Car Pass worth it?

I just got enough money to buy the Car Pass and am trying to decide if I should. Either possibly pay the extra $10 for 6 car packs, or buy right now all 6 and potentially save $10. I have always in past Forza’s based my decision on only buying the car pack if I want 6 or more cars from it. So far that is the case here. Out of the 20 cars from the current two I want 14. I just can’t decide to purchase them separately or altogether. Tough decision and I might wait until the February car pack releases and then decide.

What did everyone else do?

i buy only the cars that i like to have … for example in the january i taked only the catherham… so i will do in the next packs… if there are only 1 in my interest ill take the only 1 … if there are more in my interest maybe ill take the entire pack … i prefer doing this couse in previous forza i bought the pack and i liked only 1 one car in the pack! so check what you like and think if the cost worth it…

I bought the car pass because I know I’d regret it if I pick and choose the cars I like and, in the end, spend just as much money on individual vehicles. Asking if it is worth it is an odd question. Sure, it is worth it in the sense that you’ll save over purchasing each pack separately; however, in terms of quality, nobody can judge as we still have three packs remaining.

If you are really on the fence, don’t buy any DLC and wait to see the remaining months’ vehicles; then, determine if you want them all (car pack) or if you just rather pick and choose.

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For myself it isnt worth it.
I am picky about the cars that get released and usually only find one or two per pack that I would actually use.
If you have 14/20 cars that you want, then it may be worth it in your case.
Like shadow said, if your not sure, at least wait and see what comes next.

In general i always buy season passes for games i really like , it lengthens the life of the game for me.I suppose buying them one by one is also a good idea especcially if you know what you’re looking for and are spending less.

:spades: Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D :spades:


That is such an old argument and really not an argument at all.

DLC is there for those who want to buy it. It’s not necessary to buy it to play the game. If the DLC cars were meant to be in the game then they would be !

You cannot blast a company for wanting to make money out of their product. A game like forza is only worth the box value, it has no subscriptions to rely on. The box value will drop continually as time progresses but development and programming costs will not decrease, they will likely get more expensive.

The original poster is wanting some advice on buying content as he has made the decision he would like to. The other posters [except you] are offering their advice.
DLC is part of gaming now. You can either ignore it and play a game or buy in to it, the CHOICE is yours and yours alone mate.

Hope this helps.

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Well said.

As far as buying the car pass it really depends on how much you are going to play the game. If you are going to play it a lot and have a good group of friends playing it, I wont say get it all. I remember on FM2(last game i played) that me and my friends would always take cars that people hated/didnt race and everyone would have a couple of minutes to make it whatever class and we would race. Those were some of the most fun races we had.

Well said mate.

New car every month that sound good to me

If you like 14 cars so far out of 20 then it’s a no brainer buy it!

TBF saving $10 over the course of 6 months isn’t really worth it IMO I’d rather spend an extra $1.50 a month and know what I’m getting. I’m suprised they didn’t do the season pass only cars like they did in Horizon to make the deal more attractive, that would of probably pushed me the other way.

Although I have the carpass and dont regret it, I do miss those season pass only cars

The car packs have always been a money grab. As an old gamer, I hate having to pay extra for a developer to get their lazy butts in gear and finish adding content that should have been there to begin with! NO, it is not worth it…

But, as a dedicated fanboy, I bought it anyway…

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haha Punkers.

I am with you on the fanboy part.

I really enjoy Forza, I have never bought any of it’s DLC though if I am honest. I really like the look of some of the cars though in the last 2 packs and so maybe now I might actually be tempted to spend some cash on T10.

I am personally not keen on a season pass deal and so buying in each month once I see what’s on offer would be my plan. I am awaiting for to allow DLC purchasing though or the Forza ingame store to arrive as I am a Brit who lives in France. I use UK as my country else my Xbox is all in French [I do not speak the language] but my bank is French. Generally the marketplace blocks me from buying most stuff apart from directly where I can use a proxy etc.

My cash depends on how the DLC is offered beyond the marketplace really.

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If you have an other bank than your xbox account, you can bypass any issues related to bank or credit card by using or if you dont have one creating a paypal account and adding it to your xbox account…
I had the same issue, now I use my paypal without any problems
there are enough guides on the net so if you would be interested you can google it easily


Sometimesit lets me and sometimes it doesn’t. I have issues with certain games being region locked as well. Left for dead and Halo for example were locked so could not play them after purchase :confused:
I have tonight been able to buy some forza DLC though so all is good. It’s maybe down to the game developers directly to decide on region locking.

I used paypal by the way in case others were curious. I have no UK bank now so French card with UK PayPal was fine :slight_smile:

If you are new to Forza then sure but if you’ve played the other ones I don’t see much point in buying the car pass, most of the cars are redone from FM4 and some of them we’re DLC cars in those games too, so you are buying the same car you purchased a few years ago! I had no problem buying the season pass in FM4 along with ALL the other DLC, but this game is a blatant rip off.

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It really depends on whether or not you want that additional content, meaning the cars that are coming out.
Of course we don’t know what will be released in the future, so if you got confidence that T10 will bring you the cars you want, go for it.

I personally will not buy the Car Pass, at least not right now.
I might grab it when it is on sale at some point.

I don’t see why I should pay $50 for a total of 60 cars when the main game was $10 more and provided more than triple the amount of cars, the tracks and the underlying technology.
I really dislike how pricing has evolved over the years.
Looking back to Forza 3, car packs were about $5 (400 msp), Forza 4 car packs are around $7 and Forza 5 car packs are now $10 (when bought seperately) while they provide the same amount of cars.
I bought every DLC for Forza 3 and 4 but I refused to buy the Season Pass for Forza Horizon because I thought the price didn’t match the value of the content provided.

This is my opinion on the matter.
I will wait and see what happens and how new tracks will be integrated in the pricing structure.

Probably not. I buy it every time, but only end up liking 1-2 cars per car pack. Yet I still buy the Pass. Ah well. At least I can try all the cars out to find out that there are only 1-2 cars I like.