Very poor optimization and performance in PC (Game pass)

you started to complain after 5minutes of testing, that’s just straight down pathetic. On my system it’s not worse than before, I see some serious improvements. DLLS seems to work now and overall frame stability has improved as well.

It’s still not close to where it should be, but at least this is the first patch since launch that actually improved something.

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  • Improvements to alleviate track textures disappearing when playing on certain PC hardware configurations. [1615983]
  • Reduced the occurrence of a bug where the track or other objects becomes invisible while racing. [1615589]


can’t be that many month until the fix - they are working on it everyday since release


I was talking about driving the track,not the benchmark.But the benchmark works fine for me and results are very stable if I rerun it 3-4 times in a row I get the same results.I know because I have done that.The game has been stable for me for a while now so I’m done testing,the patch game a small performance increase on my system and we got one more track.I’m off to race Hockenheim.

Yeah I saw improvements too,it’s not just you.It made hdr sharper too.Before the patch running hdr made dashboards blurry,they seemed to have tweaked it a bit,it’s much better.I will leave hdr on now.

For the first time locking at 60fps vsync works on my system. I’ll probably use this going forward as it’s very smooth and imo the extra frames add nothing to the experience.

Also test Spa again, one of the far end corners still drops to 40fps for a few seconds. Looking at the AMD overlay, GPU was at 60% and CPU at 24% so not sure why it slows down so much?

Just humor me and turn off hardware accelerated gpu task scheduling in windows AND rebar,reboot and retry.It made the suzuka corners smooth for me and boosted performance too.

We shouldn’t have to do this for ONE game… A game that isn’t even finished, technically speaking.

Hardware accelerated GPU and SAM (Smart Access Memory), or Rebar, actually improve modern games that are coded properly.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple toggle in GPU driver software suites (for some it’s more involved; BIOS setting). It’s the principle. Every other game on my system benefits from this… Including FH5… But a racing game with a set track and 23 AI opponents needs to have everything turned off? Come on. That’s unacceptable. This is all on T10, and their mickey mouse coding.


I completely agree with FTLFAM : we shouldn’t turn off HAGS and SAM/REBAR to have a smooth game.


I totally agree,it deffo needs to be looked into further by Turn10 and fixed correctly.I was merely posting a possible solution to make this game run smooth so you can enjoy playing it.It’s up to you or not to make the changes or not.For me HAGS is unimportant even with it off my games run just fine and with it on it’s a 5% boost on some games,whoopee!!!.Rebar on Nvidia cards can be turned off on a per game basis with NvInspector,so it’s off for FM8 and on for the ones that benefit.But on MY system it makes the stutters completely disappear,maybe it will help one of the other players looking to fix the issue…

It’s not pathetic, it is my experience, the same as the vast majority of users. It doesn’t take that long to understand they did not get rid of FPS drops and texture issues and after a few more hours of gameplay and reading many other users complaints I think it is your comment that’s way beyond pathetic.

From everything I can tell the vast majority is seeing at least minor improvements. Giving the current state of the game, I still call this a win. You started crying across the forum about the game being even worse now within 15 minutes of patch release.
There’s no way you did some proper testing. This is what I call pathetic behavior.

There’s still 4 to 5 minutes of shader loading at every start up (if starts at all, for some)
Still constant FPS drops
Still disappearing textures
Still crashes happening from nowhere and many other well known issues
It doesn’t take that much time to test it to acknowledge those problems are still there, so your point is useless.

Plus, if you still call this “a win”, it is your problem. I’m sorry I’ve hurt your feelings, I won’t say nothing bad on this game anymore! It’s SUPER FINE, PERFECT, Oh my god!


The real issue is both the Series X and S, don’t have Rebar/SAM, as far as I know?

So, the PC version is probably not being developed (tested) with that feature?

SAM might be over saturating the PCI-E lane (generally speaking), or Memory Controller interface, or something along the I/O bandwidth chain which is why the game starts to stutter vs. when it’s off. FM simply can’t take advantage of newer tech… Yet FH5 does.

This is a clear case of a developer not testing, and/or being competent with the tool sets they’re using.

Well I was not commenting on the console version at all,and sorry for the confusion.I bailed on SeriesX and Gamepass and am awaiting my PS5/GT7 to arrive.All I know is with HAGS and Rebar turned off on my win11/3090 rig it’s stutter free,very similar to FM7,also stutter free.

I’m using a setup a bit like yours in so much as 4K 60Hz (61Hz on monitor - V-sync / freesync and an fps cap at 60).

I can’t seem to get the fps to actually stay at 60 - the frametime is constantly up and down - even if the game is paused and the render load is in theory not changing…

Settings don’t seem to make a dif to this for me - any ideas?

With AMD graphics cards, no more shader problems

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