VIP bundle Add-On DLC not working across two consoles

Hi all, I’m having a weird issue with using the VIP bundle add-on and trying to get all your expertise on this. I don’t know where to start to find out how to resolve this or if it is an active bug or not…

To keep this as simple as possible, I own two series X at home, I have one gamertag, I purchased the content on Xbox #1 it works just fine, I go to console #2 login with the same gamertag and launch online, get in a lobby, try and select one of the purchased vehicles from the add on.

Game gives a message saying this content is not available and I have to purchase again because it was purchased on another platform.

Does anyone else experience this? It sounds like an in game bug with their add on content.

You have the dlc installed on the other xbox? App->Manage check if the dlc is checked.

Not installed? Try to install via store, if it says buy try to install via remote install via Web, XboxApp on PC/Mobile

I’m having the same issue with the vip dlc I purchased it on my series x about 30 min ago and it telling me the same about it being purchased on a different platform and having to buy it again and idk what the hell is going on because I bought it on my series x so I couldn’t have bought it on the wrong platform

Did you find a fix?
I’ve run into the same problem right now :confused: