Car showroom

Has anyone seen what the car showroom looks like when you goto purchase a vehicle hopefully it’ll be broke down where you can click on a brand instead of scrolling all the way like I’m fm5 and h2


I’m not so concerned about the showroom, I would like to have more organisation available for my own cars. Also being able to select certain cars for online racing would be helpful. Just having one long list isn’t very practical


My thoughts exactly.

I hope we have at minimum groups like we had in FM4, so i can have my favourite online cars in a group at the front of the list.


I think its supposed to look like a Pit Garage with a big Race car Transporter in the background according to the E3 trailer…

With 450+ cars in the base game, over 50 coming in DLC, and no doubt that the devs expect you to collect them all, maybe even have multiples of each, it must have crossed their mind to make a more user-friendly way to navigate cars by now.

I hope we can create car groups like in FM4, it makes more sense. Rather than having to scroll all the way through the list.

So they recognized the issue and tried making improvements? I’m ok with that. If they were looking into a small annoyance such as that, I’m assuming FM6 is a bit more polished, functionally speaking.

His response was a little confusing, but does that mean that it’ll look like FM5 but with LB/RB skipping over more car brands at a time??

It’s funny hearing them concerned about the ‘extra clicks’, when Forza 5 needlessly made you skip through that Recommended Design screen, then bugs you with the option to buy the car with Tokens. Not to mention we’ve lost track of the amount of ‘clicks’ of the RB we need to reach the second half of the alphabet…

But hey, they say they’ve made an improvement, so it must be something. =)

Sounds much better and just what I wanted to hear.

as long as we can sort the list by PI or by value that’s really all I need.


I should have been more informative in my original post. I wouldn’t mind the FM3 layout when buying a new car and. The ability to group certain vehicles in your garage like fm4.

I would also like to see the engine type of a car in the specs. I missed this in horizon 2. Such an important piece of info about a car. Although I know many and many are obvious there will always be some I don’t know.