We need more then one garage

I think we need more then one garage to put cars in so one for drifts ect



You can only see one car at a time in your garage, this isn’t Horizon, thankfully, and you only need to see the current car you’re driving.

You still have access to all your cars via the huge manurfacturers selection, you see your multiple copies of cars if you have them. I have several of different models so that I have them set up for different races, styles and looks etc.

They see there at my fingertips, why include yet another (several if you includ drag, circuit, drift, etc) menus just to see what you can already see.

It would however be nice to have a few more different “Homespace” settings to have your current selected car showing up in.

Perhaps a Pitstop setting, a different trackside setting like say Yas etc… That would be much better than adding a different “garage” for each category of racing style… Don’t you think?


I think it would be nice to have a couple more search or sort options when looking for something specific. I also have many different versions of the same car. My regal alone has I think 5 or 6 different actual cars in my garage. Circuit cars in a couple different classes, or builds and then a few more as differently built and tuned drag cars. And I have many other cars just like that.

Some say that is excessive, maybe. For me and as many different options for a build with each car and class, it’s easier to just change cars as apposed to saving a tune, loading a tune, repeat. But that’s totally just me, most likely. Haha But I definitely think the search and sort system in this game could use a lil love.

When there are rewards for downloads, uses and likes but no indication of what people are using or liking, without loading g car after car for tunes. At least with paint you can see all your paintjobs regardless of current car.

Maybe a happy medium would be, like OZ said, give us some more homespaces. If possible, which I am sure there’s a way to do it, have it possible to assign certain cars to certain homespaces. Such as my Drag cars, I could set them to be in a Airstrip Test Track homespaces or put all my circuit cars in a Spa homespace, like the pits or finish line or somewhere picturesque, whatever. Just hypothetical als, but something to make looking for things quicker or if anything more interestingly.

I am one of the old guys that plays this game, I find the menus tedious and cumbersome. At the very least stale and boring.


I think OP needs a new GT.


Forza Motorsport 4 had garage grouping options, whereby you could categorise your cars as you saw fit. Some people would have a “Drift folder”, tuners and painters could have “cars I’m working on” etc.

It was an nice feature but like much of Forza Motorsport 4’s off-track content didn’t make its way over to Xbox One.


As I said earlier, I’m old. Still pretty sure this interweb fad with die off sooner or later, haha. Seriously though, I don’t understand why things like that, which in my tiny little brain, seem like either just programing another folder or link, can’t be thrown in or put in in the first place. But i also don’t understand why we can listen to our own music the same way we could on the 360. That I sorely miss from the old slow dinosaur 360 console. Thats an Xbox issue though, not really a Forza thing. Still, my point still is valid. Why can’t those things make after all the complaints about 5, the missing stuff from 4.

Ok, i will stop, turning into a different topic, my bad.

I think that more detailed options with how you can sort your cars would solve this issue. Hint hint Turn10!

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