Short race extensions, featured MP

With the latest update the Dev team extended short races. With this extension of the races it has made FWD and AWD cars useless. On top of that. A chevron or Exocet can still run an entire race on Softs. Completely screwing over the balance of class racing. If you are going to extend the race length. Then you need to lower the tire wear. Or make it so these ultra light cars can’t race in lobbies. The imbalance is worse than ever.

I’m not even sure what to say. In my eyes this was a very stupid move.

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Hard to see a sensible reason for the change. Just benefits the meta cars even more.

The extended races plus changes in time between each race also means that players can’t do every race and have dead time in practice.


Fully agree with that. Seems like the game become more and more worse with every Update or would better call it downgrade.
Extend the short races to 10min gives the meta cars an even bigger advantage because of their minimal tire wear. Another point is you have to miss the next race because the races are a few Minutes too long now to join the next race.

Do the serious ones of the Forza Motorsport community a favour and go back to 8 Minute races as it was before the Update.

In my opinion t10 should do a lot of other “go backs” like delete all the different track temperatures and conditions, soft/medium/hard tyres, sus geo… But thats another thing and Not Part of this Post.

How i said, Please do us a favour and go back to 8 min race length.


@General_Pretzel Please consider lowering the tire wear multiplier in Short races. The recent changes made the strongest cars only stronger and the weakest cars even more weak.

Set the tire wear to x2 so everybody can run whatever car they want without having to worry about tire wear.


T10 why would you change the format of the class racing? Ok, making the races 10 minutes instead of 8 on average is fine, so long as the tyre wear is reduced also…

The way you have changed these races means that if we run soft tyres (which is what nearly everyone does), we now have tyres that are totally dead by the end of the race, what is the point of this?

We are not racing in open class races to think about pit stops or tyre wear. This style of racing can be left to the GT races or endurance races.

Why not just remove tyre wear from open classes altogether? We want to be maximizing the potential from the cars we are driving, not now having to drive on mediums and have a slower car because the tyre wear is too high.

On top of this… Because the current leaderboards are just terrible, there is a sizeable community that keeps track of online leaderboards. Making this change of longer races but with the same tyre wear makes it more tedious now for us to keep track of our times. Sigh… T10 why is it always one step forward then two steps back with this game?


I cant believe we still try and improve the game through this forum when deepdown we really know T10 wont listen to the hardcore community.
Personally im less and less motivated to play Forza thanks to stuff like this. To me, it shows the devs are clueless. If you want an even playingfield and longer races, tirewear x3 and… Fixed. This was not tested im sure.

I will probably come back to forza cause… I love the franchise. But you guys make it pretty hard to love with changes like this


I’m fine with the 10 minutes. In fact the races ranged between 7 and 10 minutes so the change is insignificant. But of course they should have balanced or changed the tire wear because even if they go back to 8 minutes the problem with the metacars will still be there.

Edit: what I don’t understand is why they have reduced the time between races from 15 minutes to 11 minutes.

It’s reduced so that people going from one race to the next have extra time between races (to invite friends, re-matchmake if you end up in a dead lobby, set all 3 qualifying laps etc.). Previously if you daisy-chained events you would have less than a minute before entries closed, which isn’t ideal if you need a little more time to get ready: Featured Multiplayer - Entries for Short races close 2 minutes too early (1912216)

Essentially Short is like Medium/Long now in that if you’re doing races in succession, you’re doing every second race on the list, instead of all of them.

Which isn’t good because you now have to pick and choose events. It would have been far simpler to just leave the races at 8 minutes long and increase the time between events slightly (unnecessary in my view but an extra two minutes would have been no issue for anyone).

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What a great way to make a very undesirable multiplayer even more undesirable to play :joy:

We loved being able to run softs it makes racing feel better and since t10 won’t fix all these broken pi cars at least we can compete with them

Now the exo nerds and Porsche 550 lames will be even faster and people who use normal cars and any fwd enjoyers are cooked

Thanks t10 :+1:t3:


That’s what I thought they’d do, extend the gap between races. Given it was 8 months between the suggestion/report and its implementation, maybe some of the time was spent discussing all the options before they settled in what was released yesterday.

We can only make assumptions but they have far more data on how changes could impact player numbers.

On a separate topic, I don’t think this game was designed with Short races or Open Class in mind, funnily enough. That’s odd considering it’s what Forza (both Motorsport and Horizon) have been doing for 20 years.

Maybe Open Class races should use the Forza Motorsport 7 multiplayer structure (no practice/qualifying, fuel/tyre, and races aren’t on a schedule) and be where people hop in for some quick runs, leaving Featured/Spec to be the “full race weekend experience”.

Just get rid of the tire deg already if there’s no mandatory pit stops.

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Voted. :check_box_with_check:

If a company was intentionally trying to flush its own product down the drain by making it unpalatable to most of its consumers, it’s hard to imagine what they would do that would be much different from what this company has done (& continues to do) to this game.

When results seem nearly indistinguishable from utter foolishness or sabotage, it’s hard not to question competence & intent.

Races every 11 min, for 10 min races is actually good idea, u have enough time to do qualify on any track, when u are doing race after race, and if u don’t like next race, u can skip it and don’t wait over 30min for next one.

But… tyre wear with current race length, makes most of cars unusable vs light meta like Exocet.
Personally I don’t like soft compound meta overall, but it’s still better than 1 meta car races due to tyre wear.

Set tyre wear to X1 for short races so that any car can run softs, or even better somehow disable use of soft compound in short races, so that we can use other type of tyres.

It was 15 minutes before wasn’t it? If so, previously if you didn’t like the next race then you’d have been entering the one starting 30 minutes after. Now, as it’s impossible to get to the race 11 minutes after, if you don’t like the one after that, then you are entering one 33 minutes later.

Running Softs on all cars makes more cars competitive. It’s the only way to deal with the poor PI system in this game. And I disagree with the races being 10 minutes. And longer time in between races. That’s 20 minutes to do 1 race. Forza class racing has been short back to back races since Forza 1. Qualifying for a short race is pointless. Perfect for GT, TC/ 30 minute races. I personally would rather tire wear go away for class racing and then go back to a hopper style lobby.

Explain to me why you hate the “Soft” tire meta?
I feel it’s good for a lot of cars. And with the PI. You’ll never be able to beat the Meta cars with out softs.

Even at 2x tires. Even FWDs and AWDs would make it to the end of a race. With them at 4x and 8minute races. They are dead the last lap.

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if u finish one race, next one starts roughly in 8-10 min [enough time to do qualifying lap on nurburgring] and if u skip this one then next one is in 10+11min =21 min.,


The tire wear multiplier has been adjusted from 4x to 2x in all of the following Featured MP Series:

  • Cycled Class Series
  • B Class Series
  • A Class Series
  • S Class Series
  • R Class Series

This change should mean that Soft tires are usable by any car without requiring pitting in Short (10 minute) races.

You should be able to restart the game and see the change effective immediately for the series listed above. Please keep us updated on the behavior and we’ll continue monitoring for any additional concerns regarding this issue.



Not sure about the Multi Class changes since it’s a longer race and people were mostly fine with the tire wear I believe, but we’ll have to see how this turns out (I guess it will be mediums all the way now).

Thanks for listening and cheers!

Yes; thanks for amending so swiftly.