Game installed on external drive, how to proceed with new Windows install without data loss

Hi there! I’ve been doing as much reading on various forums as I can but I’m not confident that I’m not going to lose save data before I take any next steps so I thought I’d better ask the experts!

In a nutshell, I have Forza Horizon 4 successfully installed and working perfectly on a separate drive to Windows.

But, due to some unrelated issues, I recently reverted the Windows (C:) drive from a backup from before I installed Forza. Windows is working fine but obviously, Forza is no longer installed.

I essentially want to get back to where I was with my setup/game progress etc so, I want to have Forza installed in the same location it already exists (my external drive) but because all the files are already on that drive, I’m unsure if I should just attempt to download and install as normal from the Microsoft store or whether that will cause issues either with there being existing data already there (duplication etc) or if I will lose all my save data. From what I understand, all my save data is in the Cloud but I’ve been unable to find any details on what my cloud save data is.

I’m happy to re-download, reinstall etc I just want to ensure my game progress will be carried over.

Any advice is welcome :slight_smile:

p.s. I still have access to the previous Windows instance (the one with Forza installed) in case I need to access anything there or that helps in any way (I’m using a VM based server setup).

Many many thanks,