I’ve only played the demo but the hood view was very strange IMO, I’ve used hood view for as long as 3D racing’s been around and I can’t remember being as confused about handling as I was in the demo. (it’s hard to explain but I think they’ve added head movement into the mix that works in cockpit view but throws hood view into the “way of the confused”)
Anyone else - and I want to hear from people who use the hood view and not people that don’t and want to add their irrelevant 0.50 - noticed this and more to the point, has it changed within the full release?
I suppose that’s funny, sorry mate I can’t go down to the level where trolling is something considered fun, but to each their own I suppose, now go troll some other thread and let the people capable of having a discussion discuss the matter at hand.
Occasionally there seems to be a feeling that the reflections are scrolling the reverse direction. I guess it depends on the weather conditions and track, but I have felt a little discombobulated. Pretty rare though, it’s one of those things that you can ignore until you actually see it. I’m thinking maybe Laguna Seca is where it happens?
TBH I never thought about whether it was a specific track, it was the demo and I just played it to see whether or not I’d buy my 7’th game in the series…
What happened is that when I steered into the corner (as I’d done in all the previous Forza’s) the car didn’t seem to react and I was all of a sudden in a slide that I couldn’t counter due to the visual not giving me the feedback I’d gotten in the previous games… (or other games where I’d used the hood view)
So, you do know the feeling, but it’s pretty rare in the full release? (the reason for the thread is that I’m very reluctant to buy the game, I may love Forza but I don’t want to buy a game I won’t enjoy, even if it’s a Forza one)
I use the hood view all the time to and so far the only thing I noticed is in the 69 Boss 302 Mustang I feel like I’m driving a truck. The view seems like I’m sitting waaay up there, maybe its just me thou.
Are you playing with a gamepad controller or wheel?
I play with a wheel and use the hood view exclusively until they fix the broken hand animation inside the cockpit, I can’t handle when my steering wheel movements in the game don’t mimic my steering wheel movements in my hand, plus the animation doesn’t go beyond 90 degrees!
The only thing I’m finding with the hood view is on some cars its way too low for me making corrections a little more difficult for me.
It would be really nice if we could just customize our view settings no matter where we place ourselves.
I use a controller, but the thing I see as a problem is not based on what’s being used to play the game, as I’ve used the controller for Forza motorsport 2, 3, 4 and 5 and also Horizon and JHorizon 2, I’ve never felt as if I can’t control the car, even due to all the wheat in h2 that hinders my view, in that case my view was hindered and not my ability to control the car.
I know what you mean. I switch between hood and cockpit views - especially because some cameras in the cockpit view are way off (it’s like I am 3ft tall just staring at the wheel in some cars…). Anyhow, the hood view in some cars gives a very awkward feeling. On turns, the car seems to fishtail more than in cockpit view. Like the viewing angle is off and I am turning more than I think I am… or perhaps it has to do with the camera being set further in front than the hood positioning would suggest… not sure. But yes, it gives some awkward car reactions.
Yeah I think they added motion effects to the hood view. In the HUD options you can turn motion effects off.
I noticed with Motion Effects on, the hood camera wiggles a little bit when the tires start to lose traction. I kind of like it, it’s an extra little cue that I need to be more careful in the turns, especially since a video game can’t properly communicate the G forces I would feel in a car.
I noticed the same thing but it seems to change with different vehicles. I was in something with a round-ish hood… It might have been a M235i from hood view and it looked so weird that it was undrivable. I couldn’t tell if the reflections were bugging me out or if there was some kind of head motion going on. I will have to check to make sure that was the vehicle.
I’ve had several cars where I’ve found the hood reflections distracting. I just throw a flat finish paint on the car and that usually cuts the reflection enough to no longer be a problem.
Does it though? What I find (and this has existed since FM5 AFAIK) is that even thought the car has matte paint on the bonnet, in bonnet view the bonnet still has reflections like standard paint.