I have a question for all the Forza 7 players out there: Which car do you think is the most overpriced in the game? The prices of some of the cars in FM7 have risen significantly since their apperance in Forza 6 and Horizon 3. Here are some examples below:
2005 Lotus Elise 111S
Forza 6 price: 21,000 Cr
Horizon 3 price: 32,000 Cr
Forza 7 price: 80,000 CREDITS!
2015 Range Rover Sport SVR
Forza 6 price: 120,000 Cr
Horizon 3 price: 133,000 Cr
Forza 7 price: 435,000 CREDITS!
1997 Lamborghini Diablo SV
Forza 6 price: 110,000 Cr
Horizon 3 price: 174,000 Cr
Forza 7 price: 1,050,000 CREDITS!!
So yeah. Post your answers in this thread and I’ll be very surprised at what I see!
The price bears no relation to the car, its real world marketvalue as new or used car or its powerlevel ingame or in real world. The price bears only a relation to the collector value of the car - and this value is sometimes strange, when a seventies F1-race car has a lower collectorsvalue then the 2004 Ford GT, but hey: Welcome to Forza Motorsport 7!
I sit back and ask why the cars have prices at all.
They serve no gameplay purpose as the cheap ones are as good as the expensive ones. There is no limited supply of the cars so there is no reason to charge more based on that. All the high prices do is put the content behind a time wall that only prevents you from playing the game the way you want to play it.
Personally, I find all cars too expensive. I find myself doing lots of laps at a track I do not like using a car I do not like just to get the most credits. I am not enjoying the rest of game. The other day, I spent $330,000 (lots of laps) on a crate loot only too get cars I already had.
Honestly, most of the stuff I like is alot cheaper in this game… Lmp cars, vintage racers, gt cars, all way cheaper than the past. I couldnt really care less about base cars or stuff you seen in parking lots. I can buy those in real life.
You know there is something wrong when the game prices a Jaguar XKR-S for $60,000, or a Ferrari 250 California for $200,000 and then it throws a stupid BMW X6M in your face for a whopping $400,000… What’s so special about it? That it’s confused on what it is? SUV or car? The fact that the X5M is the same, but more practical, or that there is at least another two BMW’s with the same engine, but much less weight and better looking?
I know car prices in these games will be a bit off, by a few hundreds, or maybe thousands… but seriously?