not launched in 2021.

Most of what you said has been there in every iteration of Forza since the beginning (terribad AI, poor “consumable mechanics”, multiplayer idiocy), but having to sit through seventeen “LEVEL UP!” screens after every race is new. New and absolutely atrocious. I’m aware the whole “Operant Conditioning, The Video Game!” concept was all the rage when FM7 was developed, but c’mon, people.

I’m also not a fan of watching my Drivatard doing the pee-pee dance in the background of every menu. I do get a chuckle out of the ridiculous mustache in the replays, though, so I suppose character customization isn’t all bad.


Forza 7 was a decent game but it’s fallen behind a lot. I mainly spend time on simulation racing on the PC but do like a good couch racer. Problem with Forza 7 is mostly the online racing was pretty terrible. Meanwhile I kept looking over a GT Sport and thinking, man, that has a lot of good things going for it with the online daily and weekly race format and more balanced cars, pitstops, etc… I wish they would give more info about Forza 8 as really considering dumping the xbox after all these years and switching over to GT 7 as my “goto” arcade couch racer.