Update 16: Open Class Lobby is Labeled Short But is Now Medium Length

I would like both the 20 minute and maybe 10 minutes

We Forza players don’t ask for much, short races in open class lobbies, endurance in the racing car lobbies. While you’re at it, open up lobbies for ALL classes. Stop inventing


There hasn’t been a vote on here about changing the race length for open class races (or if there was it was very well hidden).

The only poll which @T10ManteoMax puts up which includes reference to race length is for the community choice event each month - this month a Forza GT event I think. I think it’s quite common for “medium” to be the preferred length for those but I doubt the same outcome would be reached for standard Open class races.

This is either an error or T10 has amended the race length without any consultation and without referencing it in the patch notes. I think it’s most likely just an error so hopefully will be resolved shortly.


Just popping in to acknowledge the current B class report and this feedback. This is a high vote count for a new topic and I’ve been sharing it with the team - stay tuned, I’ll provide info when I have it.


Thanks Max. Very much helps everyone to know you
are on it.


I agree, You know the best part about Forza was when we could all hop in for some quick races and be done for the night. But this was also when we had something called Hoppers. You’ve already restricted our choices in what we decide to drive. But you’ve also restricted how many times we can race?
If there’s anything you can take from community, regarding the multiplayer…, the old system was better. At least we… individually had a choice.
So i’ll leave with one pro the multiplayer does have. Divison and Spec racing.

Crazy work.


While you are actually paying attention, PLEASE OPEN UP ALL OF THE HOPPERS. Let us decide what we want to race, you guys have no idea. Thanks.


Hey T10 I’m heading back to see my family for Christmas this year, if I start one of the new “medium” length races tonight will it be finished by December?

I wanted to express my concern regarding the recent increase in race lengths in open class lobbies. Many players, including myself, feel that these long races aren’t enjoyable, and honestly, we simply don’t have the time for them. The extended race durations are detracting from the experience and making it difficult for us to stay engaged!

Shorter races are what many of us prefer, as they offer a faster, more exciting experience that fits better into our schedules. We strongly believe that the game would be much more enjoyable if race lengths were returned to their previous shorter durations.

Thank you for considering this feedback, fellas. I hope you’ll take our concerns into account and make the necessary adjustments.

Best regards, PRM Explicit.


If you’re going to play a video game you should have no problem doing a race for a minimum of 20 minutes. 10 minute races are so pointless

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Looks like the same thing happened to the Cycled daily open class lobby too:

Looks like the same thing happened to the Cycled daily open class lobby too:

poll, vote, tomatoe tomato. all im saying is that the majority of voters are occasional players who’s vote affect the way the loyal community experiences the game in a bad way. Same thing happened after the tracklimits change in FM7 after peolpe complaining that that gave fast players an unfair advantage. imo limits became too strict but thats water under the bridge. My point is, apart from if its a topic or a poll, if you want to improve something, ask someone who knows. There a great deal of really fast guys around that understand racing. If you want to improve the game, ask them.


Get the idea behind this, but my attention span is very very short, is that a rabbit and most players are dropping out mid race, I like many come on here to race and have bit of fun after a hard days work…….long races are not fun! (Add mandatory pit stops to make it fair for tyres if the this is not going to change)


Open class racing has always been short length sprint races. Think Murry Walker “the lights go green and it’s go, go, go!” - yeah? Please revert back to the short race lengths, as they were prior to update 16. Probably asking too much now, but removing tyre wear for open class racing would also be a sensible and welcome change.


Has this been confirmed to be a bug? If not, what would be the purpose of having any medium length cycled class races?

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I can confirm that this is indeed a bug and was not an intentional change. We are working on a fix and hope to have it pushed out soon. Max or I will confirm here once the change has been pushed.

Thanks for your patience.


Thanks for the reply. It’s much appreciated.

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Now that we have your attention this same community that made this post gain so many votes and so much traction would also like to say this

PLEASE MAKE C CLASS / B CLASS / A CLASS always open year round 24/7 !!!

For the sake of it please make all classes available your class rotation has made the Forza community give on on racing it’s so bad some weeks most people don’t even play as we only have multi class and R class for a whole week

You guys give love to the race car community people but us class racers really want to be able to play and race the cars we love and most of those cars are in C / B / A class

Shot in the dark here but you at least addressed this bug what are the chances you guys can address this issue a lot of class racers have been asking for for over a year now


i agree with this because i really enjoy C. But if we did that we would want to leave two classes for the guys who race the upper classes.

B,A - S,R For a permanent classes.
Rotate all other classes Weekly.

This in my opinion would bring back so many player that stopped playing because they are limited to the classes that are only available one week out of the month. its discouraging for most people and they don’t want to invest time into something they don’t enjoy. People keep saying we don’t have the player base for all the classes to be open. but what if this was the answer to the low player base? you guys have not tried it since the games release.