What cars are you preparing to gift for this year's secret santa?

Tbf the economy and car garage mechanics are much different in TCMF. You can not own multiple of the same car model and there is no way of selling or deleting cars either. So you do not need credits as fast in the grand scheme of things of that model. Apple to orange differences

Well according to the meter we’re almost there for the 1st Secret Santa reward. Should happen tonight or tomorrow I think. I’m also all out of dupes in the garage but still regifting barn runs if they count. Cheers all ! :slight_smile:

Made two of these, accidentally dropping one in the auctions…whooops…

It’s twin was dropped off properly.

Doing more weirdness after dinner!



Does anyone have an Alfa Romeo 4C and willing to gift it? If not gift sell it to me on auction or we’ll gift trade. I only have about 3 000 000 credits to spend, but im willing to trade any number of my cars, i have 130 cars at the moment. I really want the 4C, mainly because i have that car IRL :smile: Would be awesome to be able to play with car

The first car has been unlocked


Nice stripe work!

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The overlanding fits particularly well on this one, rims as well.

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This must be what the elves follow Santa around in in case any packages fall out of the sleigh.

Working on a hard-to-gift MG SV-R next.


Ah the Xmas spirit of gifting dlc

Got the MG finished. I kinda like it but probably because the actual car’s rather unloved.

More lunacy to come.


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Yeah with you on the “new player” thinking. I think most are just players second & third accounts same as half the many many female avatars (more than male these days) we suddenly have playing.

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That too, but more that gifts sent to “new players” aren’t always received by new players. Some of us who have been here from launch were receiving gifts that from the greeting included were intended for new players, long after we were anything but new players in any sense.

I suspect, if there’s any attempt to actual send them to the chosen recipient in the first place, that the game gives up at some point and just starts delivering them to anyone, first come first served. Or used to anyway. A while back I started wondering if gifts are delivered at all sometimes. Maybe the game tries a few times and if not picked up it gets wiped from the queue. And maybe we get one of those generic “Gift Delivered” with a “Kudo Recieved” attached to it. That’s what every one of my secret santa gifts was this year. Not one Thank You or indication that a real person received any of them. C’est la vie. Especially if as suspected by some it’s all a pre-programmed scheme anyway and the meter will climb at its programmed rate and the rewards will drop regardless on the pre-determined days.

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how I sleep at night cashing in wheelspin cars instead of gifting them


Does any of you pick up the cars when you get the gift message?

I’ve been playing along during the Secret Santa and insta re-gifting because I have all the cars (mostly) and only keep one original owner version of each anyway (mostly) . Of course with the silly winter intro happening every single time I start the game I’m not doing that as much as I might.

I’ve also noticed, thanks to the silly winter intro happening, that I’ve missed the notification of a gift, at least twice. I only noticed because once during Haley’s “here’s all the ‘new’ events” plonking on the map one of the barns was also visible with the gift icon. The second one I missed and found was only after that because I thought I should look at the map and scan the barns, sure enough, a gift was waiting. No idea how many I missed entirely because of that.


I didn’t think anybody would actually use the cars I gifted.



I don’t gift a single car anymore. Out of about 30 cars that I have gifted so far, I have received only 2 thanks … It is too hard just send thank you …???


I think the requirements to NOT send a thank you take more clicks and time, so, yeah. Of course I also suspect the reason for the lack of a lot of thank you messages is actual delivery of cars gifted going to real people and not just being removed from the queue with an automated “Gift Delivered” and “Kudo Recieved” message. I don’t normally have anything to gift, worth the giving or receiving, and I quit chasing barn gifts for the same reason. In the regualr seasons. Christmas being an exception just in case they haven’t simply automated the whole Secret Santa game. Then I do my “part” gifting all the accumulated “treasures” and regifting all the barn gifts. It’s just the spirit of Horizon !

I’ve had a lot of thanks from the cars I have sent and I’ve sent a lot more cheap cars I had laying around then expensive ones.

I used to ignore them after a while, since I had every car in the game anyway, but I saw someone recently get an E-Ray as a gift, so I guess I should start looking at them again just in case.

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