Update 16: Open Class Lobby is Labeled Short But is Now Medium Length

Short races for open class racing. Every other mode has medium/long races. What we had going was working very well. More activity in open class in months. This change to Long races is going to push people away from the game more than they already have. This is just a suggestion. But I feel is the right move.

Short races for open class lobbies

Not everyone has 20-30 mins to sit down for a race. The 7-10 minute races worked perfect for me.


Medium race length is way too long. That means only 2 races per hour. Majority of the Player Base has family, Jobs and some household and short race length would allow racing more different cars and having more great races and battles per hour.

Majority of Forza Motorsport players wont race for half an hour in open class lobbies which results people only doing rivals instead or dont even play the game which results in empty lobbies and a much smaller Player Base.

So, short race length for open class lobbies is definitely the way to go.


Why Forza? Everything was going good. Why fix something thatā€™s not broken. This has to be a mistake Forzaā€¦


medium race length definitely the wrong way. i dont even have the time to spend around 30min per race.

if we could go back to short race length that would be awesome.


I would like to share my 2 cents here as well about this. I am disabled and I have had 4 surgeries (each elbow and each wrist) and I have a lower back issue. Due to the sugeries being unsuccessful I am unable to work and I get on this game to take my mind off of the day to day stress I have. I get on today and noticed that I now have to run a race for 20 minutes in open event class races, if I donā€™t want to practice or qualify. I personally am unable to do that. I have a hard enough time running short races back to back. So now racing in your game is not an option for me and possibly anyone else that is in my situation. You guys have built so much into the game for disabled people and now isolate some if not all of them by increasing race time to a length that I donā€™t see any of us being able to do that are in my situation.

I really do hope you guys change this as I personally donā€™t want to find something else to fill my time with as I have been playing Forza since the 1st release and this has been my outlet since I became disabled.


Agreed. My carpel tunnel really kicks in on the last lap of an 8 or 9 minute race to the point where my fingers start falling asleep and i can hardly feel the triggers, let alone the vibration i rely on to know whether im over-braking or spinning on throttle. A pit stop halfway isnt enough fpr me to get a good stretch amd feeling back. I probably need that surgery like other farriers have gotten to remedy the issue.


20 minute races? Turn 10 started catering to the more casual player after FM 4 and now itā€™s at an all time high. Putting voting systems in place and letting 68 people choose what the entire class racing community gets to race and how we race it. This is the definition of insanity. These votes should be carried out only in one place. In-game. We have touring cars and GT classes to do long races. No reason why we canā€™t have short back to back races on class racing how itā€™s always been. This for me is the end of Forza. I guess I wonā€™t be playing until we go back to short races. I have kids and itā€™s hard to dedicate a half hours worth of time to one race/practice.

Thanks Turn 10. For giving us hope that the game could be fun again and stripping it right out of our hands. You guys are so out of touch itā€™s crazy.

Please give us short races back. Or even better. Searchable user created lobbies.


As of Update 16 (Jan. 6, 2025), the Featured Multiplayer open class lobby is now medium length (~20 minutes) instead of the usual short length (~8 minutes).

Itā€™s still (mis)labeled as a ā€œshortā€ event on the main lobby-browsing menu, but after entering the lobby, the length is medium - at least double the number of laps as short races.

Please change these races back to short.


Strongly suspect this is a bug, as thereā€™s no mention of the change in the notes.

Hopefully, T10 start the year strongly by ensuring this is swiftly fixed.


@T10ManteoMax @JetPartySalad can we please have any info about it? is it a bug or was that an intended change?


I know the player base isnā€™t the most populated. But doing this is going to cut it in half , and cutting a playerbase that small in half is going to kill the game (even tho itā€™s been killed already)ā€¦ Nascar has long races , TC has long races , And GT has long racesā€¦ Why canā€™t we just leave what was good about open class racing alone. I hardly wanna open this game for 8mins a race let alone 30mins.



Hope this bug is first on your guys list to fix this morning if you didnā€™t realize yet B class and A class are your most loved and played classes in the open class Forza community

You already robbed us of all classes in open lobby now this is ruining the rest of B class week it really sucks to see it happen

Please fix !!!


You are only making this game worse t10.
Built from the ground down.
Waited over a month for B class to come back around ā€˜the class I enjoy racingā€™ to then have the remaining half ruined with medium length races.

Sort this out. Been out over a year now and you still canā€™t grasp what your player base want even though we tell you time and time again.


Iā€™m pretty sure that this race length was voted for. But to hold a vote on a forum and to change what everyone gets to race over 68 votes is crazy. You want to vote a game change it should be done ā€œin-game. Iā€™m only here on the forums cause Iā€™m tired of not enjoying one of my most beloved racing games by poor decision making. Let us race the class we want to race.

The tire wear change was a really big improvement. We could run the fastest builds and have good clean racing. Now everyone is forced in cars with less grip and the skill gap in lobbies has grown sooo much.

I really hope this gets fixed before A class drops!


lenght is just too much. good call Karma


personally wont be playing until this has been changed, 30 mins per race is just too long. had a very good thing going and ruined it.


may i add; im not an elitistā€¦ by all means, the forum is a way for T10 to get an idea on what the playerbase thinks. But instead of valueing every opion the same, listen to the loyal playerbase, to people that know how to race instead of people that play forza for 30mins every two weeks or so.


Hey T10, I need to be reasonably sure Iā€™ll be alive at the end of a race so anything over 8 mins is far too long.


Checks calendar. No itā€™s not April 1st.
