It’s a holiday miracle! Our community has donated enough gifts to unlock the first Secret Santa reward.
The Santa Suit can now be claimed and worn by everyone! Simply restart your console or the Steam client on PC and download the reward via the in-game Message Center.
Remember to continue sending gifts throughout the holidays to unlock the next reward! ¡Felices fiestas!
'Tis the season for giving! We’re well on our way to the first reward in the Secret Santa event, but we need your help! Every gift makes a difference!
Note: I’ve seen reports here and there that when users go to the Market to collect a gift by smashing it, the car is not added to their garage. This is not listed in the Known Issues yet, so please be sure you Submit a Ticket on this at Forza Support.
Giving. Sorry if this wasn’t clear. Users can gift cars from the Forzathon Shop (select a car and choose to Gift it), from Wheelspins when receiving a duplicate car, or by Gift Drop.
Of course, there is still a period of time, but how many people will cooperate with a challenge where the other party can’t receive the car due to a bug and just wastes their FP?
And that’s not the only problem with this challenge. Many of the items in this holiday shop are not worth the FP.
No one is going to pay hundreds of FP for a GT500 or Bronco that can be purchased inexpensively at an auto show, and they won’t be happy to receive it either.
I think the attempt will be interesting. If it works, there was enough potential to make everyone happy.
But bugs and unattractive products are ruining it.
If the next shop items are better and they fix the bugs as soon as possible, I am sure this challenge will be successful…
I gifted one of each of the cars from the shop to a family member. It’s the one and only time we can do directed gifts, so I thought ‘why not’ (as I had the points and already had the cars).
And then I’ve gifted off some of my dupe cars. The problems on the receiving end are no doubt dampening interest in this though.
Every day, I’d say on average, I get a gift notification, I pop up the map, it highlights the barn, I either drive or fast travel there and…nothing.
And I haven’t actually been checking that the ones I do receive turn up in my garage, I just assumed they did. If I’m reading feedback right though some people are going to the barn, getting the car in theory, but then not having it in their garage?
Very strange, I received two gift from the Mulegé market and that cars were added to my garage without issue.
The very good thing is that this kind of presents are showing in your garage you as primary owner at contrary of the normal gift that has as owner the first owner or an unknown person.
This is a very good thing for me and for other that love to have in garage only cars with us as first owner.
Thats progress after 1 Week… Sorry, no gifts this year
Bring back the real Willys and the Santa Outfit shouldn’t be a problem
But yeah there is a 65+% chance they’ve messed up on this… Maybe bar resets to 0 on 25.12. or it hits goal and nothing happens or it unlocks outfit+car and car is not saved in garage or game crashes or…
What numbers were used to create the event???
13+M total players?? > no idea how many stopped playing after the update mess
200+M total gifts from first weeks?? > how many willys jeep are in that number
Cheapest car in forzathonshop is 200fp. We’ve got 1000fp for 4-5weeks dealing with broken game so 200fp is not cheap
Chance for getting duplicate from wheelspin isn’t that high and it’s easier to click “sell for 10k” in the dialog (3+ dialogs to gift)
Take a look at the “Treasure Hunt Blazing Thunder” thread with all the frustrated players and its only 3points+50k money so in best case pgg has already someone sitting around watching the globalgifts number and the person changes value to complete on xmas
Oh man, what a massive fail for FH5 (for pg games , not the people playing the game) if the total for this nonsense gift-cars exercise does not reach it’s target.
i really hope it does not meet the target: just to show that players ar eNOT ON BOARD with pg games and their nonsense.
…although - i am sure it would magically reach the total at the end of the month - ooh- what a surprise!
and will then…start the new year off with a failed daily challenge to ruin series 3 playlist. yay! pg games doing what it does best!
Meh. On XBOX the driving game selection is uninspiring. And I largely won’t pay for a driving game I don’t get to try first because they so often have terrible handling with a controller - which usually proves to be the case when I do get to try them. And that’s before narrowing the selection down to open world driving.
I got 4,000fp from the 1,000fp they gifted us, it just kept appearing in my inbox, one of the best glitches so far, so I keep gifting the 200fp car as often as I can. It’s not like there is anything else to spend on now that we can’t keep buying spins!
I only know of some causes where the 1000 fp gift appeared double in the inbox. Since the doubling skill of the house affected these points as well they got a total of 4000.
I’ve not heard of more than 4000 in total yet.
Also not seen a glitch for it on the popular glitch sites.
What caused the inbox doubling no one of the affected people knew and it wasn’t reproduceable.
Probably one of those registration issues the game still has. I for example could complete the pre-launch season twice because it lost all progress. After the next login it reverted back to the original progress while adding the other points as well. Thus, I got the achievement and had many more points than actually possible - and of course two '05 NSX-R GT.
Even today the game sometimes launches with its placeholder season because it can’t load the correct one.
are you really serious with this post?
how is a player who has issues with this game and have series events not being able to be completed supposed to take this message?
do the devs really want us to take part in an event and they cant fix other events?
the next 2 upcoming series already have 3 events marked as bugged in each series!
this secret santa event works and has been tested 100%, right?
so, if this event works then why are other events not working?
another thought!
why are you really posting this?
it is because it working correctly and there is not enough support and progress to achieve the goal(s)?
My guess is this has been posted because player numbers have dropped and not enough people are wasting their Forzathon points. Clearly it shows how badly PGG have no understanding of or concern for the community…ignoring the time-sensitive things that we care about (broken playlist items) and pushing the time-sensitive things we really don’t care about. There is zero correlation between PGG and their playerbase…if the game was fully functional and wasn’t full of blatantly ignored bugs and issues, then we may be more interested