What have I missed?!?!

I know I just spun a one million in the tutorial.
Just had a quick poke around, did 3 races in my VW Golf mk2. What a stunning looking game!
Straight from FM4 it’s breathtaking. The cars drive beautifully so far.
And sebring in the wet with wipers and raindrops, totally immersive. You lot have been spoiled since xb1 came out!
Looks like I’ve missed more than I thought.

What is the leagues section??? That looks awesome but very mysterious, the polite American woman didn’t elaborate on detail.

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Be prepared for some not-so polite ppl in the various M/Player aspects of the game mate…

Sadly, the Wreckers have taken over the various online components, and since F3-4, the number online has increase dramatically. And with that has come the era of the Wreckers…

They smash and trash you at every tune. Lay hiding in wait until you come down a straight and nip out and park right I your way. Or smack you in the tail so you swerve off the track.

Never retaliate, no matter WHAT they do.

Simply save the actual replay of the race, then hit up Snowowl, send him the details of the event, what took place, and the link to the replay etc.

He’ll then follow it up. He has the ability to shut someone down for abusing the terms of use etc. so as much as you’d like to take revenge, don’t. You’ll only be tarred with the same brush.

Many say that Forza 4 is hands on much better than Forza 6. In my book, and I’ve played every iteration, this version looks brilliant, the cars are beautiful, they are represented perfectly, right down to the windscreen wipers and badges.

They handle relatively well. And the night day and wet sessions are miles ahead of what was given in F3-4 etc. the sound is great. The visuals are brilliant at 1080p and the number of cars is mind boggling.

Watch out for the puddles, try going around them wherever possible, as you can aquaplane very easily. Try raising your car a little in the wet to help stop it from aquaplaning…

Do try lifting the drivitar difficulty soon, rather than later, as this will help you lift your game.

Do go through the various Volumnes fully, once you’ve done the first 30% which allows you to move to the next Volumne. Then come back and work through the remainder in each Volumne.

Have lots of fun in the Showcases. The Enduros are very taxing, especially the ones at night and in the wet. Make sure you watch your fuel levels in the enduros, as each car uses gas differently of course.

If you want tips, always ask and there’s bound to be ppl out there that can help.

Most importantly, just have fun.


Yes bud. Sounds just like FM4 back at the height of it’s popularity.
I’m no stranger to the problems associated with multiplayer racing and NEVER retaliate.
Personally I find the “Elite players” that seem to think it’s okay to remove slower players (me) by spinning them, are worse than the wreckers ethically. I also believe that they should shoulder a fair amount of blame for the “wrecking culture” as they exclude and alienate inexperienced players. They will have turned many many budding racers (who could have made a positive contribution to our game) to the darkside. But that’s just my opinion, and we could talk all year about that, and we’d all still have a different opinion.

I’ve spent the last few days playing FM4 whilst waiting for my XB1 to arrive. There’s not many people online, it’s mostly class A circuit races and small lobby’s.The irony of it is that the multiplayer has been a dream, literally no aggro at all.
I remember snowowl from the old days too, back when the reporting via replays was a new idea. It’s good to see that people have still got someone to go to. Even if it hasn’t solved our problems that is worth a lot. The Forza community is still the best out there!

true OZ. just didn’t want people to think that he is the one that ban people :slight_smile:

That’s cool, no probs.

You’re right though, some ppl need to have things spelt out for them. As they often don’t read past the first line before hitting the Reply button.

I unfortunately have some dyslexia, which is why I sometimes read words incorrectly. Have had since I was young, but have managed to overcome most of the issues around it. But not all.

So long as there’s no speed signs that say 66 and I read them as 99 lol hehehe


that was my thought. it could have backfired to snowowl. some people these days…

I see you comment allot and could never have guessed that you have dyslexia, I like reading your posts when I have the spare time :slight_smile:

lol!! don’t do the 99’s!!

Thanks for the comments, most appreciated.

