What is the best method for moving forza 7 to a new pc?

Apologies if this has been covered before. Searching didn’t return anything useful.

My motherboard went out so I’ve purchased a new one and will need to clean install. All files are backed up. Forza installation folder is on separate (non-OS) drive.

Is there a safe method to ensure I don’t lose my data? Can I avoid downloading the whole thing again?

My friends have tried various methods with zero success.

They have all resorted to downloading again.

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As far as I know, you have to download it again.

There’s very heavy restrictions with UWP apps/games.

All of your saved data is store online with thru the xbox account (your user name), so while it sucks to redownload the game you data should be good to go.

You have to reinstall you cannot simply copy the game folder from one PC to another. It will not create the registry entries an install would and the game will not work.

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