Vip or car pass?

I really can’t decide wether to get the VIP pass or the car pass. I mean, 42 cars sounds great and all but…

Need your input.

Why is it one or the other?

Which would you prefer:

— double credits, a handful of free cars, and special rivals events
— 42 cars, regular payouts

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Go with the car pass. The VIP is nice but I’d rather have access to more cars with less credits than have an excess of,credits with fewer cars to buy.

If I was only going to go with one I think I’d go with the car pass. Why? Well, with Forza Rewards at the highest Tier you get half a million credits every week for a total of 2 million a month, and 24 million a year. Even if you reached Tier 9 and then ONLY got on the game to claim your reward, you’d be able to buy a car for every class, every career chapter, and most of every car in the game with that money alone.

Combine this with the wheel spins every time you level up between levels 1 & 40, a special spin every time the game feels like it, and wheel spins for special occasions like finishing a chapter, getting max affinity, and the likes wheelspins add up to a lot of money.

Now lets say you actually play the game you’re earning money for racing quite a bit. You won’t be hurting for money if you’re playing the game.

VIP gives you the 5 VIP cars - which are pretty cool - special rivals events, and double basic prize money. As I showed above, you may not need the extra money as it does not apply to all money earned but only the “completion” credits of a race and wheelspin prizes. The Car Pass gives you 41 new cars to have fun with and a limousine.

You can’t get the cars without purchasing the DLC but you can get more CR by playing the game so which would you rather spend your money on - a CR boost or cars?

Verdict: buy the Car Pass.

I usually do both @ the start. Couldn’t do both this time around so went with VIP. I may do car pass later, I may not. I’ll wait to see what cars come out.

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Get the VIP. They usually have a discount price on the Car Pass sometime around April. I think it was about half last year earlier this year with the Horizon 2 Car Pass.

If cost is an issue, then i’d recommend the car pass for sure, you’ll be getting more content that way, but i’d definitely recommend both, you get more rivals events, exclusive cars with vip and double credits as mentioned in earlier posts

Have you bought the game yet. If not u may wanna give the game a try first before you decide.

Also to add to this if you haven’t bought the game yet maybe consider the Ultimate edition where you get both the VIP and car pass included

It’s discounted so you end up saving I believe $10

I bought the Ultimate Edition or whatever it was called and I kind of regret it. I’m playing about 2 hours of Forza per week and the car pass just feels like wasted money. Depends on how much you play I guess, though the first car pack was pretty cool (except for the limo)

I’d recommend renting the game first. Read some of the reviews here, you may have buyers regret.