It’s caused some serious embarrassing moments, that’s for sure. But I’ve managed to learn ways around things over the years.

But in my schooling years, well, that was another matter. I fumbled through school, and ended up having to leave at 16 due to repeating twice at high school.

You learn ways to get around things, like all things in life.

Yeah, Snow’s a real decent and dedicated guy. Far moreso than many of the full time employees I think personally. Like you’ve said, some just don’t read and can’t even be bothered to read a single post earlier.

They see a thread heading, hit the reply button, and state the obvious enough that’s been mentioning need previously. I just wish it was mandatory for ppl to read posts prior to posting, myself included lol.

I promise not to do the reverse speed limits, honest …



No probs. its nice to have someone that’s write in good manner and are positive :slight_smile:

good to hear that you have figured things out over the years. you learn by doing and your not done before your last breath. Keep it up!

snowowl is kinda hero in Forza :wink:

sorry for off topic to OP…

Sorry, folks. Yes, I am powerless. I only feed information to the developers (employees only “inside” with authorized access to internal computer programs can do bans, and that is not me) so there is a delay in the process. You may be wrecked on Sunday night, send the information to me Monday and by the time I have time to verify the contents I may have missed sending it on Tuesday. Then perhaps - if they’re not backed up on other things (like Apex) - it might get adjudicated on Wednesday. Turn 10 doesn’t work weekends or holidays either, normally the heaviest “play” time on the games.

Or, like last week - we had Mother’s Day on Sunday. For me, that’s a Thursday, all-day, 503-mile one-way drive to where our three daughters live. Though I take my Xbox One (but not the 360) with me, staring at roads for nine hours isn’t anything but tiring and I sure didn’t want to disrupt food consumption and sleep for reviewing stuff. Friday I don’t really remember (tiredness) except reports did go in for processing, and I’m not sure what happened to Saturday except our youngest daughter graduated college that night in a three-hour ceremony which lasted until 10 p.m.

Sunday - Mother’s Day - was a family breakfast, relaxation and time spent enjoying yard games, and grilling great hamburgers. And playing with our 14-month-old granddaughter who has never eaten “baby food” only small portions of whatever the parents or adults are eating on her own plate or bowl. She is bright, and her Mom - the Saturday night grad - has been teaching her sign language along the way. She knows to make up her own mind, and appropriately applies a “yes” nod up and down with her head or “no” with her head going sideways. “Would you like some more hamburger?” The answer was signed appropriately with her hands, followed by the “yes” nod.

We were all astounded! We all sat around on the blanket and in chairs with our mouths open. So, she looked from face to face, then threw her hands in the air and said “Ta-Da!”

Life is worth living.


Thank You for sharing Snowowl, sounds like an absolute great time, except the driving part. Life is worth living, and God Bless enjoy every minute of it cause, it will pass by before you know it. I have 3 Children , one day they are just starting to eat baby food, the next week they are graduated from school… Seems like it anyway.

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sounds a bit like apologizing for not being there to kick somebody at the weekend,snow?!
i hope my ltd english caused my confusion. :o)
Especialy YOU have done enough for the FM community.
Life is worth living (+1)

Real life takes the top priority level. I was “there” at times over the weekend, too, otherwise the spreadsheet would not have been sent in on Monday. The whole weekend I felt like I was “cheating” by only putting in a few hours each day. LOL!

I don’t kick anyone, and never have. I am powerless, as I said. Only employees who have the proper credentials to logon to the administrative system inside Turn 10 can do that.

But, seeing with my own eyes, a 14-month-old granddaughter who only says “MaMa,” “DaDa” and occasionally “Ta-Da!” using sign language she had never expressed before, and in the proper context along with nodding “yes” was priceless. Wish we had a video of it.


I still haven’t been able to get away from work for long enough to get on the xbox! Been doing 14hr days this week.

One thing that I’m very curious about the leagues section of the game.

What are they? I’m imagining something really cool.